Archive for the Mediumship Category

The Occult Files Christmas Special: Spirit Communication, Ghosts and the After-Life

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on December 27, 2020 by littleredridinghood

Recorded on December 24, 2020, The Occult Files of Sophia DiGregorio “Christmas Special: Spirit Communication, Ghosts and the After-Life.” Sophia talks about her experiences with ghosts, spirit communication, mediumship and the afterlife.

xmas-occult-filesIn this audio-video episode of Sophia DiGregorio’s Occult Files Monologues, all of which may be found here at WordPress, the author describes how she first came in contact with the world of spirits. She talks about psychic experiences in St. Augustine, Florida and Central City, Colorado. She describes experiences at a Spiritualist Church attending seances and meetings at which members demonstrate their psychic abilities.

She describes her own transition from being a psychic to becoming a psychic medium. She describes the difference between being a psychic and a medium. A medium is one who relays information from the world of spirits to the world of the living on the physical plane.

She describes entities, which she likens to Aleister Crowley’s “Holy Guardian Angel.” She touches on the effects of the Kundalini Awakening experience as a catalyst for psychic abilities.

She ends by describing recent experiences involving a person who passed on and describes how some spirit manifestations can be very physical. Spirits can manipulate energy from the etheric realm to create and effect on the physical plane.

Please, listen to the entire presentation. Sophia has more to say on these subjects. So, if this interests you, please subscribe to any or all of her social media sites so you don’t miss the upcoming episodes.

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Happy Yule! A Special Message for Yuletide 2020 from The Occult Files

Posted in ESP, Mediumship, neo-paganism, occult with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 19, 2020 by littleredridinghood

In this special audio-video message for Yule 2020, Sophia DiGregorio wishes you a happy and successful Yule, which this year will be Monday, December 21st. Yule is always an important time for doing work with the new year in mind, however, this Yule is a special one because the planet Jupiter will be in conjunction with Saturn, in an arrangement that hasn’t been seen since 1226 when Genghis Khan was wreaking havoc in Europe and Asia. This astrological harmonic makes this Yule a time for tearing down old established orders and establishing new structures, which will have a long-lasting effect. This is an ideal time to work witchcraft for your own benefit, for your health and wealth, and to the detriment of our historical enemies. They used to call us poisoners and slayers of infants, but look at them now. You can bet they will doing their own workings during the time surrounding the solstice, as well.

Like Halloween, Christmas and the time surrounding this holiday, including Yule–which the longest night of the year–is associated with visitations from beyond the grave. In the winter season, the earth seems to sleep, especially in the icy north, and when everything is dark and quiet, it is easier to connect with spirits.

Sophia will be back in another longer video for Christmas in which she will be talking about ghosts. She’s not going to tell ghost stories, but she will tell you about some of her own experiences–some recent ones and some from years ago.

Thank you for listening, please join me in the next episode of My Occult Files, in which Sophia will come back to help you celebrate Christmas.

Follow us on WordPress at: The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio WordPress Blog.

Free Ebook Download at Mediafire. No strings attached. It contains important information for witches, occultists, and pagans.

Copyright statement: Like the written material available from The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio, all audio and video files are the property of Sophia diGregorio. Copyright © 2018-20 by Sophia diGregorio. All rights reserved.

Music: Carol of the Bells by Alexander Nakarada (
Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 License

Analysis and Movie Review of ‘The Premonition,’ 1976, A Parapsychological Horror-Thriller Starring Richard Lynch

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, movie review, occult, Parapsychology, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 25, 2020 by littleredridinghood

This review and analysis naturally contains spoilers. So does the author’s comprehensive audio review of the film, which may be heard at Bitchute. or Cocoscope. Hear all of the monologues of Sophia diGregorio.

Premonition_1976Quite possibly the best movie ever made on the theme of parapsychology, The Premonition, released in 1976, starring Richard Lynch, Sharon Farrell, Ellen Barber, Edward (Michael) Bell, Chitra Neogy, and Daniel Brisebois, and written and directed by Robert Allen Schnitzer.

The Premonition is an intelligent horror film, one for the thinking fan of the horror-thriller genre. The style of the film is such that if you are not paying attention, you can easily miss important details.

The syle of the film is fast-paced, but cerebral and driven by character and dialogue. There are no explosions or chases, rather the action is often in the minds of the characters and not just the mind of Sherrie, the main clairvoyant, but also in the minds of And

The script is well-written and beautifully executed. Three primary storylines are interwoven throughout the film. The music by Henry Mollicone is haunting and there are many breathtakingly beautiful scenes all throughout. The artistic aspect of the film seems to overshadow the substance of it, which is a very important statement on the nature of psychic abilities and the power of witchcraft.

Primary Themes

While the story of the film may be summarized as a story of child abduction, this is not really the primary theme. The themes of this film are far more profound and less mundane.

Clairvoyance is a major theme throughout the film. It provides a representation of how clairvoyance manifests. It also shows how clairvoyants are mistreated by skeptics.

Parapsychology is the scientific study of the metaphysical reality, especially concerning the powers of the mind, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and claircognizance. A great deal of modern communications and warfare technology has grown out of this study. It is an area of science in which some remnant of true scientific inquiry has remained. The orthodox science has long been under the control of corporate and political interests. Parapsychology retains the essence of true scientific inquiry and represent rebellion within the scientific establishment. Publicly, parapsychology has been subjected to ridicule, however, behind the scenes, it has been the force behind the highest forms of modern technology.

A related theme throughout the film is that of parapsychology as a metaphysical science in relation to physical science and the failures of the scientific orthodoxy to account for the metaphysical reality.

Possession by disembodied spirit seeking to reunite with her daughter and fulfill her dream of giving a piano concert plays a large role in the latter part of the film. Characters are represented as being under possession, which is exhibited by changes in their speech, behaviors, apparent desires, and abilities.

Motherhood and that which is sometimes called “Mother’s Intuition” is another theme some viewers have identified.

The Characters

The main characters:

The Hero, Professor Jeena Kingsley (Chitra Neogy)

The Antagonist, Professor Miles Bennett (Edward (Michael) Bell)

Sherrie Bennett, the adoptive mother of Janie and wife of Professor Miles Bennett (Sharon Farrell)

Jude the Clown (Richard Lynch)

Andrea, the natural mother of Janie (Ellen Barber)

The five-year old daughter Janie (Danielle Brisebois)

Symmetry in the Script

There is beautiful symmetry between the characters, which may be observed in terms of parallels and contrasts between characters and scenes.

The are parallels between the couples, that of Sherrie and her husband Professor Miles Bennet and that of Andrea and Jude. In both relationships, there is deception, hidden desires and secret agendas. Andrea deceives Jude and Mile Bennett deceives both his wife and Dr. Kingsley, at least, for a time.

Dr. Bennett represents parapsychology and Miles Bennet, the astrophysicist husband of Sherrie, represents orthodox science, or materialist science, which is referred to as “physical science” in the film. Dr. Kingsley may also be seen to represent Eastern thought and Dr. Bennett as representative of the mainstream Western world view.

Examples of contrasts between he artists and the non-artists, those who are psychically receptive and those who are not. There are contrasting scenes in the film, most notably that of the landlady in pink curlers and Jude at the farmhouse.

Other contrasting scenes, include the carnival work environment in contrast to the clinical setting of the paraphysics laboratory and the pristine, stable middle-class home of the Bennetts in contrast to Jude’s trailer and succession of shabby, temporary accommodations.

The three main story lines involve the following character pairings: Jude and Andrea; Sherrie Bennett and her adopted daughter Janie; Professor Bennett and Professor Jeena Kingsley.

Tension is achieved in scenes in which Sherrie opens the door to Janie’s bedroom or whenever the telephone rings. The music of Henry Mollicone provides the mood for many scenes, especially those involving Jude and Andrea. At times, a harpsichord is heard instead of the piano, a subtle change which affects the mood of many important scenes. In the final scene Sherrie is playing a harpsichord.

Synchronicity is part of the metaphysical reality, which is expressed this film when we see that Professor Bennett meets a parapsychologist through his workplace while his wife is experiencing clairvoyance.

Andrea goes to retrieve her daughter from the house of her adoptive mother, but fails. Andrea’s insanity consumes her and soon drives Jude to his own insanity. He murders her. She possesses him and he finds and keeps the child. At the end, the parapsychologist arranges for Sherrie to become possessed by Andrea. The child returns to both Sherrie and Andrea who now possesses Sherrie.

The ending seems open, since Andrea has entered the entranced body of Sherrie. Now both of them are the girl’s mother.

Doctors Kinglsey and Bennett are metaphors. Ultimately, the parapsychologist, Dr. Kingsley, emerges as the strong, confident hero of the story while the orthodox scientist, Dr. Bennett appears weak, uncertain, inconstant, and corrupt. Dr. Bennett is a metaphor for the scientific orthodoxy and his corruption appears in his pursuit of an extra-marital affair with his colleague Dr. Kingsley.

Significant Statements About Telepathy and Clairvoyance

There are many significant quote in the dialogue, especially made by the character Dr. Jeena Kingley, the parapsychologist.

Dr. Kingsley: Evidence of telepathy appears most readily when the unconscious minds is most receptive and it is most receptive when it is in the dream state. We can tell when the subject is dreaming through Alpha brain wave activity, pulse rates, breathing patterns, REMs (Rapid Eye Movements).

Dr. Kingsley: Trying to understand the phenomena of the real world sometimes reveals more the nature of the mind more than things.

In another scene:

Dr. Kingsley: That’s because the fundamental principles which your science is based on are incomplete.

Professor Miles Bennett: Would it help if I close my eyes?

Dr. Kingsley: You might find you can see a lot better.

In yet another scene:

Dr. Kingsley: And so the fundamental assumption of modern science is that we are separate entities and everything is external to us. This approach however obscures our true nature. Parapsychology becomes a rather philosophic and theological science at this point.

Student: What is the cause of such an illusion?

Dr. Kingsley: It arises from the structure of our nervous system and the false way we are trained as children to perceive. The clairvoyant reality is totally rejected by science and finds expression only in art, music, and religion.

The 2005 Richard Lynch Interview:

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Types of Clairvoyance and How This Ability May Be Applied

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2013 by littleredridinghood

The_Absinthe_Drinker_by_Viktor_OlivaClairvoyance is a type of mediumship and psychic ability, which involves an extension of the normal range of visual perception. (For a list of other types of mediumship, please see the article, “Types of Psychic Mediums and How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities.”

Clairvoyance is a generic term, employed to express various degrees and modes of visual perception, whereby a person is able to know facts and obtain certain knowledge by means other than the ordinary five sense ability range.

Clairvoyance manifests itself differently from person to person and in varying degrees of ability and wide range of experience. The character, quality and manifestation of clairvoyance depends upon a peculiar condition of the psychic’s nerves and brain.

Horla-ApparitionAn example of the range of ways in which clairvoyance can manifest can be illustrated by the psychometrist who, in touching certain objects or being present in certain places, can obtain all kinds of information. For example, he or she may receive visions of the past or of the future, which may be more or less clear. These visions may come in brief flashes, they may appear photographic and depict an instant in time or they may seem to unreel a series of past events in succession.

As another example, in experiments involving crystal ball gazing, people’s abilities may be characterized by flashes, sparks, clouds of different colors, symbols or the vision may be partly or entirely clear and lucid.

People with the ability to clairvoyantly detect the presence of spirits may experience this perception in a variety of different ways, sometimes transparent or shadowy and others very distinct and apparently physical. The experience of clairvoyance may or many not be accompanied by clairaudience or clairsentience, which means the psychic may not only see the spirits, but hear and feel them.

No two persons’ clairvoyance is precisely alike, moreover, each one has a personal idiosyncrasy that invariably determines his or her specialty, and, whatever that specialty may chance to be, should be encouraged, for in that he or she will excel and in no other.

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Ways clairvoyance may be applied:

  • To see the past, present and future
  • Finding lost property and people
  • Mind reading
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Spirit detection
  • Spirit communication
  • Medical diagnosis, prescription of remedies and other treatments
  • Exorcism, to control spirits
  • Scientific exploration, invention and innovation
  • Exploration of this world and others
  • The development of art, music and literature

While certain applications of clairvoyant abilities are more familiar to us from popular culture, such as the detection of spirits, exorcism, the ability to know events in the lives of the people around us, to know their character and to see events that are likely to occur. There are other applications that are less known.

Less often considered is the the medical application of clairvoyance to determine the nature and cause of disease and to prescribe remedies or aid in the application of treatments. Through clairvoyance we can attain a clearer understanding of the natural world through the exploration of science. This exploration leads us to new inventions and innovations. Clairvoyance can help writers, artists and composers to reach beyond their own inherent abilities.

If you are interested in developing your own clairvoyance, choose a method of application that interests and steadily pursue its perfection. Carefully consider your own interests, your needs and desires, to determine exactly what kind of clairvoyant you want to become, then bend all your energies toward this end.

spirit-communicationHow to Communicate with Spirits Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

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How Learning to Read the Tarot Cards Can Open Up Your Psychic Abilities and Increase Your E.S.P.

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, tarot, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 16, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Prince Francesco Antelminelli Castracani Fibbia (1360-1419) with a deck of Tarot cards

The painting depicts Prince Francesco Antelminelli Castracani Fibbia (1360-1419) with a deck of Tarot cards, tarocchino bolognese. The Queen of Batons can be seen, bearing the Fibbia arms. There is no historical evidence that Tarot had been invented until two decades after the Prince’s death. From Andrea Vitali’s Il Tarocchino di Bologna, Late 1600s, Artist Unknown.

One of the biggest benefits of learning to read the tarot is the increased psychic sensitivity that comes along with the practice. It may be that working with the Kabbalistic and astrological symbolism in the cards stimulates something in the brain that makes us more in tune with our psychic abilities. Or, it may simply be that as we become more accustomed to tapping into the subtle frequencies of the spiritual planes, it becomes easier to do.

Regardless of why you decide to learn to read the tarot, you will find the experience rewarding. And, as you become more adept as a tarot reader, the benefits of being a reader will grow. While you can use the tarot to increase your personal popularity or to make a little extra money – even establish yourself in a new career as a tarot reader – one of the most profoundly rewarding benefits is your connection with something most people only wonder about the existence of. There’s no word for it. But, it is a relationship with something beyond our ordinary, five-sense world.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Which are the Best Tarot Decks?

Your first deck is an important one. My first deck was a Zolar deck, which belonged to my great-grandmother. This deck had the meanings written upon each card. The Quick & Easy Rider-Waite Tarot is a good choice to begin with. After which, the plain Rider-Waite is desirable.

I am a tarot deck collector. I’ve never seen a tarot or oracle deck I didn’t like, at least, a little, but my absolute favorite deck to work with is Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck. You can use any deck for a reading and get decent results. But, this deck has the most powerful imagery and symbolism in it, which will help you in your reading. Unlike the Rider-Waite deck is Kabbalistically correct.

Do not limit yourself to one deck when you are learning. Different decks illuminate and focus on different aspects of a card’s meaning. It helps to use multiple decks, at least, at some early intermediate stage in your study. Besides, tarot deck collecting is wonderfully fulfilling hobby!

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Learn to Read the Tarot

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

You can go a long way learning the tarot on your own. The more dedicated you are, the faster you will progress in your study, which in the beginning is an exercise of memorization. If you have difficulty, check with a local metaphysical store to see if anyone is giving lessons on the tarot. For many people, learning in a workshop or group environment helps them learn faster and impresses the meanings of the cards on their minds more deeply than working entirely solo. Of course, you’ll still want to set aside plenty of time for self-study. Overall, learning the tarot is a solitary process.

You may find it helpful to keep a journal of meanings of the cards as you understand them individually. Also, record the meanings of cards in relation to other cards in readings. These can be mock readings in the beginning. Record any other impressions or sensations you experience during a reading, as well. Your journal can be fancy or plain. The best thing to start with is a simple spiral notebook.

You may choose to read the cards reversed or not. It may be in the beginning, that it is easier for you to read without considering the reversed position. You can always change your practice later.

Use the tarot manual that comes with your deck when you first begin to learn. But, do not rely too heavily on tarot manuals or you will never get past the rudimentary aspects of reading. Truly being able to read the tarot requires a thorough study of the Kaballah, astrology and numerology combined with your own gnosis or inner knowing.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Reading the Tarot Expands Your Psychic Abilities

Even in the beginning stages of reading, you will get some very satisfactory readings. As you become more skilled and more confident, your accuracy will grow. You will begin to amaze other people. And, then you will begin to amaze yourself!

And that, of all the rewards of becoming a psychic tarot reader, is the most highly beneficial outcome. It gives you a “knowing”. It is an amazing thing to simply know something that could not be known by any conventional means.

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Furthermore, what you will know for yourself, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is that there is something beyond the world of the five senses. You will know that you are more than a human being or, as many people claim, a human animal – you are part of the divine and you have a divine mind. You will know this in a way which is beyond the power of ordinary words to express.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

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Spirit Communication: How to Conduct a Séance for One

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 16, 2013 by littleredridinghood


The author’s personal spirit board. Spirit boards (Ouija boards) are not dangerous “toys,” but serious tools that can be used to help you find your focus for spirit communication.
Copyrighted image. All rights reserved.

Many people who are interested in making contact with spirits by means of a seance believe that they need to work with other living people. While it is nice to have a psychic development circle, it is not necessary to have another living person to conduct a séance. You can do it successfully entirely on your own.

In fact, many of the most successful psychic mediums are people who spend a great deal of time alone. Times of silence and peace in your home are the times when a spirit is best able to get through to you. Furthermore, the spirits of the dead are of great comfort and solace to the living, especially those who live alone or have few friends among the living.

One of the most important aspects of successful spirit communication is being psychologically open to receive communication from spirits. Distractions, noise and activity can all stand in the way of being open to receive messages from the metaphysical world.

Before you begin your seance, turn off noisy appliances and turn of the ringer on your phone. Eliminate any other distractions that might interfere with or cause contact with a spirit to be broken.

Overcoming Doubt

A common obstacle to spirit communication, which must be overcome is negative skepticism. While skepticism is a healthy trait, if you want to succeed at communicating with spirits, it is important to keep an open mind. It is best to approach any attempts at communication as you would any experiment.

Some skepticism is directly related to fear. In order to bridge the divide between the physical world and the one beyond, it is necessary to release any fear you may have of actually making contact. This may be a subconscious fear that if you do make contact, it will alter your present view of the world or that it will make you seem freakish or weird to others.

It is important to remember that spirit communication is perfectly normal and natural and it is our present culture that is at odds with reality.

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

The Importance of a Quiet Mind

Once you have a quiet place in which to conduct your seance for one, it is important that you proceed with a quiet mind, which is free from internal chatter. Set aside an hour or so one day per week and commit it to doing nothing but relaxing and quieting your mind for the purpose of making contact with spirits.

If you have difficulty quieting your mind, consider practicing yoga or some other form of meditation to train your mind to become more quiet and receptive.

Certain times seem to be better than others for making spirit contact, especially the first contact with a spirit. The weeks before and after Halloween are an ideal time to try to make first contact with spirits. But, there is no need to restrict your experiments to only this time of year.

Any time of the day or night can be a good time to make contact, although, late at night and after midnight is often preferred, if for no other reason than that it is quieter. Most people are settled in their homes, in bed or asleep, which means you are less likely to be distracted.

Successful spirit contact usually takes a great deal of patience and persistence. Once contact is made, make an appointment to meet with the spirit, again.

Create an pleasant environment with a vase of fresh flowers. Set a chair in the room for your spirit guest. If you hare having food or drink, set a place for your guest, as well. This signals your subconscious mind that you are open and receptive to communication. It, also, signals the spirit that you are open and receptive at this time.

Treat the spirits in your home as if they were living people. Invite them to sit down, eat or drink with you. Place a chair in your room just for them. If you are contacting the spirit of someone you once knew and you know their favorite food, drink or scents, place these things in the room to let them know you are interested in speaking with them.

Give the spirits permission to come into your home, to sit down and talk with you and they will.

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

How to Communicate with Spirits Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

At Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback

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Visit: Psychic Powers and Magic Spells

Signs that Your Psychic Abilities are Developing and How to Increase Your ESP

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 15, 2013 by littleredridinghood


Image of Charles Baudelaire.

It seems likely that most, if not all, people are psychic to some degree or other. Most people who are honest about it, have experienced something anomalous, something they cannot explain by conventional means. Although, it may be that there are a few people who never have such experiences and are naturally skeptical about such things.

Some people are born psychic, but for many people, psychic abilities develop a little later in life.

The first symptom that many people experience is very vivid dreams. Sometimes these dreams seem to portend some event. Other times, they may involve people who are far away or even deceased who come back to talk to you in a dream state.

Another common early symptom of psychic development is seeing or hearing unusual things during the waking state. This includes seeing or hearing apparent ghosts or spirits. It, also, may include seeing anomalous creatures and unidentified objects, such as U.F.O.s.

Sometimes people do not notice that they have the ability to see, hear and otherwise sense occurrences outside the normal five sense range until they live in a spiritually active house. This may be the first time they hear rapping noises or the sounds of other people living in the house with them who aren’t fully physical.

The most common experience that people have, which is a sign that a person, at least, has some natural ability to be psychic is having hunches or intuitive flashes. For example, if you know when the phone is about to ring or who is going to be on the other end when it rings, this is a sign that you have some psychic potential that can be developed.

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities

Use a pendulum. One of the easiest things you can do to turn yourself into an instant psychic is to acquire a well-balanced pendulum and begin practicing with it. The pendulum is a very great psychic development tool that has an unlimited number of applications. To make a great leap in your psychic abilities, get a pendulum and start using it.

Practice some form of meditation that requires you to quiet your mind for, at least, short periods of time each day. This may be the recitation of Hindu mantras, Catholic prayers like the rosary or taking yoga classes. It is important to psychic development that you are able to discipline your mind.

Learn to read tarot cards. The cards are a very great psychic development tool. Even working with them a little bit can help open up psychic abilities. Committing to mastery of the tarot is the path to advanced psychic development.

Open your mind to the idea of communicating with spirits. If you haven’t bought into the Hollywood hype and are comfortable using a Ouija board, this can be a good tool for making contact with spirits. Automatic writing is another good method of receiving metaphysical messages. So, is holding your own seance on a regular basis.

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

At Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback

At Barnes & Noble for Nook

How to Know if You are a Natural Witch: Examples of Witchcraft Powers

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Magical Healing, Mediumship, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The Witch

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To be a witch is to possess an innate power or natural ability to do things that most people don’t think are possible. Some people have a large supply of natural talent for witchcraft, which go beyond the ordinary. They are more than just psychics or mediums, but they are naturally endowed with other abilities, which they usually discover early in life.

While these abilities like these usually manifest early in the life of a witch, they may increase, especially later in life. Also, such latent abilities can first manifest after a person is exposed to a severe or prolonged trauma, as discussed in Black Magic for Dark Times by A. Kaelin, which is a spell book written especially for crime survivors.

The Difference Between a Witch and a Psychic

Witches may know what’s going to happen before it happens, they may have the ability to see what others do not, such as manifestations of spirits, they may be able to hear other people’s thoughts and they may have very strong emotional sensitivities. But, true witchcraft power goes beyond just having highly developed psychic abilities, although this is an important part of it. Apart from having psychic abilities, natural witches are able to do things outside the ordinary. This ability is what sets witches apart from people who are merely psychic.

Another way to state the difference between psychics and witches is to say that a psychic can foretell the future, while a witch has the ability to consciously alter it.

Examples of Witchcraft Powers or Abilities

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

The following are examples, some are personal experiences of the author and some are the experiences of others, which illustrate the first inkling natural witches have that they may possess other than ordinary abilities. Although these examples are partially from my personal experience and from other people’s real life experiences, third-person and fictitious names are used here for both anonymity and ease of discussion:

Julie is a powerful natural healer who has a memory of being five-years old and flying in a circle around her mother’s living room. At some point she lost this ability, but her memory of it is vivid.

Toni was 12-years old when she first spotted a new boy who was visiting family from out of state. She was struck by his exotic good looks. She was scheduled to attend a dance and although she didn’t expect him to be there, right before it was time to go, she fell into a deep reverie in which she imagined the boy was there and asked her to dance. When she arrived at the dance she sat with some other girls for a little while and when the music started, exactly as she had pictured it in her mind, the boy of her dreams strode across the floor and asked her to dance with him, which she did. This is one of her earliest memories in which she believed she was able to cause events to happen by focusing on her desires intently. She later began a study of witchcraft and was able to deconstruct and exercise this ability more consciously.

When Adriana was 16-years old, she was an avid bibliophile who could often be found sitting quietly in a corner absorbed in a book. Her brother often made fun of her for this. On one occasion when he was mocking her as he so often did, she became very angry and spontaneously directed the force of her rage at him, sending him tumbling down the stairs. It was then that she first knew she had extraordinary abilities.


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Diana was 15-years old and interested in a boy at school. Her parents had forbidden her to talk to him, but she disobeyed them and was caught talking to him on the telephone. Her parents became very angry and sent her to her room. In her sadness and anger, she stared out the window at a single cloud in the sky. In a matter of seconds, a wind swept through, the sky turned dark and threatening, then suddenly the rain began to pour. Diana soon discovered that she was able to cause storms at will and thus began her interest in the study of witchcraft.

Sandy was 18-years old and making her first cross-country trip alone. As she was driving down the highway, two men pulled up next to her and began harassing her and driving very dangerously. She became very angry and directed her rage at the car beside her. Immediately, smoke began rolling out of the hood and the drivers were forced to the side of the road. Sandy, who was frequently the target of such harassment when alone, was able to repeat this experiment a few times. This is how she knew she had an unusual ability and sought an explanation and a way to control it.

Are You a Natural Witch?

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

If you have ever had any experiences like these, then you are probably a natural witch who already knows the truth for yourself.

The only people who do not believe in witchcraft powers are those who do not possess them. Once people make the discovery that they have these abilities, they often want to develop them, hone their skills and increase their natural power. You can do this by studying the world-wide practice of traditional witchcraft (not the religion Wicca) and applying and experimenting with what you find.

There are techniques you can use to develop your skills whether you have had these experiences or not, but it comes easier to people who already know witchcraft is real and have some natural ability. It’s harder for those who have to take a leap of faith (belief in something they have not personally experienced) to approach the study witchcraft and its underlying esoteric science.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

And, as wonderful as a lot of witchcraft fiction is, it can really obscure the truth about witchcraft, so people have to sort out for themselves what is “real” — what is possible and what isn’t. In fact, the term “natural witch” may very well be borrowed from the 1993 movie, “The Craft,” in which the bookstore owner tells Sarah she has natural powers inherited from her mother. But, witchcraft is not necessarily a genetic trait anymore than any other kind of natural talent. This is not to say that it can’t run in families, but more often it seems to be something that is in the individual or not, regardless of lineage.

If you have had personal experiences similar to those mentioned in this article, then you may very well be a natural witch. It’s up to you to study traditional witchcraft and other aspects of the occult and further develop your abilities.

Learn more about developing your witchcraft abilities with the following Winter Tempest Books:

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work by Sophia diGregorio

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others  by Angela Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection by Angela Kaelin, the only spell book especially written for crime survivors.

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Traditional Witchcraft and Occultism Involve Experience and Knowledge Rather Than Faith and Belief

Posted in Black Magic, Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, occult, self-defense, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , on July 11, 2013 by littleredridinghood


Click the image above to go to our sister site: Psychic Powers and Magic Spells

While witchcraft often plays a role in the religions of the world, it is not a religion. Occultism may well be described as a study of occult science and witchcraft may be described as the practical application of those scientific theories.

Religious people often try to place the paradigm of their various beliefs or faiths on witches and occultists, but these are not relevant to occultism or traditional witchcraft, which are based on experimentation and experience – not belief or faith.

How to Begin Studying Traditional Witchcraft

In the beginning, ask yourself what first attracted you to the occult and witchcraft. Were you able to make something happen that seemed strange or  impossible to you at the time?

For example, were you able to:

Heal yourself or someone else very quickly by other than mundane means?
Stop a harasser or bully in his tracks?
See through to someone’s true self?
Know the explicit outcome of a future event (claircognizant)?
Hear or see those who were in another location (clairaudient or clairvoyant)?

…Or, possibly you had some other experience you cannot completely explain or would like to consciously reproduce.

Choose this or some other area, which is your greatest interest, to begin studying and experimenting with.

To become adept at all magic, first learn to heal. Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

To expand your psychic abilities and gain true initiation into the ancient mysteries, learn to read the tarot.  How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

To gain control over your environment, learn to communicate with spirits and fearlessly experiment with conjuring and spell casting.

To acquire information and assistance, learn to communicate with spirits. How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

If you have previously been involved with a religion like Christianity or Wicca, you may have to do a little de-programming to succeed at genuine witchcraft.

Take your focus off religion, fall out of a sense or worshipfulness for spirits and authorities. See religion for what it is:  An artificial social construct, which is possibly the oldest form of mind control on the planet.

Recognize witchcraft for the manifestation of the occult science (a set of esoteric scientific theories) that it is.

Work spells according to your desires, not according to a moral code.

Don’t get caught up in the ceremonial or ritual aspects of anything you do and never be ruled by faith or belief. If an idea you previously held proves false, be prepared to let it go and move on in pursuit of true knowledge and illumination.

Witchcraft revolves around abilities and the acquisition of power. Whatever aspect of it you embark upon pursuit of, experiment and look for results.

Click the images below to purchase them from Amazon.

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others. Click here to purchase.

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers. Click here to purchase.

How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning. Click here to purchase.

Why Television is an Obstacle to the Study and Practice of Occultism and Traditional Witchcraft

Posted in Black Magic, Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, Mexican Witchcraft, occult, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 6, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The first thing I tell anyone who is seriously interested in any aspect of the occult, whether its Spiritualism or traditional witchcraft, is to permanently turn off the television. Not only is its pop culture and propaganda poisonous to your mind, but because of its broadcast nature it interferes with your perception of reality in more ways than one.

Contrary to the popular saying, perception is not reality. And, reality is, in fact, very different from how television and its establishment media, which support establishment science and medicine, would have us believe it is.

Perception of Reality is Shaped and Distorted by Television

Television both alters viewers’ perceptions of reality and forms an alternative reality at the same time through “predictive programming.” With predictive programming, the writers and actors actually change society by modeling certain behaviors, which are then copied by viewers, usually entirely unconsciously.

But, television-watching does more than alter perceptions of reality and mold the behavior of viewers, it, also, limits their ability to fully perceive reality and imposes a completely false version of reality upon them.

Television programs beliefs about matters of both the physical world and the metaphysical one into the  mind of the viewer. It defines the paradigm of reality for its viewers, anything outside of that paradigm is rejected or ridiculed by them.  Although, television broadcasts themselves are a form of witchcraft, at least, its technology works on the same principles as the esoteric science that lies at the foundation of the practice of witchcraft.

Learn methods of black magic with the book, “Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies.”

Television as a Method of Mental Influence at a Distance

Traditional Witchcraft and Occultism

Consider television – not the device that sits in your living room – but the means by which broadcast signals reach it. It operates on much the same principles as mental telepathy.

The television emits an electrical frequency into the room, which carries with it audio and visual methods accompanied by a flicker rate, which induces a hypnotic state in the viewer in a matter of seconds.

Because of its ability to convey very realistic images combined with this brain wave-lowering flicker rate, it is the perfect medium for broadcasting telepathic suggestions to the subconscious minds of millions of people at a time. The subconscious mind has no power of reasoning or analysis and willingly accepts whatever suggestions, images or other ideas it is given without question.

The rapidly changing and contrasting images on the screen cannot be detected by the human eye, but it is certainly real because it can cause seizures in epileptics. Although, its more common effect is to lead the mind into a pattern of thought in which it cannot focus for long periods of time on any one subject.

Flicker rates have intensified over the years, as the images have become crisper, clearer and more realistic. But, it isn’t only the use music and subliminal visual cues to invoke a response or implant a perception into their viewers’ minds. The mass bombardment of signals, images and ever-changing ideas all work together to put the viewer in a hypnotic state. It is in this hypnotic state that deception of all manner is perpetrated upon the viewer’s mind. His view of the world is limited, not only by the messages he received, but by the fact that his mind’s ability to perceive frequencies, especially in the metaphysical ranges, are greatly diminished or completely disabled.

Furthermore, television broadcasting with its hypnotic flicker rate has a deleterious effect on the chakra centers, the endocrine glands and all the senses of the body, affecting their sensitivity and ability to perceive natural, environmental frequencies.

A television-watcher’s actions, behaviors, attitudes and level of awakening and consciousness are impacted by the broadcast of these frequency harmonics through the ether. So, are his beliefs, his opinions and his perception of all levels of reality affected.

His ability to be in control of his own mind, thoughts and emotions are impaired. As television becomes increasingly chaotic and violent, so does that segment of society that watches it and internalized its broadcast waves, taking them into their physical, as well as their metaphysical bodies.

After watching television, the alterations in the mind and body, both physically and metaphysically, form a set pattern, so that the person is influenced by these emanations even when he or she is not actively engaged in television watching.

Learn methods of black magic with the book, “Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies.”


If you don’t watch television, you may have noticed that people who do are difficult to have a discussion with about real world events because their minds have been heavily programmed by the sounds and images they have received in a semi-conscious, highly suggestible state. The television has been broadcasting an unreal version of not only day-to-day life, but the occult and witchcraft, for decades. The people subjected to it are literally under a spell and seem to live as if they are in a different version of reality because of the images and messages that have been broadcast to their subconscious minds while in a suggestible state.

The fact is this: If someone else is influencing your mind through hypnosis and telepathy, then you are not in control anymore than you would be if you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Your ability to perceive that which lies outside the densely physical field, for example, to perceive wave lengths in the range that produces experiences called clairaudience, claircognizance and clairvoyance, is severely limited. Furthermore, the perception of reality with regard to such matters has been distorted and largely dictated by television programming, so that these experiences are denied and ridiculed – sometimes even by the experiencer.

Traditional witchcraft (the esoteric science – not the religion Wicca) holds theories about the nature of the world, both physical and metaphysical that involve frequencies, waves, wave forms and energetic frequency harmonics. Television-watching alters your ability

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

to perceive these frequencies while implanting its own falsehoods in your mind, which is why the more television people watch, the less likely they are to be able to communicate freely and easily with spirits and to successfully perform acts of magic.

Get Practical Black Magic at…

Barnes & Noble: Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

Smashwords: Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

Amazon in paperback & for Kindle: Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio