Witchcraft and the Occult: White Magic Vs. Black Magic Methods of Protection and Self-defense

Petrouchka_by_A._Benois_02There is talk among some witches about the difference between black and white magic. The discussion invariably extends to the question of whether either exists because the science of witchcraft is just that and is, itself, neutral.

There are many different definitions of white and black magic, but for the purposes of the discussion in this article, black magic refers to methods that may involve harm to others and white magic refers to to methods which are entirely straightforward and cause no harm to others.

Of course, where people draw the line between white and black, also, differs. Many people consider any operation that undermines the free will of another person to be black magic. But, the fact is most black magicians give little if any thought to this and if you are serious about protection and self-defense, you cannot concern yourself with such things, especially if you are actually under attack by evil people who intend to do you all sorts of harm.

White Magic Protection and Self-Defense

Methods of white magic self-defense include incantations, prayers and the use of incense smoke, blessed oils, holy water and charms. At worst, it involves reversing a spell back onto the caster or binding an aggressor to keep them from acting in harmful ways. The use of protective amulets, talismans, prayer and meditation generally fall under the heading of white magic self-defense.

If you are under psychic attack, you can take steps to protect your energy centers from being attacked and this may work depending on the degree and consistency of the attack. Wearing a red string around your waist, your wrist or your neck is an example of a white magic method of protection against both intentional attacks and the Evil Eye, which is not always intentional.

If you have a problem with strange happenings around your house, you can begin by saying a prayer or blessing in each room of the house and anointing it with Holy Oil or Holy Water or smudging, first with a bundle of White Sage, then following up with a braid of Sweetgrass. These are all simple white magic methods, which everyone should use sometimes to keep harmonious vibrations in and around your home.

White magic spells for protection may provide a first layer of protection, but it is not enough if you are dealing with a relentless attack from a black magician. More aggressive methods, knowledge of black magic and the mentality of a black magician are necessary to combat and successfully defeat such attacks.

Black Magic Protection and Self-Defense

7-deadly-sinsBlack magic is used in more serious situations where white magic methods are insufficient. Unlike white magic, black magic does not concern itself with ethics, legality or spiritual consequences. While it is important for black magicians to avoid running up against the law for their own safety – and, in fact, this is a main reason for using black magic instead of more physical methods – it is not a concern in and of itself.

Black magicians use aggressive techniques in self-defense. They layer their efforts to make them more difficult to discover and dismantle. They employ rigorous secrecy and deploy confusion spells against enemies.

Santa Muerte is an example of a powerful spirit employed to strike down enemies, but traditional witches and Hermeticists use a wide variety of aggressive spirits, some of which are very old spirits, others of which are familiar spirits or egregores. A black magician in need of serious protection will employ an army of of spirits similar to a cadre of physical warriors, each assigned to perform specific tasks.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Black magicians who employ unwholesome spirits require extra protection that is constant and powerful. Certain spirits are employed entirely for the magicians personal protection, while others strike aggressively at enemies in different ways. The more you know about your enemies, the better you can devise ways of striking at them.

The mindset of the black magician is very important; it is ruthless with regard to self-preservation. When you are working for your own self-defense, you must be ruthless – you cannot give an inch of room for your enemy to strike you. Resist any attempts by enemies to tempt you to act against your own best interests, for instance, goading you into revealing information about yourself they can use against you or lowering your defenses. Do not give quarter to enemies and never become sympathetic to evil. Evil never appreciates sympathy, but perceives it as weakness and will attack all the more.

While white magic for self-defense has its place as a first layer of protection, but the white magic mindset of “do no harm” is not a good position for serious cases. Sometimes it is necessary to do harm to prevent greater harm to one’s self and others.

Learning more about black magic helps you to understand the techniques employed, so that you can better protect yourself.

Learn more about Santa Muerte and Black Magic with the following books:

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Black Magic for Dark Times:  Spells of Revenge and Protection

Grimoire of  Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death (Volume 2)

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Also, available at Barnes & Noble and other book retailers.

One Response to “Witchcraft and the Occult: White Magic Vs. Black Magic Methods of Protection and Self-defense”

  1. simon r humphries Says:

    I will tell you this for a certainty, that the true nature of witchcraft (the common pre-adamite religion to all matriarchal/chthonic aboriginal earth peoples) is morbidly base in the extreme, as one of their methods of adamite subversion is the use of beastiality (mainly dog and goat) to create the condition known as “Treacher Collins”. This severe Genetic condition is found in Caucasians; Jews; Negroes; and Indians (all castes) is rare I believe in China and Australian Aborigines. TC is not, in my opinion, a X between human and animal, but damage done to the womb from a prior pregnancy, hardy long lived bacteria in the semen perhaps, like toxoplasmosis in kitty litter? (the foetus’ of prior half animal pregnancies by the way, dead or momentarily alive, would be raped sodomized and sadistically tortured on video and the remains used for magical purposes: De Sade; Crowley; Jagger bitch, et al)
    A well known fact from the Scotch witch trials is that when the coven gathered together for the Sabbat, Satan would appear in the form of a black goat or a black dog or a blackmoor man, and all them witches would fall down and do obeyceaunce unto his highness the dark one, refer Margaret Murray for an interesting insight into this real religion.
    They would obtain mens semen from prostitute women (ala incubi and succubi) and they impregnate the TC’s with the paleoscientific intention of damaging the human genome as “revenge for Cain” and also to terrify adversaries or subordinates as is especially marked in the west African witchdoctors. The TC’s have operations now at birth, and no one will be able to tell how much of this shit is getting in to the common gene pool. A very interesting book of High Witchcraft is “Theozoology” by Huston Stuart Chamberlain (true author of the famous “Protocols of Zion” and one of the 36 hidden Tzaddiks) this book is a High Catholic Roman A-Clef death letter.
    P.S. They have burned some good families with this.

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