Archive for the Traditional Witchcraft Category

Analysis and Movie Review of ‘The Premonition,’ 1976, A Parapsychological Horror-Thriller Starring Richard Lynch

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, movie review, occult, Parapsychology, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2020 by littleredridinghood

This review and analysis naturally contains spoilers. So does the author’s comprehensive audio review of the film, which may be heard at Bitchute. or Cocoscope. Hear all of the monologues of Sophia diGregorio.

Premonition_1976Quite possibly the best movie ever made on the theme of parapsychology, The Premonition, released in 1976, starring Richard Lynch, Sharon Farrell, Ellen Barber, Edward (Michael) Bell, Chitra Neogy, and Daniel Brisebois, and written and directed by Robert Allen Schnitzer.

The Premonition is an intelligent horror film, one for the thinking fan of the horror-thriller genre. The style of the film is such that if you are not paying attention, you can easily miss important details.

The syle of the film is fast-paced, but cerebral and driven by character and dialogue. There are no explosions or chases, rather the action is often in the minds of the characters and not just the mind of Sherrie, the main clairvoyant, but also in the minds of And

The script is well-written and beautifully executed. Three primary storylines are interwoven throughout the film. The music by Henry Mollicone is haunting and there are many breathtakingly beautiful scenes all throughout. The artistic aspect of the film seems to overshadow the substance of it, which is a very important statement on the nature of psychic abilities and the power of witchcraft.

Primary Themes

While the story of the film may be summarized as a story of child abduction, this is not really the primary theme. The themes of this film are far more profound and less mundane.

Clairvoyance is a major theme throughout the film. It provides a representation of how clairvoyance manifests. It also shows how clairvoyants are mistreated by skeptics.

Parapsychology is the scientific study of the metaphysical reality, especially concerning the powers of the mind, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and claircognizance. A great deal of modern communications and warfare technology has grown out of this study. It is an area of science in which some remnant of true scientific inquiry has remained. The orthodox science has long been under the control of corporate and political interests. Parapsychology retains the essence of true scientific inquiry and represent rebellion within the scientific establishment. Publicly, parapsychology has been subjected to ridicule, however, behind the scenes, it has been the force behind the highest forms of modern technology.

A related theme throughout the film is that of parapsychology as a metaphysical science in relation to physical science and the failures of the scientific orthodoxy to account for the metaphysical reality.

Possession by disembodied spirit seeking to reunite with her daughter and fulfill her dream of giving a piano concert plays a large role in the latter part of the film. Characters are represented as being under possession, which is exhibited by changes in their speech, behaviors, apparent desires, and abilities.

Motherhood and that which is sometimes called “Mother’s Intuition” is another theme some viewers have identified.

The Characters

The main characters:

The Hero, Professor Jeena Kingsley (Chitra Neogy)

The Antagonist, Professor Miles Bennett (Edward (Michael) Bell)

Sherrie Bennett, the adoptive mother of Janie and wife of Professor Miles Bennett (Sharon Farrell)

Jude the Clown (Richard Lynch)

Andrea, the natural mother of Janie (Ellen Barber)

The five-year old daughter Janie (Danielle Brisebois)

Symmetry in the Script

There is beautiful symmetry between the characters, which may be observed in terms of parallels and contrasts between characters and scenes.

The are parallels between the couples, that of Sherrie and her husband Professor Miles Bennet and that of Andrea and Jude. In both relationships, there is deception, hidden desires and secret agendas. Andrea deceives Jude and Mile Bennett deceives both his wife and Dr. Kingsley, at least, for a time.

Dr. Bennett represents parapsychology and Miles Bennet, the astrophysicist husband of Sherrie, represents orthodox science, or materialist science, which is referred to as “physical science” in the film. Dr. Kingsley may also be seen to represent Eastern thought and Dr. Bennett as representative of the mainstream Western world view.

Examples of contrasts between he artists and the non-artists, those who are psychically receptive and those who are not. There are contrasting scenes in the film, most notably that of the landlady in pink curlers and Jude at the farmhouse.

Other contrasting scenes, include the carnival work environment in contrast to the clinical setting of the paraphysics laboratory and the pristine, stable middle-class home of the Bennetts in contrast to Jude’s trailer and succession of shabby, temporary accommodations.

The three main story lines involve the following character pairings: Jude and Andrea; Sherrie Bennett and her adopted daughter Janie; Professor Bennett and Professor Jeena Kingsley.

Tension is achieved in scenes in which Sherrie opens the door to Janie’s bedroom or whenever the telephone rings. The music of Henry Mollicone provides the mood for many scenes, especially those involving Jude and Andrea. At times, a harpsichord is heard instead of the piano, a subtle change which affects the mood of many important scenes. In the final scene Sherrie is playing a harpsichord.

Synchronicity is part of the metaphysical reality, which is expressed this film when we see that Professor Bennett meets a parapsychologist through his workplace while his wife is experiencing clairvoyance.

Andrea goes to retrieve her daughter from the house of her adoptive mother, but fails. Andrea’s insanity consumes her and soon drives Jude to his own insanity. He murders her. She possesses him and he finds and keeps the child. At the end, the parapsychologist arranges for Sherrie to become possessed by Andrea. The child returns to both Sherrie and Andrea who now possesses Sherrie.

The ending seems open, since Andrea has entered the entranced body of Sherrie. Now both of them are the girl’s mother.

Doctors Kinglsey and Bennett are metaphors. Ultimately, the parapsychologist, Dr. Kingsley, emerges as the strong, confident hero of the story while the orthodox scientist, Dr. Bennett appears weak, uncertain, inconstant, and corrupt. Dr. Bennett is a metaphor for the scientific orthodoxy and his corruption appears in his pursuit of an extra-marital affair with his colleague Dr. Kingsley.

Significant Statements About Telepathy and Clairvoyance

There are many significant quote in the dialogue, especially made by the character Dr. Jeena Kingley, the parapsychologist.

Dr. Kingsley: Evidence of telepathy appears most readily when the unconscious minds is most receptive and it is most receptive when it is in the dream state. We can tell when the subject is dreaming through Alpha brain wave activity, pulse rates, breathing patterns, REMs (Rapid Eye Movements).

Dr. Kingsley: Trying to understand the phenomena of the real world sometimes reveals more the nature of the mind more than things.

In another scene:

Dr. Kingsley: That’s because the fundamental principles which your science is based on are incomplete.

Professor Miles Bennett: Would it help if I close my eyes?

Dr. Kingsley: You might find you can see a lot better.

In yet another scene:

Dr. Kingsley: And so the fundamental assumption of modern science is that we are separate entities and everything is external to us. This approach however obscures our true nature. Parapsychology becomes a rather philosophic and theological science at this point.

Student: What is the cause of such an illusion?

Dr. Kingsley: It arises from the structure of our nervous system and the false way we are trained as children to perceive. The clairvoyant reality is totally rejected by science and finds expression only in art, music, and religion.

The 2005 Richard Lynch Interview:

Parapsychology T-Shirts, Mugs, Stickers and Gifts: and

Free Ebook Download at Mediafire:

Witchcraft is Not Political Activism, Ritual is Not Performance Art, and “Witch” is Not a Euphemism for “Feminist”

Posted in Anti-Witch, occult, spell books, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2020 by littleredridinghood
The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program

Free Ebook- The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program

Recently, Sophia diGregorio was mentioned in an article at Coindesk (Cuen, Leigh, Why Cypherpunk Witches Love Bitcoin, Coindesk, February 10, 2020., on the subject of using cryptocurrencies to conduct business in instances where witches and occult businesses are being charged higher fees by banks and payment processors, denied accounts altogether, and being prevented from freely engaging in commerce on popular ecommerce platforms.

While we are certainly grateful for the mention in this article, there are a few things, which should be made clear to avoid any confusion.

Firstly, Sophia diGregorio is not a “feminist author” and has never contributed as much as a single word to that body of literature. She is an occult author who writes books on subjects to do with witchcraft and occultism, especially traditional witchcraft, which means the universal practice of witchcraft that excludes the religion Wicca. She has, also, written some horror in the past, almost all about fictional vampires, which, because of the threat of censorship that began occurring in 2012, has been removed from publication. Horror is a genre of fiction that is presently under attack from censors, as she has described in some recent monologues.

Secondly, traditional witchcraft and occultism are not political subjects. Furthermore, Sophia diGregorio has never written any “mainfestos,” whatsoever. The free ebook, “The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program,” is not a political tract of any kind or a “manifesto.” Rather, it is a book about business and technology, and using cryptocurrencies as an alternative means to disseminate information on subjects to do with witchcraft and the occult. It also describes why this is needed. Specifically, the free ebook outlines a program the author envisioned, which is like Patreon, but is privately administered and uses only cryptocurrency. It also talks about how to safely obtain and use cryptocurrencies as a means of alternative transaction. The other book on cryptocurrences, Traditional Witches History of the Occult Banking System, is also a book about business and technology especially written for witches and occultists, which discourages political activism in favor of using cryptocurrencies to undermine the “In God We Trust” system. So, not only is the author not a political activist or a political writer, but she repeatedly expresses opposition to such activities, mostly because they are a waste of time, especially for witches and occultists.

Thirdly, the word, “witch” is not a euphemism or a code word for something else. When we say, “witch,” we mean witch, one who practices witchcraft. When we say, “witchcraft,” we mean just that–witchcraft. It is not a euphemism for a political position. “Witch” is not a substitute word for “feminist.” “Witchcraft” is not a code word for “feminism.” These terms are not euphemisms for anything. “Witch” really means witch and “witchcraft” really means witchcraft. For people who do not believe in witchcraft or the existence of witches, this is probably difficult to grasp. But, this is the case, nonetheless.

Despite the assertions made in a barrage of articles written, especially in the past few months at a number of websites and blogs, “witchcraft” is not code for political activism and witches and occultists are not political activists. In reality, we are people who practice witchcraft and study occultism. We are not a political activist group.

Furthermore, despite what the people at the Satanic Temple (who are not occultists and who ridicule witchcraft and occultism) or some alleged Wiccans with painted faces assert, witchcraft and occultism are not performance art. We witches and occultists are not people who play dress up and perform mock rituals to “hex” politicians or “curse” people to lesbianism in the after-life. Being a witch or practicing witchcraft or any aspect of occultism, including Satanism, or being any kind of occultist does not denote any political position. It is a spiritual matter and it is usually a deeply private matter, as well, which we do not display before the public.

As witches and occultists, we cannot stop political activists from doing and saying these outrageous things in our name, prancing around before cameras and news reporters, giving interviews, and pretending to be us. But they are not us.

If you are looking for political activists here, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a place for witchcraft, for the occult. It’s not a joke and these terms are not a code for something else.

Thanks to the, for essentially reprinting the article without these unfounded characterizations of the author as a political writer or political activist. (The Wild Hunt, Pagan Community Notes: Cedarsong Grove announces dissolution, cryptocurrency & Witches, 30 curse tablets found in well in Greece, and more!,” The Wild Hunt, February 10, 2020. “ )

Download the free ebook from mediafire.

Visit The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog to hear the monologues.

Read a similar article, “Witchcraft is Occultism, Not Political Activism.”

Listen to a monologue on this subject, entitled “Off-the-Record, “Imposters: Witches and Occultists Are Being Impersonated and Defamed by Political Activists.

Happy Yuletide!

Posted in occult, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, Wicca with tags , , , , on December 20, 2019 by littleredridinghood

Season’s Greetings from all of us at Traditional Witchcraft and Occultism and at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio.

Of Witches and Wolves: Are Werewolves Real?

Posted in occult, shapeshifters, Traditional Witchcraft, Transformation, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on September 6, 2019 by littleredridinghood

wolf-red-riding-hood“Are werewolves real?” This is a question many witches and pagans, including those in Europe not long ago, would have never thought to ask. Wolves are closely tied to witchcraft and paganism in Europe, North America, and around the world. It is especially true among many native American Indians to this day in the United States and the remants of the pagan past of Europe tell of all of our ancestors’ relationship to wolves.

I'm a werewolf! What's your excuse? Humorous sticker.

I’m a werewolf! What’s your excuse? Humorous sticker.

Wolves and the transmogrification (or shapeshifting) of humans into wolves or wolf-like forms are aspects of shamanism. The shaman works for not just his or her own benefit, but for the benefit of the entire tribe, for protection, for success in hunting, and in fending off dangerous enemies. The wolf and the practice of voluntary lycanthropy is regarded as beneficial and, in this context, there is nothing baneful in the image of the wolf or in the practice of lycanthopy.

Lycanthropy started getting a bad reputation as our historical enemies invaded and began their defamation campaign against pagans and witches. Accused werewolves, those who were accused either of lycanthropy or of being on too friendly of terms with wolves, were arrested, tortured, and systematically murdered in much the same way accused witches were. Sometimes witch trials and werewolf trials were one and the same during the MIddle Ages.

Benevolent Lycanthropy

Lycanthropic Society Sticker

Lycanthropic Society Sticker

In the history of pagan cultures, lycanthropy is beneficial and wolves are part of our cosmology. Among American pagan civilizations, the creators are wolves and, in some instances, the first men were born wolves and later became men.

“Manido,” “manito,” and “manitou” are terms related to the concept of primordial forces. A manitou is such a force, which may be beneficial or destructive, and it is also a term applied to those who have ability to transmogrify. This term, is also related to such terms a shapeshifter and skinwalker. This is a common ability of many pagans and witches and in traditional witchcraft these concepts are almost inseparable.

In some modern pagan cultures, there are those who are born with the ability and who are closely associated with wolves. This concept was illustrated in the fictional novel series, Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. While the story is fictional, there is truth in the existence of tribes or clans whose members possess this ability through heredity.

Some stories from North American Indian cosmology, which tell of the wolf’s role in creation and in relation to humanity:

white-wolf“Glooskap the Divinity: Of Glooskap’s Birth, and of his Brother Malsum the Wolf,” The Algonquin Legends of New England, by Charles Leland, 1884.

Manabozho’s Wolf Brother: A Menomini Legend. (Note: This story describes manidos taking the shape of a wolf to hunt for food.)

Ojibwe Oral Tradition: Wenebojo and the Wolves.

Menominee Oral Tradition.

Remember the Old Ways

werewolf-littleredridinghoodIn many modern, popular books on witchcraft and neo-paganism, the authors tell their readers to “remember” and to “re-member,” which means to reach down into your soul-self and reconstruct–or reassemble–the knowledge your were born with which was terrorized out of your ancestors. There is valuable information that has been only temporarily forgotten, which is rightfully yours.

Part of this act of remembering includes revivifyingy our natural relationship with the wolf and lycanthropy.

Wolf: Remember Who and What You Are

Wolf: Remember Who and What You Are

The wolf is not mere symbolism. Your relationship to the wolf, to werewolves, to the manitou and transmogrification, as a practice, is factual. It is not merely myth.

To learn more about the subject of voluntary lycanthropy, enjoy a free episode of The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio, available at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Blog. You can also try clicking the following link, which–with any luck, at all--should take you directly to public Monologue 5 of 2019, “Werewolves: Voluntary Lycanthropy.”

For cool witch, wolf, and werewolf designs, check out our “Werewolves and Shapeshifters” on Pinterest:

Santa Muerte’s Relationship to Contracts

Posted in Black Magic, Holy Death, Mexican Witchcraft, occult, protection spells, Santa Muerte, self-defense, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on July 15, 2019 by littleredridinghood
Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial (Santa Muerte Series) (Volume 1) by Sophia diGregorio

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death

One of Most Holy Death’s important offices is that of overseeing justice as it relates to contracts, whether these are formal contracts or social contracts, as described by the philosopher Rousseau.

In the last public monologue of 2018, posted at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio blog, Sophia diGregorio talks about how prevalent injustices, whether in the courts or in society, are giving more strength to Santa Muerte and contributing to her rise in popularity.

Most Holy Death represents a powerful refuge for those lacking justice in society and as the numbers of the disenfranchised grow, not only in Mexico but in the United States and around the world, so does her following. As corrupt institutions, whether religious or secular, continue to weaken, she grows more powerful and so do her devotees.

If you are among those wronged without recourse to justice, then you may want to get to know her better. Learn more about Santa Muerte in this monologue from The Occult Files, entitled, “The Ultimate Power: Most Holy Death, “Contracts and the Rise of Most Holy Death.”

This is the direct link to the video: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorioThe Ultimate Power: Most Holy Death, “Contracts and the Rise of Most Holy Death.”

The above audio/video file is approximately 16 minutes in length. The monologue is from The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018, the transcripts of which are available from Amazon, Smashwords, and other fine book retailers.

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018

Also, you can listen to these files free at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio blog.

The Illegal Establishment of Religion is a Fast-Growing Trend in the U.S. as Religious Zealots Abuse State and Federal Legislatures and Courts

Posted in Anti-Witch, neo-paganism, occult, privacy, prosperity, self-defense, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 19, 2019 by littleredridinghood

Note of 8/7/2019: Most of this article, the real substance of it, has been removed by the author. The original article is going to be incorporated into a longer work on this subject, which will be available at a later date.

Witch Persecution

Despite the existence of the United States as the oldest living republic and the first secular republic on the face of the earth, attempts to force religion, especially that of the Sinister Trinity (this is the author’s term for the major world religions as one entity), upon the people persists unabated. In fact, it seems that the effort has gathered steam, especially in the past few years.

Efforts to force Americans to submit to the God of the Sinister Trinity by passing dubious legislation seem to have begun in earnest about the time of the First World War, which is when a number of government, quasi-government, and private entities with that aim were created. (In the book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System, the author calls this the ‘In God We Trust System,” which has been illegally forced on Americans for over a century.) Such efforts gained more steam in the 1950s during the Red Scare, even more so during the 1970s, when Christian Evangelicals became more blatantly political, and then, again, in 2001, when George W. Bush signed an executive The Original Faith-Based Initiativeorder establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI). This organization makes illegal use of illegally obtained Federal taxpayer funds to pay off and influence religious leaders in ways that benefit religious entities harbored both within and outside of the U.S. government.

Presently, different factions of the Sinister Trinity are openly fighting with each other for supremacy in the government and for cultural dominance, a circumstance which has proven to be gravely dangerous for witches and occultists in the past because we get caught in the crossfire. They are using the Federal and state legislatures, the courts, even the executive office, as well as tech companies and financial companies to wage this conflict.

It is important for witches, occultists, and other heretics to be aware of what is happening, to recognize the familiar patterns from our history, and take steps to increase your privacy and protect yourself from this growing existential threat. In this article, the author will attempt to give you a brief overview of recent developments, beginning with a look at the past, which is not really behind us. It is still with us in more ways than one.

Anti-Blasphemy Laws

While the Sinister Trinity’s centuries-old history of persecuting witches in the New World is well known, you may still be surprised to learn that in the U.S., despite the Bill of Rights, six states still maintain anti-blasphemy laws: Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. To “blaspheme” means to speak or write with contempt, irreverence, or disrespect toward God and related things.

As an example of such legislation, Massachusetts‘ General Laws, Part IV, Title I, Chapter 272, Section 36 of the Massachusetts General Laws, reads as follows:

Whoever willfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, His creation, government or final judging of the world, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching or exposing to contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, and may also be bound to good behavior. (

The word, “contumeliously,” is used three times in this short paragraph of law. This is a word no longer commonly in usage in modern English. According to Merriam-Webster online, the word from which it is derived, “contumelious,” means “insolently abusive and humiliating.”

Also, notice that the paragraph refers to God’s “government.” This is because the Sinister Trinity believes that governments are ordained by their God and that government and law enforcement officials are God’s servants or agents. The idea of a secular state, a secular government, is radical and inherently “Satanic” in the view of the Sinister Trinity and they insist that the U.S. government comes from God, is the work of Christians, and is based on Judeo-Christian law. This is one reason they keep illegally erecting their contemptible “Ten Commandments” monuments on government property. It’s why they insist on the religious slogan, “In God We Trust,” being stamped on everything, public and private, and it was religious fanatics, in particular, Eisenhower, who passed an illegal Federal law in the 1950s declaring this statement to be the official motto of the United States of America.

This blasphemy law in Massachusetts, is similar to the kind of laws that exist in Pakistan and now modern-day Europe. Concepts of hate speech, which are incompatible with American laws, are being enforced in the U.S., upon American citizens, through private corporations in control of communications in the U.S. Increasingly, vital technology companies, first developed in the U.S., are now directly in the hands of those who are historically dangerous enemies to witches, occultists, and pagans outside the U.S. To learn more about these developments, please, listen: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio, “The First Monologue of 2018,” which may be heard, free-of-charge, by visiting The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog at this link or it may be read in the book, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio, The Public Monologues of 2018, available from Amazon, other popular retailers, or in paperback directly from Winter Tempest Books in exchange for cryptocurrency.)

Numerous American States Require a Belief in “God” or the “Supreme Being” as a Condition of Employment

Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

For a long time now, a number of states require their government employees to profess a belief in “God,” aka. “The Supreme Being” as a condition of employment. The implications of this are described in, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination.

In some states, such as Arkansas, you are not allowed to be a witness in court or serve on a jury unless you profess a belief in “God” or the “Supreme Being.”

Recent attempts to overturn such pernicious, obviously unconstitutional laws have failed! Instead, we are getting more such laws.

Theoretically, there is no religious test for office. But, let us now count how many known witches hold public office. … [the sound of crickets]… You won’t find many garden variety atheists in office in this secular nation, either. The reason for this seems clear and the implications are sinister, to say the least.

By way of a conclusion to an article like this, you might expect to see some call to organize a protest or perhaps call your local senator or congressman, but the futility of such advice is self-evident. It was once said that unless you can mail a donation check to your representative in the tens of thousands of dollars, don’t bother to write because your letter will go into the waste basket. But, at this point, there is no amount of campaign bribery that would be effective in turning back this trend, even if you had millions of dollars at your disposal. The deck is absolutely stacked in the favor of the same powerful religious interests that have plagued W. Europe and subsequently the Americas for centuries.

Religious Fanatics Don’t Care If They Violate the Law or Your Inherent Rights

There are plenty of legislators, judges, and employers who do not care about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act or what the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ( EEOC) says. Furthermore, they are serving their dark lord, getting brownie points to get into Heaven, and looking good in public to their fellow fanatics by discriminating against you. Even if you are a member of a well-establish witchcraft-based or pagan religion, they don’t care. They are all the more convinced that by fighting you they are “doing the Lord’s work.” You’ll have a lot of trouble getting your legal rights recognized in a government and a judicial system that is run, from top to bottom, by religious fanatics who, time after time, put their religion and their God, above the law, as repeatedly illustrated in the above examples.

Dangerous religious fanatics, who worship a composite of mostly malignant, blood-thirsty and flesh-hungry entities, which date back thousands of years in Mesopotamia and northern Africa and have been known throughout time as “God,” “The Lord,” and by many other names, have taken complete control of our government and the governments of many other rightly secular or pagan nations. The author calls the Sinister Trinity “sinister,” which means “left hand,” for good reason. It is all the things they—their doctrines and their followers—project at witches! Consider for a moment the things they commonly accuse witches of. Naturally, you are familiar with them. They are the ones doing these things. Consider the ongoing crimes of the Roman Catholic Church alone! They are the masters of inverting the truth, projecting, and scapegoating. (The 2nd Public Monologue of 2019, which is called “Scapegoating: or, How the Devil Got His Horns,” is available as a free audio file at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.)

Centuries ago, the Sinister Trinity took control of our pagan civilizations. While there are no reports of anyone being dragged out of his or her house and burned at the stake just yet, our situation is not improving. Right now, they have entered the later stages of tyranny, similar to that which they have perpetrated against us in the past. If circumstances continue on, if we follow where this road inevitably leads, they will become ever more bold and aggressive.

Silence is Golden

The Wise are Silent

The Wise are Silent

In the face of these unsettling developments, along with corresponding cultural developments of the past few years, it is imperative for witches, occultists, and other heretics to maintain privacy. Take care in your use of social media, other methods of high tech communication, and transaction. Change the way you communicate and do business to protect yourself from the zealots, who have taken control of these things.

The corporate social media structure, just like the corporate banking structure and the government, is centralized. It is the nature of the beast to be easily compromised. It is beneficial to witches, occultists, and other vulnerable individuals to move away from centralized, authoritarian structures so that you can regain the personal and financial sovereignty to which you are inherently entitled.

While technology is often scapegoated as the cause of loss of privacy, it is, in fact, technology that provides a solution to many problems we are all facing. New technology now exists to take witches off the “In God We Trust System.” All you have to do is recognize it and start using it. It’s really that simple.

Please, read more about the “In God We Trust System” and solutions to the problems it presents in Sophia diGregorio’s book,  Traditional Witches History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, (paperback) (Kindle) (Nook) (Paperbacks may now be purchased directly from Winter Tempest Books, P2P, in exchange for cryptocurrency.)

Please, read Sophia diGregorio’s free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way. The free ebook is available in .pdf, .mobi, and .epub formats. (No opt-in or any such nonsense.)

Listen to The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio, the Public Monologues of 2018 and 2019, absolutely free at The Occutl Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress Blog.

Purchase the transcripts of The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018 in paperback or ebook formats at Amazon and in ebook form at Smashwords.

Witchcraft in the Absence of Justice

Posted in Alternative Health, Anti-Witch, Black Magic, occult, privacy, prosperity, protection spells, self-defense, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , on February 1, 2019 by littleredridinghood

What is Justice?

persecution_of_witchesJustice means receiving fair treatment from others, in particular, systems of justice involving police and courts. It, also, means honesty and fair play when we interact and transact with others in society, whether in interpersonal relationships, in business, or in other day-to-day circumstances. Justice in the practical sense means being let alone, let be, left in peace. It means being treated with the modicum of respect owed to human beings–or, at least, to animals–and being allowed to exist without constant interference.

The Men of God Administering Their Justice

The Men of God Administering Their Justice

Justice has been unattainable for many witches. Anytime a person wants to be simply left in peace to live life in accordance with his or her own will, he or she is in a position to draw the wrath of authoritarians.1 This is a longstanding problem for witches, occultists, and other heretics, who are targeted and treated unjustly.

Witches are often denied the opportunity to practice the healing arts openly and women, in particular, are still specifically targeted for especially violent crimes, simply for existing. While the names of the perpetrators have changed since the 17th century and they don’t burn women at the stake anymore, they have other ways of targeting those whose existence presents an offense to the established systems of religion and medicine, which are a part of government and society and which remain unchanged despite outward appearances.

In this instance, “witchcraft” may defined as spiritual, healing, and other practices for which our ancestors were murdered because they are incompatible with official religion or government of the persecutors. Nearly every aspect of the system is at odds with the life and philosophy of a witch, whether legal, medical, financial, or educational.

How Witches Cope with Injustice in Society, the Justice System, and Other Established Systems

Because witches cannot count on justice, whether in the justice system or in society, you must rely upon secrecy and witchcraft when moving among the common masses, and often you must use other techniques, called “black magic,” to put an end to the targeting. It is often the case that the system of justice does not recognize crimes perpetrated against witches and most often against women (especially single women or otherwise socially non-conforming individuals) as crimes at all. Such abuses are regarded as a natural part of our lives that we should reasonably expect to have perpetrated against us and they are, therefore, permitted to flourish in the belief that witches and women are not worthy of the most basic human dignity and respect.

Justice for Witches

Witches’ History with the Justice System

After all, it was not long ago that our humanity was questioned by the establishment. They said we did not have souls. Even if they do not admit it, there are many who seem to hold onto the belief that women and witches do not have souls and are less than human. These ideas are deeply ingrained in their psyches, as evidenced by their own words and actions.

As a witch, you must look out for your own interests both by mundane means and by the power of witchcraft. Guard your privacy well, too, because anything that someone knows about you that can be used against you eventually will be and probably by someone you once trusted with your life.2 Do not assume that justice is a fair and equitable institution simply because some Men of God granted some rights to others of their kind.3 There are and always have been different applications of laws to different folks.4 Some people have always been regarded as more deserving of justice in court rooms overseen by men in black robes with Bibles in hand, while others of us have been regarded as less than human and in league with Satan and, therefore, not deserving of justice, at all.

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Moreover, no law of man has ever prevented a crime against a witch or anyone else. You have an inherent right to protect yourself, to guard your own interests by whatever means you have at your disposal. You must do this for yourself because no one else will do it for you. Moreover, it is often the very justice system (or legal system) itself from whom you are most in need of protection.

In general, public sympathies tend to lie with the criminals. Crime flourishes not only because of the actions of criminals, but because of those abettors who love to “forgive” sinners, those lovers of prodigal sons. They love sinners and hate their victims, whom they frequently subject to even worse torments than the original crime itself. Secrecy and witchcraft are by far better alternatives in the face of such adversaries, who are the same now as they ever were. They just have different names, different titles, and different attire. But their smirking, smug expressions have not changed. Nor have their systems changed, which give the advantage their own parasitic, criminal kind and deny justice to productive members of society, those who produce, who create, invent, and innovate. Our adversaries have not improved themselves one iota.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

It is not up to witches to free the world from itself. If the world is to be freed from these malefactors, it must free itself. Although it likely cannot. The day-to-day, mundane society and all its deeply entrenched systems are ruled by black magicians of the most malignant kind. Institutionalized justice is an illusion of their creation. It is they who maintain and promote it. If a small group of witches had the power to break the malignant spell the entire world has been under for thousands of years, we would have done so long ago. But, our numbers are small, we have never been particularly organized, our path is not an easy one to tread, and we have always been their primary targets.

Therefore, your concern must be to obtain some measure of justice for yourself and to protect yourself against all those who wish to do you harm. As a witch, your survival alone is a triumph. Many before us were not so fortunate.

Visit: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.

References and Notes:

1. Many people, whether witches or not, who (a.) make make healing salves, (b.) teach methods of vision correction, or (c.) ear candles are forced to end their practices or move them to another country. The modern Inquisition persecutors are usually various government agencies, ie. the FDA, the AMA, etc.

(a.) Amish man jailed for salve.

(b.) Optometrist jailed for correcting vision problems with relaxation techniques. Ironically, the following article was written by an allopathic quack who refers to actual healing methods (the opposite of eye glasses and surgical refractive correction) as “quackery.” (Authors note: Such techniques as exercise and appropriate nutrition have improved the author or this blogpost’s own vision. It is obvious why the allopathic eye doctors have mounted an organized, highly systematic effort to discredit these simple, no-cost methods. Imagine the benefits to humanity and the detriment to the allopathic quacks if these techniques were taught to school children. Progressive vision disorders are often caused by the doctor’s own prescriptions and, of course, this is by design and is endemic to allopathic medicine of any kind.)

(c.) Ear candles, a very old form of energy medicine, are deemed “medical devices” by the FDA. “Don’t Get Burned, Stay Away from Ear Candles,” U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

2. Notoriously, witches are scrutinized in child custody cases.

3. Interest in the occult, if known, can result in a harsher sentenced if you are charged with a crime.

4. Injustice in Beebee, Arkansas demonstrates that there are different rules for different folks. The laws are not applied evenly. – – –


Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-discriminationLearn more about importance of privacy, especially financial privacy and how to obtain more of it when you read Sophia diGregorio’s newest book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, available for sale on for Kindle readers and in paperback.  Also, it is available from Barnes & Noble for Nook.

Explore a whole new world of ideas! Join The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio cryptocurrency-based patronage program.

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio - Free ebook!

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio – Free ebook!

Listen to The Occult Files monologues.

Read the free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way, in epub, mobi, or pdf formats at the official blog for the program, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.



Traditional Witchcraft, Authoritarianism and Secrecy: Silence is Golden

Posted in occult, privacy, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, wealth with tags , , , , , , , , , , on December 11, 2018 by littleredridinghood

There is No Authority in Traditional Witchcraft

In traditional witchcraft it is not necessary to have nor to ever recognize an authority figure. There is no need for authoritarian gods, goddesses, or other demanding figures. There are no threats of Hell fire and no condemnation because there are no authorities. The only laws to be acknowledged are the esoteric laws of nature. We do not need to obey them, revere them, or worship them; we must only understand and use them because they are not authorities, either. They simply are.

Witches are not subject to the whims of authoritarian establishments and people. The fact that there is no authority in traditional witchcraft frightens the masses, who love authority and cling to it out of superstitious fear. Those who love authority, who believe that there will be chaos and immorality without it, try to demonize anyone who does not acknowledge an authority who administers some moral code. For this reason, if no other, it is beneficial to maintain secrecy about our philosophy and practices.

Secrecy Protects You

465px-Moritz_Stifter_Das_Geheimnis_1885Witchcraft and the occult involve actions and philosophies that, by their very nature, lie outside the mainstream of modern Western society. As witches and occultists, we do not always place a high value on mainstream society since it is not in accordance with our own experiences and observations about the nature of the world around us as we tend to have heightened sensory perception. In many cases, we perceive great flaws in its systems, notably its religious, medical, and scientific establishments. We often find ourselves at odds with popular social trends. Occasionally, we are sharply reminded of old hostilities.

Absolute secrecy protects you from those who would harm you for practicing witchcraft, even if nothing else does. In order to survive, most of us must hide our practices and our philosophy from the people around us. Sometimes we have to hide it from family and, if we are part of mainstream society in some way, we have to hide it from our colleagues, our clients and employers. There is power in secrecy and weakness in having secrets revealed to those who might use the information against us. This is especially true when the prevailing order of society notoriously fails us, again and again. We must protect ourselves because no one else, no established authority, will. It’s simply not in their interest to do so.

Why Secrecy is Necessary Even When You are Doing Nothing Wrong

Some people believe that only people who have something to hide, who are doing something criminal or unethical, have a reason to keep secrets. But this is unrealistic. Secrecy is your first line of defense when the order of law fails. It’s the first thing that protects you when a person or government agency wants to deny you your humanity.

If you are too open about yourself, whether about your witchcraft practices or aspects of your life, such as relationships, finances, plans for the future, you are running an unnecessary risk. At times, secrecy may be uncomfortable, but it is far less comfortable than the consequences that follow if too much of the wrong information about yourself falls into the wrong hands.

If someone has information about you, they have power over you and eventually they’re going to use it against you. Therefore, secrecy is important even when you are not doing anything wrong or illegal. It is wise to keep your practices, philosophy, and activities away from the prying eyes of others as much as possible.

Many innocent people cause trouble for themselves because they are too open, tell too much, are indiscreet, and have poor habits regarding privacy. Sometimes this is the result of parental teachings about honesty and openness that did not serve us. Learning to be discreet and when to lie is a more beneficial teaching. If you had authoritarian parents who demanded you always tell the truth or were subjected to religious teachings that shamed you for verbally defending yourself, then you may have to do some work to learn how to keep secrets and learn how to lie effectively in your own defense. There are those in positions of power who make a business of using your openness against you.

Authoritarians do not serve you, even when they pretend to do so. They serve themselves and their associates at your expense. The most direct and effective means of eluding authoritarians is through secrecy. As the environment of authoritarianism, moralizing, and zealotry online has grown, it is increasingly important for witches and occultists to operate in the darkness.

The Case for Staying in the Broom Closet

Girl_with_Broom_in_Doorway_Champney_1882Maintaining privacy and secrecy is the simplest, most basic, way to protect yourself from moralizing authoritarians and against a myriad of other problems, including envy, the Evil Eye, jealousy, gossip, defamation, financial interference, and sabotage in any of your endeavors whether they involve witchcraft or mundane affairs.

In the current climate, in which people lose their jobs over an online comment or photograph, it is important that you do not share too much information about yourself online. Moreover, maintaining your online privacy is critical to maintaining privacy offline.

The case for keeping silent about your practices is very strong if you live in a place where it is not likely to be accepted or if your practices will likely be perceived as unacceptable. Some forms of traditional witchcraft and occultism are unacceptable even within the more visible, mainstream segment of witchcraft and occultism. Those urging witches to “come out of the boom closet” are often unaware of the dangers or unaware that such practices exist among witches and occultists.

The world around us is changing in ways that are not always favorable to witches and occultists. Increasingly, it is important to protect your privacy online in order to remain firmly in the broom closet. Fortunately, new opportunities for rejecting authority and obtaining privacy have come into existence.

Learn More About Staying Securely in the Broom Closet

Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-discriminationLearn more about importance of privacy, especially financial privacy and how to obtain more of it when you read Sophia diGregorio’s newest book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, available for sale on for Kindle readers and in paperback.  Also, it is available from Barnes & Noble for Nook.

Explore a whole new world of ideas! Join The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio cryptocurrency-based patronage program.

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio - Free ebook!

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio – Free ebook!

Listen to The Occult Files monologues.

Read the free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way, in epub, mobi, or pdf formats at the official blog for the program, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.


Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System – Released Today!

Posted in occult, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, wealth with tags , , , , , , , on December 5, 2018 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Sophia diGregorio’s latest book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, is released today and is available for sale on for Kindle readers and in paperback.

This book is much more than an unusual history and a how-to guide, it has the power to change your life by changing the way you think about everyday things. It is fascinating, revealing, and revolutionary! Explore the history of finance through a traditional witch’s lens and learn about the means of escaping the grasp of our historical enemies, which has emerged at the dawning of this new age.

Historically, witches have been denied full economic participation and equal protection under the law. Now, in the 21st century, little has changed except that anti-witch discrimination has gone high tech.

  • Do you hate being told what you can and cannot do?

  • Would you like to enjoy more freedom, autonomy, and less interference?

  • Do you ever wish you had more control over your life?

  • If you had a chance to escape a powerful, hidden enemy, would you like to know more about it?

By reading this powerful book you will gain unique insights into the history of banking and corporate structures, plus real-world, practical information of special use to witches and occultists. This book answers such questions as, “What does ‘In God We Trust’ on currency mean for witches and occultists?” Learn how the Holy Brotherhood promotes modern discrimination against witches and affects how we buy, sell, and communicate with each other today. Then, discover how you can break free from this trap — all on your own.

Although history has been unkind to witches, the author points the way to a brighter future and shows you how to take action in the present to circumvent long-standing obstacles.

As the Piscean Age convulses in its death throes, a philosophical war wages between old and new constructs. This is a crossroad. Will you choose the right path?

If you are a witch, occultist, or pagan, this may be the single most life-changing book you read this year!

Also, published today is the self-published ebook, which launches Sophia diGregorio’s cryptocurrency-based patronage program. A program like this one is theorized in the new book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System, along with other ideas for using cryptocurrency for privacy.

The theoretical program described in the book is realized with the publication of this free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way. The publication of this ebook  launches the program. Read the free ebook right now at the official blog for the program:

Traditional Witchcraft and the Occult: Can Witchcraft Really Help You to Achieve Wealth and Success?

Posted in abundance, prosperity, prosperity spells, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, wealth with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 3, 2014 by littleredridinghood
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Many people – probably most people – doubt that witchcraft can be used for prosperity or success.

Those who do believe are often inclined to see witchcraft only as a self-help tool, something that can be used to clear out old thought patterns, leading to more positive thoughts and success in financial and career endeavors.

While witchcraft undoubtedly has an effect on the person performing it and it may well be used to reprogram the brain for success the ways the positive thinking cult gurus claim, however, this is not the main purpose of witchcraft.

Witchcraft is primarily used to affect the outside environment, to destroy negative forces around us, to clear the path to success of all obstacles, to destroy those who would oppose our success and to arrange affairs in the world in our favor.

Thinking positive is simply not enough. While there are powerful mental forces in the the universe, mere thoughts are not powerful enough to have an effect on the outer environment. There must be great force behind the thoughts – or the will. Successfully using that power consistently comes from an understanding of the occult sciences.

A lot of people who were skeptics before trying a spell in to get money in an emergency situation are amazed at how effective it can be. Maybe they have a sudden expense come up and they need a particular sum. After working a spell, they get that exact amount of money to the penny. This is a common story, but all too often people stop there.

But, in order to get the best results out of prosperity spells, they should be worked very regularly. Moreover, it is important to develop a plan of action involving witchcraft for creating a more financially stable life beginning by clearing out any hexes that may have been placed upon you, clearing out obstacles, meeting your immediate obligations, then finally accumulating wealth so you can live the life you always dreamed of.

The book, Spells for Money and Wealth, shows you how to do this.

Although a lot of people are suffering right now because of the current economy, not everyone is at the same place financially.

If you are in debt, you will need to do a little more work than someone who is not. First of all, you must destroy any hexes or other adversarial energy, which may be intelligences or thought forms, that may be working against you. Once you’ve done that, you must destroy obstacles in your outer environment.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Then, you must get a steady flow of money coming through your door. While Spells for Money and Wealth contains spells for emergency situations, it is ideal to get far enough ahead that emergencies are either rare or non-existent. The regular practice of witchcraft for prosperity helps to bring a steady flow of money into your bank account. After this, you can begin to accrue wealth.

While you can accomplish a great deal under your own occult power, it is important to have powerful spiritual allies who can arrange circumstances in the physical world in your favor. Alliances with the dead, the saints, the deities of the ancient world and other powerful spirits can help you accomplish specific goals.

This and more is discussed in Spells for Money and Wealth.

Learn How to Cast a Magic Spell for Prosperity and Financial Success

Are you unhappy with your present financial situation?
Would you like more money?
Would you like a better job, a raise or a promotion?
Are there things you would like to buy, but you need more money?
Do you want to be surrounded by other successful and wealth people?
Would you like to never have to worry about having enough money, again?

Here’s the opportunity to end your money problems forever…

This is the original book of Spells for Money and Wealth by author, researcher and occultist, Angela Kaelin.

Maybe you have already asked yourself why some people seem to enjoy a life of luxury and have the knack of making money easily.

A few of these successful people are famous or run famous companies, but most are just ordinary men and women – just like you or me who somehow seem to have the mysterious power to attract money, good fortune, riches and success.

It is a fact that many people are still using witchcraft today.

Now, this genuine powerful occult knowledge is offered at a price you can afford!

While more people are becoming interested in witchcraft and the occult, many are quickly disappointed because they try a magic spell and it doesn’t work or they buy a useless lucky charm and soon realize that they have wasted their money.

Now you can prove to yourself once and for all that occult forces do exist.

How to get what you want by means of occult knowledge and power…

Spells for Money and Wealth reveals the mystical and occult formulas used by successful occultists throughout history to keep a steady flow of money coming through their doors and includes wealth-drawing you can use to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get whatever it is you want out of your success.

Discover how to:

Clear out old energy patterns that are keeping you from success
Destroy obstacles
Lay the foundation for financial success
Transform yourself so you can take on any challenge
Attract powerful and influential friends
Have the red carpet rolled out for you

Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to in your business or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.

With all the money you want, what would you buy?

A big house
A new car?
An exotic vacation?
A life of happiness?

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth today!

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