Archive for February, 2020

Witchcraft is Not Political Activism, Ritual is Not Performance Art, and “Witch” is Not a Euphemism for “Feminist”

Posted in Anti-Witch, occult, spell books, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 12, 2020 by littleredridinghood
The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program

Free Ebook- The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program

Recently, Sophia diGregorio was mentioned in an article at Coindesk (Cuen, Leigh, Why Cypherpunk Witches Love Bitcoin, Coindesk, February 10, 2020., on the subject of using cryptocurrencies to conduct business in instances where witches and occult businesses are being charged higher fees by banks and payment processors, denied accounts altogether, and being prevented from freely engaging in commerce on popular ecommerce platforms.

While we are certainly grateful for the mention in this article, there are a few things, which should be made clear to avoid any confusion.

Firstly, Sophia diGregorio is not a “feminist author” and has never contributed as much as a single word to that body of literature. She is an occult author who writes books on subjects to do with witchcraft and occultism, especially traditional witchcraft, which means the universal practice of witchcraft that excludes the religion Wicca. She has, also, written some horror in the past, almost all about fictional vampires, which, because of the threat of censorship that began occurring in 2012, has been removed from publication. Horror is a genre of fiction that is presently under attack from censors, as she has described in some recent monologues.

Secondly, traditional witchcraft and occultism are not political subjects. Furthermore, Sophia diGregorio has never written any “mainfestos,” whatsoever. The free ebook, “The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program,” is not a political tract of any kind or a “manifesto.” Rather, it is a book about business and technology, and using cryptocurrencies as an alternative means to disseminate information on subjects to do with witchcraft and the occult. It also describes why this is needed. Specifically, the free ebook outlines a program the author envisioned, which is like Patreon, but is privately administered and uses only cryptocurrency. It also talks about how to safely obtain and use cryptocurrencies as a means of alternative transaction. The other book on cryptocurrences, Traditional Witches History of the Occult Banking System, is also a book about business and technology especially written for witches and occultists, which discourages political activism in favor of using cryptocurrencies to undermine the “In God We Trust” system. So, not only is the author not a political activist or a political writer, but she repeatedly expresses opposition to such activities, mostly because they are a waste of time, especially for witches and occultists.

Thirdly, the word, “witch” is not a euphemism or a code word for something else. When we say, “witch,” we mean witch, one who practices witchcraft. When we say, “witchcraft,” we mean just that–witchcraft. It is not a euphemism for a political position. “Witch” is not a substitute word for “feminist.” “Witchcraft” is not a code word for “feminism.” These terms are not euphemisms for anything. “Witch” really means witch and “witchcraft” really means witchcraft. For people who do not believe in witchcraft or the existence of witches, this is probably difficult to grasp. But, this is the case, nonetheless.

Despite the assertions made in a barrage of articles written, especially in the past few months at a number of websites and blogs, “witchcraft” is not code for political activism and witches and occultists are not political activists. In reality, we are people who practice witchcraft and study occultism. We are not a political activist group.

Furthermore, despite what the people at the Satanic Temple (who are not occultists and who ridicule witchcraft and occultism) or some alleged Wiccans with painted faces assert, witchcraft and occultism are not performance art. We witches and occultists are not people who play dress up and perform mock rituals to “hex” politicians or “curse” people to lesbianism in the after-life. Being a witch or practicing witchcraft or any aspect of occultism, including Satanism, or being any kind of occultist does not denote any political position. It is a spiritual matter and it is usually a deeply private matter, as well, which we do not display before the public.

As witches and occultists, we cannot stop political activists from doing and saying these outrageous things in our name, prancing around before cameras and news reporters, giving interviews, and pretending to be us. But they are not us.

If you are looking for political activists here, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a place for witchcraft, for the occult. It’s not a joke and these terms are not a code for something else.

Thanks to the, for essentially reprinting the article without these unfounded characterizations of the author as a political writer or political activist. (The Wild Hunt, Pagan Community Notes: Cedarsong Grove announces dissolution, cryptocurrency & Witches, 30 curse tablets found in well in Greece, and more!,” The Wild Hunt, February 10, 2020. “ )

Download the free ebook from mediafire.

Visit The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress blog to hear the monologues.

Read a similar article, “Witchcraft is Occultism, Not Political Activism.”

Listen to a monologue on this subject, entitled “Off-the-Record, “Imposters: Witches and Occultists Are Being Impersonated and Defamed by Political Activists.