Archive for justice

Santa Muerte’s Relationship to Contracts

Posted in Black Magic, Holy Death, Mexican Witchcraft, occult, protection spells, Santa Muerte, self-defense, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on July 15, 2019 by littleredridinghood
Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial (Santa Muerte Series) (Volume 1) by Sophia diGregorio

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death

One of Most Holy Death’s important offices is that of overseeing justice as it relates to contracts, whether these are formal contracts or social contracts, as described by the philosopher Rousseau.

In the last public monologue of 2018, posted at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio blog, Sophia diGregorio talks about how prevalent injustices, whether in the courts or in society, are giving more strength to Santa Muerte and contributing to her rise in popularity.

Most Holy Death represents a powerful refuge for those lacking justice in society and as the numbers of the disenfranchised grow, not only in Mexico but in the United States and around the world, so does her following. As corrupt institutions, whether religious or secular, continue to weaken, she grows more powerful and so do her devotees.

If you are among those wronged without recourse to justice, then you may want to get to know her better. Learn more about Santa Muerte in this monologue from The Occult Files, entitled, “The Ultimate Power: Most Holy Death, “Contracts and the Rise of Most Holy Death.”

This is the direct link to the video: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorioThe Ultimate Power: Most Holy Death, “Contracts and the Rise of Most Holy Death.”

The above audio/video file is approximately 16 minutes in length. The monologue is from The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018, the transcripts of which are available from Amazon, Smashwords, and other fine book retailers.

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio: The Public Monologues of 2018

Also, you can listen to these files free at The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio blog.

Witchcraft in the Absence of Justice

Posted in Alternative Health, Anti-Witch, Black Magic, occult, privacy, prosperity, protection spells, self-defense, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , on February 1, 2019 by littleredridinghood

What is Justice?

persecution_of_witchesJustice means receiving fair treatment from others, in particular, systems of justice involving police and courts. It, also, means honesty and fair play when we interact and transact with others in society, whether in interpersonal relationships, in business, or in other day-to-day circumstances. Justice in the practical sense means being let alone, let be, left in peace. It means being treated with the modicum of respect owed to human beings–or, at least, to animals–and being allowed to exist without constant interference.

The Men of God Administering Their Justice

The Men of God Administering Their Justice

Justice has been unattainable for many witches. Anytime a person wants to be simply left in peace to live life in accordance with his or her own will, he or she is in a position to draw the wrath of authoritarians.1 This is a longstanding problem for witches, occultists, and other heretics, who are targeted and treated unjustly.

Witches are often denied the opportunity to practice the healing arts openly and women, in particular, are still specifically targeted for especially violent crimes, simply for existing. While the names of the perpetrators have changed since the 17th century and they don’t burn women at the stake anymore, they have other ways of targeting those whose existence presents an offense to the established systems of religion and medicine, which are a part of government and society and which remain unchanged despite outward appearances.

In this instance, “witchcraft” may defined as spiritual, healing, and other practices for which our ancestors were murdered because they are incompatible with official religion or government of the persecutors. Nearly every aspect of the system is at odds with the life and philosophy of a witch, whether legal, medical, financial, or educational.

How Witches Cope with Injustice in Society, the Justice System, and Other Established Systems

Because witches cannot count on justice, whether in the justice system or in society, you must rely upon secrecy and witchcraft when moving among the common masses, and often you must use other techniques, called “black magic,” to put an end to the targeting. It is often the case that the system of justice does not recognize crimes perpetrated against witches and most often against women (especially single women or otherwise socially non-conforming individuals) as crimes at all. Such abuses are regarded as a natural part of our lives that we should reasonably expect to have perpetrated against us and they are, therefore, permitted to flourish in the belief that witches and women are not worthy of the most basic human dignity and respect.

Justice for Witches

Witches’ History with the Justice System

After all, it was not long ago that our humanity was questioned by the establishment. They said we did not have souls. Even if they do not admit it, there are many who seem to hold onto the belief that women and witches do not have souls and are less than human. These ideas are deeply ingrained in their psyches, as evidenced by their own words and actions.

As a witch, you must look out for your own interests both by mundane means and by the power of witchcraft. Guard your privacy well, too, because anything that someone knows about you that can be used against you eventually will be and probably by someone you once trusted with your life.2 Do not assume that justice is a fair and equitable institution simply because some Men of God granted some rights to others of their kind.3 There are and always have been different applications of laws to different folks.4 Some people have always been regarded as more deserving of justice in court rooms overseen by men in black robes with Bibles in hand, while others of us have been regarded as less than human and in league with Satan and, therefore, not deserving of justice, at all.

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Moreover, no law of man has ever prevented a crime against a witch or anyone else. You have an inherent right to protect yourself, to guard your own interests by whatever means you have at your disposal. You must do this for yourself because no one else will do it for you. Moreover, it is often the very justice system (or legal system) itself from whom you are most in need of protection.

In general, public sympathies tend to lie with the criminals. Crime flourishes not only because of the actions of criminals, but because of those abettors who love to “forgive” sinners, those lovers of prodigal sons. They love sinners and hate their victims, whom they frequently subject to even worse torments than the original crime itself. Secrecy and witchcraft are by far better alternatives in the face of such adversaries, who are the same now as they ever were. They just have different names, different titles, and different attire. But their smirking, smug expressions have not changed. Nor have their systems changed, which give the advantage their own parasitic, criminal kind and deny justice to productive members of society, those who produce, who create, invent, and innovate. Our adversaries have not improved themselves one iota.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

It is not up to witches to free the world from itself. If the world is to be freed from these malefactors, it must free itself. Although it likely cannot. The day-to-day, mundane society and all its deeply entrenched systems are ruled by black magicians of the most malignant kind. Institutionalized justice is an illusion of their creation. It is they who maintain and promote it. If a small group of witches had the power to break the malignant spell the entire world has been under for thousands of years, we would have done so long ago. But, our numbers are small, we have never been particularly organized, our path is not an easy one to tread, and we have always been their primary targets.

Therefore, your concern must be to obtain some measure of justice for yourself and to protect yourself against all those who wish to do you harm. As a witch, your survival alone is a triumph. Many before us were not so fortunate.

Visit: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.

References and Notes:

1. Many people, whether witches or not, who (a.) make make healing salves, (b.) teach methods of vision correction, or (c.) ear candles are forced to end their practices or move them to another country. The modern Inquisition persecutors are usually various government agencies, ie. the FDA, the AMA, etc.

(a.) Amish man jailed for salve.

(b.) Optometrist jailed for correcting vision problems with relaxation techniques. Ironically, the following article was written by an allopathic quack who refers to actual healing methods (the opposite of eye glasses and surgical refractive correction) as “quackery.” (Authors note: Such techniques as exercise and appropriate nutrition have improved the author or this blogpost’s own vision. It is obvious why the allopathic eye doctors have mounted an organized, highly systematic effort to discredit these simple, no-cost methods. Imagine the benefits to humanity and the detriment to the allopathic quacks if these techniques were taught to school children. Progressive vision disorders are often caused by the doctor’s own prescriptions and, of course, this is by design and is endemic to allopathic medicine of any kind.)

(c.) Ear candles, a very old form of energy medicine, are deemed “medical devices” by the FDA. “Don’t Get Burned, Stay Away from Ear Candles,” U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

2. Notoriously, witches are scrutinized in child custody cases.

3. Interest in the occult, if known, can result in a harsher sentenced if you are charged with a crime.

4. Injustice in Beebee, Arkansas demonstrates that there are different rules for different folks. The laws are not applied evenly. – – –


Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-discriminationLearn more about importance of privacy, especially financial privacy and how to obtain more of it when you read Sophia diGregorio’s newest book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, available for sale on for Kindle readers and in paperback.  Also, it is available from Barnes & Noble for Nook.

Explore a whole new world of ideas! Join The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio cryptocurrency-based patronage program.

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio - Free ebook!

The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio – Free ebook!

Listen to The Occult Files monologues.

Read the free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way, in epub, mobi, or pdf formats at the official blog for the program, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog.



Witchcraft and the Occult: White Magic Vs. Black Magic Methods of Protection and Self-defense

Posted in Black Magic, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Petrouchka_by_A._Benois_02There is talk among some witches about the difference between black and white magic. The discussion invariably extends to the question of whether either exists because the science of witchcraft is just that and is, itself, neutral.

There are many different definitions of white and black magic, but for the purposes of the discussion in this article, black magic refers to methods that may involve harm to others and white magic refers to to methods which are entirely straightforward and cause no harm to others.

Of course, where people draw the line between white and black, also, differs. Many people consider any operation that undermines the free will of another person to be black magic. But, the fact is most black magicians give little if any thought to this and if you are serious about protection and self-defense, you cannot concern yourself with such things, especially if you are actually under attack by evil people who intend to do you all sorts of harm.

White Magic Protection and Self-Defense

Methods of white magic self-defense include incantations, prayers and the use of incense smoke, blessed oils, holy water and charms. At worst, it involves reversing a spell back onto the caster or binding an aggressor to keep them from acting in harmful ways. The use of protective amulets, talismans, prayer and meditation generally fall under the heading of white magic self-defense.

If you are under psychic attack, you can take steps to protect your energy centers from being attacked and this may work depending on the degree and consistency of the attack. Wearing a red string around your waist, your wrist or your neck is an example of a white magic method of protection against both intentional attacks and the Evil Eye, which is not always intentional.

If you have a problem with strange happenings around your house, you can begin by saying a prayer or blessing in each room of the house and anointing it with Holy Oil or Holy Water or smudging, first with a bundle of White Sage, then following up with a braid of Sweetgrass. These are all simple white magic methods, which everyone should use sometimes to keep harmonious vibrations in and around your home.

White magic spells for protection may provide a first layer of protection, but it is not enough if you are dealing with a relentless attack from a black magician. More aggressive methods, knowledge of black magic and the mentality of a black magician are necessary to combat and successfully defeat such attacks.

Black Magic Protection and Self-Defense

7-deadly-sinsBlack magic is used in more serious situations where white magic methods are insufficient. Unlike white magic, black magic does not concern itself with ethics, legality or spiritual consequences. While it is important for black magicians to avoid running up against the law for their own safety – and, in fact, this is a main reason for using black magic instead of more physical methods – it is not a concern in and of itself.

Black magicians use aggressive techniques in self-defense. They layer their efforts to make them more difficult to discover and dismantle. They employ rigorous secrecy and deploy confusion spells against enemies.

Santa Muerte is an example of a powerful spirit employed to strike down enemies, but traditional witches and Hermeticists use a wide variety of aggressive spirits, some of which are very old spirits, others of which are familiar spirits or egregores. A black magician in need of serious protection will employ an army of of spirits similar to a cadre of physical warriors, each assigned to perform specific tasks.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Black magicians who employ unwholesome spirits require extra protection that is constant and powerful. Certain spirits are employed entirely for the magicians personal protection, while others strike aggressively at enemies in different ways. The more you know about your enemies, the better you can devise ways of striking at them.

The mindset of the black magician is very important; it is ruthless with regard to self-preservation. When you are working for your own self-defense, you must be ruthless – you cannot give an inch of room for your enemy to strike you. Resist any attempts by enemies to tempt you to act against your own best interests, for instance, goading you into revealing information about yourself they can use against you or lowering your defenses. Do not give quarter to enemies and never become sympathetic to evil. Evil never appreciates sympathy, but perceives it as weakness and will attack all the more.

While white magic for self-defense has its place as a first layer of protection, but the white magic mindset of “do no harm” is not a good position for serious cases. Sometimes it is necessary to do harm to prevent greater harm to one’s self and others.

Learning more about black magic helps you to understand the techniques employed, so that you can better protect yourself.

Learn more about Santa Muerte and Black Magic with the following books:

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Black Magic for Dark Times:  Spells of Revenge and Protection

Grimoire of  Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death (Volume 2)

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Also, available at Barnes & Noble and other book retailers.