Archive for the Spells for Money and Wealth Category

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System – Released Today!

Posted in occult, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, Uncategorized, wealth with tags , , , , , , , on December 5, 2018 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Sophia diGregorio’s latest book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination, is released today and is available for sale on for Kindle readers and in paperback.

This book is much more than an unusual history and a how-to guide, it has the power to change your life by changing the way you think about everyday things. It is fascinating, revealing, and revolutionary! Explore the history of finance through a traditional witch’s lens and learn about the means of escaping the grasp of our historical enemies, which has emerged at the dawning of this new age.

Historically, witches have been denied full economic participation and equal protection under the law. Now, in the 21st century, little has changed except that anti-witch discrimination has gone high tech.

  • Do you hate being told what you can and cannot do?

  • Would you like to enjoy more freedom, autonomy, and less interference?

  • Do you ever wish you had more control over your life?

  • If you had a chance to escape a powerful, hidden enemy, would you like to know more about it?

By reading this powerful book you will gain unique insights into the history of banking and corporate structures, plus real-world, practical information of special use to witches and occultists. This book answers such questions as, “What does ‘In God We Trust’ on currency mean for witches and occultists?” Learn how the Holy Brotherhood promotes modern discrimination against witches and affects how we buy, sell, and communicate with each other today. Then, discover how you can break free from this trap — all on your own.

Although history has been unkind to witches, the author points the way to a brighter future and shows you how to take action in the present to circumvent long-standing obstacles.

As the Piscean Age convulses in its death throes, a philosophical war wages between old and new constructs. This is a crossroad. Will you choose the right path?

If you are a witch, occultist, or pagan, this may be the single most life-changing book you read this year!

Also, published today is the self-published ebook, which launches Sophia diGregorio’s cryptocurrency-based patronage program. A program like this one is theorized in the new book, Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System, along with other ideas for using cryptocurrency for privacy.

The theoretical program described in the book is realized with the publication of this free ebook, The Occult Files of Sophia diGregorio Bitcoin and Altcoins Patronage Program: How to Join our Cryptocurrency-Based Patronage Program and Why We Are Doing Things This Way. The publication of this ebook  launches the program. Read the free ebook right now at the official blog for the program:

Traditional Witchcraft and the Occult: Can Witchcraft Really Help You to Achieve Wealth and Success?

Posted in abundance, prosperity, prosperity spells, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, wealth with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 3, 2014 by littleredridinghood
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Many people – probably most people – doubt that witchcraft can be used for prosperity or success.

Those who do believe are often inclined to see witchcraft only as a self-help tool, something that can be used to clear out old thought patterns, leading to more positive thoughts and success in financial and career endeavors.

While witchcraft undoubtedly has an effect on the person performing it and it may well be used to reprogram the brain for success the ways the positive thinking cult gurus claim, however, this is not the main purpose of witchcraft.

Witchcraft is primarily used to affect the outside environment, to destroy negative forces around us, to clear the path to success of all obstacles, to destroy those who would oppose our success and to arrange affairs in the world in our favor.

Thinking positive is simply not enough. While there are powerful mental forces in the the universe, mere thoughts are not powerful enough to have an effect on the outer environment. There must be great force behind the thoughts – or the will. Successfully using that power consistently comes from an understanding of the occult sciences.

A lot of people who were skeptics before trying a spell in to get money in an emergency situation are amazed at how effective it can be. Maybe they have a sudden expense come up and they need a particular sum. After working a spell, they get that exact amount of money to the penny. This is a common story, but all too often people stop there.

But, in order to get the best results out of prosperity spells, they should be worked very regularly. Moreover, it is important to develop a plan of action involving witchcraft for creating a more financially stable life beginning by clearing out any hexes that may have been placed upon you, clearing out obstacles, meeting your immediate obligations, then finally accumulating wealth so you can live the life you always dreamed of.

The book, Spells for Money and Wealth, shows you how to do this.

Although a lot of people are suffering right now because of the current economy, not everyone is at the same place financially.

If you are in debt, you will need to do a little more work than someone who is not. First of all, you must destroy any hexes or other adversarial energy, which may be intelligences or thought forms, that may be working against you. Once you’ve done that, you must destroy obstacles in your outer environment.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Then, you must get a steady flow of money coming through your door. While Spells for Money and Wealth contains spells for emergency situations, it is ideal to get far enough ahead that emergencies are either rare or non-existent. The regular practice of witchcraft for prosperity helps to bring a steady flow of money into your bank account. After this, you can begin to accrue wealth.

While you can accomplish a great deal under your own occult power, it is important to have powerful spiritual allies who can arrange circumstances in the physical world in your favor. Alliances with the dead, the saints, the deities of the ancient world and other powerful spirits can help you accomplish specific goals.

This and more is discussed in Spells for Money and Wealth.

Learn How to Cast a Magic Spell for Prosperity and Financial Success

Are you unhappy with your present financial situation?
Would you like more money?
Would you like a better job, a raise or a promotion?
Are there things you would like to buy, but you need more money?
Do you want to be surrounded by other successful and wealth people?
Would you like to never have to worry about having enough money, again?

Here’s the opportunity to end your money problems forever…

This is the original book of Spells for Money and Wealth by author, researcher and occultist, Angela Kaelin.

Maybe you have already asked yourself why some people seem to enjoy a life of luxury and have the knack of making money easily.

A few of these successful people are famous or run famous companies, but most are just ordinary men and women – just like you or me who somehow seem to have the mysterious power to attract money, good fortune, riches and success.

It is a fact that many people are still using witchcraft today.

Now, this genuine powerful occult knowledge is offered at a price you can afford!

While more people are becoming interested in witchcraft and the occult, many are quickly disappointed because they try a magic spell and it doesn’t work or they buy a useless lucky charm and soon realize that they have wasted their money.

Now you can prove to yourself once and for all that occult forces do exist.

How to get what you want by means of occult knowledge and power…

Spells for Money and Wealth reveals the mystical and occult formulas used by successful occultists throughout history to keep a steady flow of money coming through their doors and includes wealth-drawing you can use to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get whatever it is you want out of your success.

Discover how to:

Clear out old energy patterns that are keeping you from success
Destroy obstacles
Lay the foundation for financial success
Transform yourself so you can take on any challenge
Attract powerful and influential friends
Have the red carpet rolled out for you

Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to in your business or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.

With all the money you want, what would you buy?

A big house
A new car?
An exotic vacation?
A life of happiness?

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth today!

Copyright 2013-2019 © Winter Tempest Books.
All rights reserved.

About Santa Muerte or Holy Death: Ritual to Consecrate a Talisman to the White Lady of Mexico

Posted in Black Magic, Holy Death, Mexican Witchcraft, occult, Santa Muerte, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 9, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

Sophia diGregorio is the author of The Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

smredwhiteblueSanta Muerte, or Holy Death Death, is believed by some to be a representation of an ancient Aztec goddess called Mictecacihuatl, the Lady of the Dead. Although this origin is disputed by other researchers who point to a long history of death goddesses throughout Mexico and in Western Europe, as well. She may be a little bit of both.

Santa Muerte was practically unknown until a few years ago. According to one account, her influence grew in Tepito, which is a neighborhood in Mexico City that the police were unable to control. She is sometimes described as a “narco-saint” and is associated in the minds of law enforcement agencies with the drug trade. But, her significance and popularity is much broader than that.

Santa Muerte is not necessarily associated with crime, but she might be characterized as a spirit of defiance, which has grown out of the injustices perpetrated by the government and law enforcement agencies on good, hard-working Mexican people. The police and the organized criminal class is intertwined in Mexico, just as they are in many large cities in the U.S.

Los Zetas, the infamous drug traffickers said to be responsible for a great deal of violence in Mexico, was formed by police officers. In cities like Juarez, it is estimated by some that 1/3 of the police department is comprised of members of drug cartels. In other parts of Mexico, the police engage in the human trafficking of people from Guatemala and El Salvador. Sporadically, there are reports of good townspeople fighting the police to rescue the victims.

So, you can see that, at least in some places in Mexico, if you have been victimized by criminals, the police and the legal system may not be the best place to turn for help.

In past centuries, the Catholic Church has stood between criminal governments and the people, but the Catholic Church in Mexico has failed to meet the needs of many Mexicans either physically or spiritually.

Because of this, Santa Muerte has become a refuge for those who need protection from criminals of both the common and police classes.

In circumstances of oppression like this, witchcraft always grows darker and stronger. Such is the case with the Santa Muerte.

Her popularity is, also, growing in parts of the U.S. where people face similar injustices and dangers from the same two classes of people.

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Getting to Know Santa Muerte

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial  by Sophia diGregorio

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial by Sophia diGregorio

In most representations of Santa Muerte, she is depicted as a skeleton wearing a hood and holding a scythe like the grim reaper. The scythe and her deathly appearance symbolize her power over life and death. Essentially, she is the spirit of death and probably a combination of several such spirits from both Mexico and southwestern Europe.

Because of her thin, skeletal image, she is sometimes called “la niña blanca” (the white lady or “thewhite girl”) or “la niña flaca” (“the skinny girl”). She is quietly referred to by many as, “mi amiga” (“my friend”).

Commonly, she is depicted holding the earth in her hands as a representation of her earthly powers. Sometimes she is standing on it, similar to some depictions of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In some depictions, she seems to be holding what looks like a crystal ball, however, in other representations it is clearly the earth with the various continents she holds in her hand.

She often holds the scales of justice. This is reminiscent of the Egyptian goddess Maat, who represents law, order, balance and justice. One of Santa Muerte’s most important functions is to mete out justice in instances where crimes and criminals would otherwise go unpunished.

Frequently, she is depicted with one or two owls either perched at her feet or behind her shoulders. The owl has associations with witchcraft in Mexico, Europe and around the world. In Mexico, it is believed by some that witches can turn into owls and there are many reports of human-looking owls (Lechuzas) flying in the air along the Rio Grande and all the way from Monterrey, Mexico to northern Texas. Furthermore, the owl is regarded as a bad omen in Mexico and to hear an owl hooting is seen as a sign that death is nearby.

As further evidence of Santa Muerte’s connection to other goddesses of death in Western Europe and earlier civilizations, the owl is associated with Hecate, the Greek goddess of the Underworld and Minerva or Athena the Roman goddess of Wisdom. The Akkadian goddess Ishtar, who is depicted with owl-like claws and wings, is accompanied by two owls, one on either side of her.

Less often, we see Santa Muerte depicted with a black cat, which is among her chief pets. Cats are associated with both good and bad fortune and with protection, however, they are often considered an omen of bad luck in Mexico.

Santa Muerte statues used primarily for success in business and finances are usually painted gold and she is depicted with golden coins.

Sometimes she carries an oil lamp to light the way. The light is, also, a symbol of illumination and always a symbol of Luciferian rebellion and the willful desire to obtain the knowledge of the gods.

She is, also, often pictured with caskets, skeletons, skulls and horseshoes.

The horseshoe is an ancient symbol with many different meanings. In this instance it may be associated not only with good fortune and protection, but with the crescent moon because Santa Muerte is similar to other goddesses from the Mediterranean. Our Lady of Guadalupe is, also, frequently depicted with a crescent moon.

Statues of Santa Muerte commonly have a cavity in the bottom filled with amulets, seeds or other representations of her power

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Colors Associations of  Santa Muerte

The colors, altar cloths, candles and other dressings used to honor Santa Muerte and to facilitate magical working differs slightly from those used by most modern witches in the U.S. and England. In some ways, they seem closer to the color associations of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Gold, red, black, and white are probably the most commonly seen colors. But, she is dressed in other colors, as well.

Gold or golden yellow is for money, success and financial concerns

Red is for matters of love, romance and protection, especially from the Evil Eye

Black is for total protection from enemies, hexing and revenge, and protection from the Evil Eye

White and bone-color are for peace and harmony in the home and among neighbors

Blue is for increased mental powers and concentration

Green is used in matters pertaining to the law, courts and justice

Amber is used for healing and releasing habits and addictions

Purple is, also, used for health and healing and sometimes revenge.

In the modern devotion to Santa Muerte, she is typically approached like any Catholic saint. Unlike other saints her powers are not limited and she does not pass judgment on you or your needs or desires. People often giver her a special altar, which becomes a place of power over time as you work with her.

Once you are used to working with her, you can ask her to lend her power to any of your spells. She is extremely versatile and will be able to help you with all your needs. Simply, tailor your candles and other dressings for her altar, accordingly.

In the U.S., you may have difficulty finding Santa Muerte articles unless you live in Texas or the southwest. If you are fortunate enough to have a Mexican grocery store near you, you may find Santa Muerte candles, scapulars, pendants and other articles sold along with images of other saints. Most Mexican tiendas, also, keep dried herbs, incense and magical powders on hand.

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Ritual to Consecrate a Talisman to the White Lady of Mexico

If you would like to keep the power of Santa Muerte with you, always, you can use the following ceremony to consecrate a pendant to her to create a talisman.

You will need the following:

A statue of Santa Muerte (a prayer card or even an image of her printed from the computer)

Red Ribbon or Cord
White Candle
A glass of fresh, clean water
A Santa Muerte pendant (you may substitute a skull, skeleton or grim reaper)
A red or black cotton handkerchief
Santa Muerte Money Spell

Cleanse the pendant and chain by rubbing it with a little alcohol. Then, allow it to dry.

This consecration ceremony takes place over the course of 3 nights. So, place two marks on the candle to divide it into three sections.

If you are using a prayer card or paper image of Santa Muerte, place it under the candle holder on your altar. Place the glass of water near the candle. Water is the most basic offering to the spirit. You may, also, bread, candy, fruit or some other small offering to her in a little bowl.

On a Tuesday or Thursday night during a Full Moon, light the candle and pray to Santa Muerte, asking for her protection while holding the pendant in your hand, as follows:

“Most Holy Death, I ask that through this image you will cover me with the cloak of your protection, that you always take care of me and guide me through all snares and dangers. Give me your blessing so that I never lack the things I need. Give me strength, health, prosperity and protection. [Add any other petition.]”

You may use a different prayer, the above is only an example. In fact, the words and actions in this consecration are less important than your own energy. There are a lot of prayers to Holy Death, but there is no standard prayer. Many people like to begin and end with a recitation of The Our Father, but this is not a requirement. The best thing you can do is really speak from your heart and make a connection with the spirit of Santa Muerte. Whatever wording you use, ask for her protection to be granted to you through the pendant.

When you have finished your prayer. fold the pendant and cord up into the handkerchief and place it on or in front of the Santa Muerte statue. If you are using an card or paper image, place the handkerchief in front of the candle. Allow it to burn down to the first notch. Then, snuff out the candle and take the handkerchief and place it in the bottom of a drawer.

On the second night, retrieve the handkerchief with the pendant from the drawer and repeat this procedure. It is not necessary to cleanse the pendant, again, as long as no one else touches it. When the candle as burned to the second notch, snuff it out. Place the handkerchief in the drawer.

On the third night, repeat this procedure, allowing the candle to burn down completely. Now, the pendant is ready to wear.

Whenever you need help, touch the medal and ask Santa Muerte to be with you.

Some practitioners repeat this ritual every three months to maintain its power.

The Judeo-Christian god demands worship and his followers consider themselves his servants. By contrast, Santa Muerte serves the people. She doesn’t take anything from the people; she doesn’t demand service and she doesn’t pass judgment or punish. She only gives protection and power to those who have no other advocate and no other recourse.

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Santa Muerte is a Mexican saint, but her devotion is truly a gift from Mexico to the world!

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial by Sophia diGregorio

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial by Sophia diGregorio

In January 2013, a new book in English, The Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico is the first book especially for American (and English-speaking) devotees of Santa Muerte. There have been numerous books in Spanish from Mexican presses written for Mexican audiences, but few in English written especially for people who are not as familiar with Mexican culture and Catholicism. This book was written by an American Santa Muerte devotee and lover of Mexican history, culture and language especially for non-Spanish speakers.

It contains information about Santa Muerte, her history and legends. It shows how to construct an altar for her, how to consecrate it and it gives prayers, spells and rituals for obtaining the assistance of Santa Muerte for love, protection, prosperity, healing and all of the necessities of life. The next book in the series delves into how to really tap into the power of Santa Muerte and is set to be released in the winter of 2014.

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death

Update: The 2nd Volume of this series was released in July 2016. A third one, on the subject of healing with Santa Muerte, is in progress.


Note: The comments below were provided by readers of this article when it was hosted at another website. The responses by “TraditionalWitchcraft” are those of the author of this article.


Very captivating to say the least. Your knowledge and research on these subjects must be very time consuming, but well worth the effort. I fear with the way things are changing within the US we may soon need Santa Muerte to protect us as well.


Thank you for your kind comment, as well. I really live and breathe the occult. I think it occupies most of my waking time and a lot of my dreams.

And, yes, I think for some of us, this is happening already here in the U.S. and actually has been for a long time. I have had protection from Santa Muerte and a host of saints. In my experience, they don’t work for the Catholic church, they just work! Mexico is a really magical place, so maybe they get their power from something down there.


Thanks for this article!  I’m taking notes…



The above prayer could be expanded. She is sometimes called Santisima Muerte or Most Holy Death because some say she is actually a high ranking spirit who commands armies of both angels and demons.

My natural tendency is to start with the Our Father and to end the same way and to address her as Most Holy Death or Santisima Muerte. I always ask her to enlighten my home and cloak me with her protection. Since I’m a person who needs a lot more spiritual protection (we all have as many locks and alarms on our houses as we feel we need – some of us need more than others to feel safe) I always invoke her darker side for protection from evil.

The longer you work with her, the stronger and more powerful her presence seems to become in your life.



I have been living out of my car for 5 years. Now I just have enough money to rent a space in a persons living room for a wile. I desire some more income for my own apartment and a girlfriend. Will Santa Murte help with this? Can I have other things as well like I have St Romo and some Buddha things or is she jealous ? Thanks For the help Grant What color should I get?



It sounds like you have had a streak of bad luck. Santa Muerte is appealed to by people who have had had difficult times and need a little boost. Gold Santa Muerte statues and golden yellow candles are used to appeal to her for financial help. Red Santa Muerte statues and red candles are used to request favors in the romance department.

If you have limited space or are in a situation where you are not free to burn candles, you might want to just get a small Santa Muerte statue – I’d start with the gold. Keep her with you, say prayers to her, invoke her power and generally establish a relationship with her. I suggest gold because you’ll probably want to get your finances straightened out so that you’ll have time to devote to a relationship. You can still use the gold statue, but use a red candle – most practitioners agree that the color of the candle dominates. Also, you can always sew a little red cape for your gold statue to use in love rituals.

Some people say she is jealous. I don’t find this to be true – I work with an army of spirits, including Hindu ones. I find her to be perfectly compatible with other saints and spirits – although she is less specialized and more powerful than most of them. I do have a special altar for her and this is recommended by most people.

Thank you for your comment and your question. I hope this helps. And, I hope things improve for you very soon. The fact that it’s hard times for so many people is exactly why Santa Muerte has become more and more popular.

She does seem to demand devotion. Many people who work with her grow to genuinely love her, so if you work with her for very long the devotion will probably follow very naturally. She is one of the most powerful spirits I’ve run across.

My continuing research on Santa Muerte suggests that she is an ancient spirit that has been helping people, much like Our Lady, for a very long time.

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial by Sophia diGregorio

As the authority of both church and state have crumbled, Santa Muerte’s following has grown ever larger.  Devotion to Santa Muerte is not so much a matter of faith or belief, but a matter of experience. To know the power of Santa Muerte for yourself, you must forge a personal connection with her.

The Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico was written especially with non-Catholic, non-Spanish speaking people in mind. The author attempts to make Santa Muerte accessible to English-speaking readers.

You can find it at and other online outlets.

A nice article and review of this book may be found at:

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death provides potentially life-transforming rituals and prayers to Santa Muerte. This book goes deeper into the modern devotion to Santa Muerte and the author shares more insights into Most Holy Death.

Get it at Amazon

…or get this or our other Winter Tempest Books in print using cryptocurrencies.



Traditional Witchcraft: What are Enemies?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

In black magic spell books, we often talk about our enemies. But, what exactly are enemies? How do we identify them? How do we acquire them? What is the danger of ignoring them?

Some people believe they do not really have any enemies. There is a prevailing cultural belief that if we go about our lives being kind to others, minding our own business and trying to do the right thing, no one should want to hurt us. But, of course, this is a naive outlook on life.

Our enemies are those who, little by little, tear our happiness to shreds and disturb our peace of mind. Some of these people are authoritarians and bullies in our our homes, our schools, our work places and even among those we count as friends. They are, also, those who have no qualms about committing crimes against us, simply for their own personal gratification. Ranging from the seemingly less insidious to the deeply wicked, they are all enemies when they stand in the way of our personal goals.

Everyone Has Enemies

The unsettling fact is the world is full of truly evil people. Regardless of how good we are, there are those who see us as enemies or as prey. Therefore, even the most innocent among us have enemies.

Some of these enemies may be mentally disordered. Psychologists have a variety of classifications for such people who lack humanity or conscience. They call them psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and the like and they make up a remarkably high percentage of the population. Moreover, they are often attracted to positions of authority and influence in which they can acquire power and the admiration of others and thus obtain access to a pool of victims.

Some medical research studied that these people’s brains are structured differently from that of a normal person. Although, some of them may be members of our own families and we may have nothing in common with them. Many of them are bosses or people in positions of authority in society. Many of them know what they are – that they have other than normal human emotions and thoughts. They see normal human emotions and ability to empathize with others as a weakness to be exploited.

Psychopaths and sociopaths can both be very charming, clever and difficult discover. Even psychologists cannot always tell and many people are married to such people for years before they are able to see through their masks. Different experts place their numbers at between 1 and 3% of the population for psychopaths and as many as 30% for sociopaths. The number of such people varies from place to place, as well.

Such people commit evil acts because they enjoy doing so. They often have an exaggerated sense of their own self-importance and self-worth. They do it for their own gratification and personal satisfaction – not because they have been hurt in some way, which is a claim such people sometimes try to make. They do not know love or conscience. They, also, become very angry once they are discovered by their victims and it is then they are often at their most dangerous.

Not all such people are criminals – some are simply too clever to be caught – but undoubtedly they are responsible for a large percentage of crimes. There are psychopaths who thrive on controlling and dominating anyone they come in contact with. There is no logical answer to the question, “Why?” as in “Why do these people do what they do?” They are simply manifestations of evil in the flesh.

So, you can see that you do not have to do anything wrong to acquire such an enemy. You should never blame yourself for having such an enemy, nor should you tolerate anyone blaming you for it. Such irredeemably evil people exist simply because evil exists.

Once you understand evil exists and people do evil things simply for their own pleasure, then you can be better prepared to deal with such enemies whenever you run across one.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

How Do We Acquire Enemies?


The power of a glance – the evil eye.

Most often, we acquire enemies very unexpectedly and through no fault of our own. We acquire them simply in the course of living our own lives and trying to mind our own business.

To put it simply, the world is full of mentally unstable people and predators of one kind or another. So, you can acquire an enemy simply by existing. People who aren’t “team players,” who are individualists or independent thinkers often acquire enemies. You can attract enemies by being a nice person, being attractive, well-dressed or even a little bit successful. People who are especially individualistic and unique or who stand out in any way often attract enemies. But, even the most average and conformist people have enemies, too.

Some enemies are people with personal problems, for instance, they may act against us out of envy because we are smarter or more attractive. Some are narcissists who literally believe the entire world revolves around them and the people in it are there simply to benefit them in some way.

Lots of these people end up being school administrators, managers, salesmen, businessmen, law enforcement agents and judges. Simply having the misfortune of running across them at work, school or in the course of living your own life means you have acquired an enemy.

Sometimes your worst enemies are members of your own family into which you were born entirely by chance. Sometimes we unknowingly marry them or we marry the children of such people. We often run across them when we are most vulnerable, for example, they exploit our need to earn a living. They prey upon us at our work place, on your way to and from our work place or take advantage of our need to earn money in some way or other. They take advantage of us when we most need help, for example, when we try to report a crime or to escape the clutches of a violent person.

Enemies are often the people who work within various established systems, whether it be law enforcement, the school or university system, the corporate system, etc. Such people thrive in hierarchies – in situations of unequal power dynamics in which they can get the upper hand.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

What Exactly Are Enemies?

Edward_Burne-Jones_Sidonia_von_BorkEnemies are people who threaten our existence in some way. They are those who threaten our privacy and disturb our peace of mind. They are people who are in some kind of position to make your life miserable or even completely unbearable. Moreover, they are people you have no option of simply avoiding.

Sometimes our worst enemies are members of our own families – often they are interfering in-laws. In the worst cases, they are our most trusted confidants (spouses), who harbor a secret and sometimes violent agenda against us. These are often the most difficult enemies to deal with.

Very often we find our worst enemies at our workplace. It’s our bosses or co-workers who seem intent on destroying our peace and happiness.

Sometimes our enemies are criminals of one kind or another. Some are harassers, stalker and violent criminals. Some are thieves and worse. Others are scammers of one stripe or another.

A criminal enemy is one who has no fear of committing crimes against other people and often you will find that you have little or no help from law enforcement agencies. Sometimes you find that in the course of defending yourself, you run the danger of breaking laws – a fact the criminals are counting on and one which keeps them safe. They typically have no conscience and no ordinary human fear of the consequences of breaking the law. If they choose victims who are good, upstanding citizens, then they feel safer because such a person is less likely to commit a crime in their own self-defense.

Con artists are named such because they are artful at fostering “confidence” in others. Psychopaths and sociopaths are especially good at this kind of social deception, they tailor their behavior to their victims and can keep up appearances for years. This accounts for many people’s experiences in marriage, when the con artist’s mask unravels, when he can no longer keep up the facade and they learn the truth about the person they are married to. This is a dangerous situation, but a common and every day one. Now, you have a very dangerous enemy – one who has been close to you, who has had access to your financial documents or to other sensitive information. This is an example of a very dangerous enemy because he or she often knows far too much about us and may have access to personal material or information that could seriously harm us.

Another type of dangerous enemy is the white collar criminal, who lies, cheats and steals using fraud and hiding behind what appear to be legitimate fronts – often financial institutions or other companies that appear to be reputable. These people steal by moving around numbers, shuffling paper work or by directly stealing private information, which they use for the furtherance of their own selfish ends.

Another enemy is one who comes into your neighborhood, who is a a nuisance, a drug dealer or otherwise threaten the peace of your home and your privacy. Enemies who threaten our privacy or our homes -whether these are stalkers or white collar criminals – present a very real threat to our survival. These are especially dangerous enemies.

Sometimes you find out way after the fact that your enemy set out from the beginning to harm you, often posing as friends. Although, in these cases, you may not recognize that a person you thought was a friend is an enemy until they do something to you.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Why It’s Important Not to Ignore Our Enemies

Avoidance whenever possible is the best way to deal with enemies. If enemies become too numerous, you can become overwhelmed. So, once you recognize our own vulnerabilities and the opportunities our enemies take against us, we must try to take steps wherever possible to insulate yourself. Of course, this is not 100% effective. Therefore, it is only a partial remedy.

Dangerous enemies should not be directly confronted. If you must engage them, do so anonymously. Never make threats or say anything that could be construed as such.

Enemies of all classes are a particular danger to witches and occultists because they can disrupt our peace of mind – this is perhaps the greatest harm they do when it is analyzed at the most basic level. Interference from enemies can disrupt our ability to focus and achieve our personal goals. In the long term, they can become a threat to our happiness, our health and our very lives.

It is not necessary to hate your enemies – that’s just a waste of your time and energy, but it is wise to have a healthy fear of them. It is, also, necessary to the fruition of your own plans and the attainment of your own goals that wherever you cannot avoid them, you must eliminate them.

The necessity of putting your enemies out of the way before you are able to make your other dreams come true. A major foundational step to creating a more satisfying life is to put your enemies out of your way so you can achieve your personal life goals without obstacles.

If you are plagued by enemies or other misfortunes, it is important to clean up this aspect of your life before you can really make you can reach your other goals, for example, success in love, money or other personal pursuits.

Nonetheless, when we come to recognize that human enemies exist and take steps to aggressively and proactively defend ourselves against them, we strengthen our level of protection. This higher level of protection, which is a feature of the practice of black magic, functions to eliminate a broad swath of unfortunate circumstances and paves a smooth road for success in all of your other endeavors.

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Have you ever felt powerless against someone who was in a position to make your life miserable?

Have you ever wished you could relieve your misery through entirely secret and legal means without ever leaving the comfort of your own home?

Inside this book is a powerful system of psychic attack designed to help you do this.

To gain and maintain control over your life, dominate your enemies, get revenge, restore your peace of mind and prove the power of witchcraft to yourself, put the little devils in “The Devil’s Grimoire” to work for you.

The Devil’s Grimoire is available in paperback and digital formats at Amazon and other online retailers.

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Traditional Witchcraft and Occultism: Is There Really Such a Thing as Bad Luck?

Posted in Black Magic, Holy Death, Mexican Witchcraft, occult, protection spells, Santa Muerte, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Witch on a broom {pd}

Witch on a broom

It is easy enough to dismiss the idea of bad luck as mere superstition, to write it off as simply a series of unpleasant coincidences, until it strikes you – and then you may find yourself wondering if there is anything to it.

Almost everyone has experienced a streak of bad luck, involving a series of unfortunate, seemingly unrelated events completely beyond their control.

It might start with an illness in the family, then your car is stolen, you take a tumble down your stairs, then you go to your mailbox and receive a letter telling you that your insurance is canceled despite the fact you over-paid! A series of events like these, these strikes of lightning out of a clear blue sky, can leave even the most materialistic optimist anxious and wondering if they somehow offended the gods.


Bes, Egyptian dwarf god, sometimes described as demon, who protects from misfortune. His cult is said to have been wide-spread at one point in Egypt and he was the guardian of the Egyptian royal house.

The concept of bad luck is ancient and can be found in everyplace on earth. Spirits, special stones, herbs and a seemingly endless variety of talismans and procedures are designed to ward off or reverse bad luck and bring good luck.

Even people who are not especially superstitious knock on wood to prevent misfortune, throw salt of their shoulders, avoid black cats and don’t walk under ladders. It is a common notion that bad luck comes in threes, suggesting the idea of a bad luck streak. Gamblers are especially conscious of such streaks. When they’re “hot” or “on a roll,” they say Lady Luck is on their side. When they begin losing money, they call it a “streak of bad luck.”

In American Hoodoo, we describe bad luck as a being crossed, which is similar to the idea of being jinxed. It’s something that simply happens and is not necessarily caused by malefic witchcraft, rather it is simply an accumulation of unwholesome energy around a person or a place, which must be cleansed from time to time.

The Evil Eye (malocchio in Italian and mal de ojo in Spanish) is a nearly universal concept. The Evil Eye can cause a person to experience all kinds of bad luck, including illness, fever, listlessness, sadness and a host of other maladies of both a mundane and physical nature. It is commonly considered a malady of children, but the Evil Eye can be a danger for adults as well. A hateful, envious or resentful glance cast at you can emit a negative charge, which is the root cause of your ensuing misfortune.

What Can You Do About Bad Luck?

First of all, don’t internalize it or blame yourself because it is not your fault. Bad luck has nothing to do with such things as “wrong thoughts” as is taught by the popular “Law of Attraction” and other cultish power of positive thinking books, such as “The Secret.” Bad things do not happen to you because you’ve been a bad person or you’ve done something wrong to deserve it. Bad luck is not your fault, nor is it necessarily the fault of anyone else.

Bad luck is simply an unwholesome, adversarial energy harmonic that exists, which must be cleansed or reversed. For this you may use spiritually cleansing baths, house washes, talismans, spell procedures and enlist the help of powerful spirits. One of the best for warding off bad luck, the evil and and obtaining total protection from enemies is Santa Muerte.

For more about Santa Muerte see:  Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico

Numerous gemstones are used as talismans against bad luck, especially green stones like emeralds.

Numerous gemstones are used as talismans against bad luck, especially green stones like emeralds.

There are exceptions, but most of the time, especially in the English-speaking world, bad luck is not caused by curses or someone intentionally using black magic against you, which is a more difficult matter to deal with. Unless you have an enemy who is a talented witch or black magician, chances are you, your home and your work place simply need a little cleansing.

People, pets, livestock, crops, cars, boats and kinds of places, including workplaces and homes, can become energetically contaminated. Some places are dirtier in terms of their adverse energy. Certain cities, especially large cities situated on waterways seem to be more energetically contaminated. Also, being around more people, also, means a strong possibility of coming in contact with more negative energy, which can contaminate us or our homes.

In such cases, you can either move, which is not usually an immediate option, or step up your cleansing, anti-bad luck charms and set up a powerful protection system for yourself.

So, is there really such a thing as bad luck or good luck?

The answer to this question is one you will ever know for sure is by making your own experiments with influencing fortune in your favor.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Grimoire of Santa Muerte: Spells and Rituals of Most Holy Death, the Unofficial Saint of Mexico (Santa Muerte Series) (Volume 1)

Grimoire of Santa Muerte, Vol. 2: Altars, Meditations, Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death (Volume 2)

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 2: Why Prosperity Spells Sometimes Fail and How to Succeed

Posted in Black Magic, occult, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2013 by littleredridinghood

A. Kaelin

Lais_of_Corinth,_by_Hans_Holbein_the_YoungerIf you have you have put your best effort into a money spell and it didn’t work, then you may ask, “Why did my money spell fail?”

Successfully working spells for money is slightly different from working other types of spells. The causes of financial difficulties are often diverse and complex. So, the entire problem and not just its symptoms must be taken into consideration to achieve long term success.

Furthermore, poverty or the threat of poverty is very difficult to deal with emotionally. It’s frightening and depressing. This fact, itself, can present an obstacle.

This is because lacking money means lacking the most basic things we need to survive, which can be a very frightening situation. For this reason, the best time to work on prosperity spells is when a little money is already flowing in and you are not feeling too desperate.

Furthermore, try to avoid working spells for money when you are extremely frustrated. Feelings of frustration can block your attempts at succeeding at any magical working. If you are feeling this way, at least, during the duration of a working, you must lose your frustration and regain your calm focus.

Persistence in casting money spells is more important than ever at this time because there are so many adversarial forces working against most of us in the financial department. This is another way to say that unemployment, inflation and taxes are very high right now.  While these are physical forces, they have a metaphysical counterpart. Therefore, it is necessary to work very hard on any kind of prosperity spells, this means maintaining calm focus, devising a strategy and continuing to work persistently to combat the forces working against you.

If you want to succeed at casting spells for money, prosperity and wealth, consider the following suggestions.

Click here to get Spells for Money and Wealth.

Why Prosperity Spells Sometimes Fail and How to Succeed

Of course, there are many reasons why any spell could fail, but if you have followed instructions, heeded beneficial timing and really put a lot of energy into your money spell and it still failed, here are some things to consider.

It’s the wrong spell. Sometimes people choose the wrong spell for their particular situation. Choose the right kind of spell for your particular needs. For example, don’t use a wealth spell when you need money.

Money and wealth are not the same thing. These words represent two different, although closely related, ideas. Wealth is the state of having all the things you need, including money, but, also, assets and financial security. If your main concern is paying your bills, then it is usually better to concentrate on getting a steady flow of money through your door before you graduate to wealth spells.

Other forces are working against you. Even if you have done work to break hexes and curses on yourself, your house and your business, you may have to do it, again. Once is not enough, especially in serious cases or in cases where there is a constant force working against you. Cleanse yourself, your house and your place of business of adversarial influences frequently. Also, do work to destroy obstacles that might be preventing you from succeeding. Don’t just do it once, but keep doing it.

So, if you are not succeeding with your money spells, clear out any hexes that may have been placed on you, eliminated crossed conditions and free obstacles from your path. Then, continue on with your money spells.

You did not remedy the root cause of your problem. You treated a symptom, but the root cause of financial difficulties remains.

Analyze your personal situation and consider the root cause of your lacking, then try to work on that first.

Try to avoid working only on symptoms. When symptoms manifest, for example, if you need emergency funds for a bill, then you must. But, once this emergency has passed, don’t stop there but keep working on your spells.

Continue to clear out adverse influences from yourself, your home and your life, opening the road to success up by clearing out obstacles and continue to work spells that go to the core of your problem.

You quit too soon. If your spell failed, don’t give up, but try another approach to your problem.

Conversely, if your first spell worked, don’t rest there and imagine that your financial problems are solved. Do some more work.

Once you are in a situation where you are regularly getting what you need, continue to work for your own prosperity. Conduct spells to encourage money to come through your door and for more and better opportunities for making money to come your way.

Energetically, what you are doing when you keep working and keep working on your money spells is that you are undoing an old energetic pattern of poverty and creating a new energetic pattern of prosperity. If you have lacked the things you need for a long time, then re-setting that pattern is not going to occur over night. You have to keep hammering away at it.

Your money spell was successful, but it was only temporary.

Money can slip through your fingers, so do spells to maintain what you acquire, to hold onto it and to make wise decisions. Also, of course, try to do wise things with your money when you acquire it and have your eye on acquiring wealth with it.

Build on a foundation of spell casting, beginning with cleansing and clearing out adversity, destroying obstacles in your path, and continually building on your money spell work without regressing.

Continue to work to keep, yourself, your home and your workplace free from adversarial influences and destroy obstacles. Continue working your spells to acquire money, maintain it and protect it.

Every day do magical workings, even small ones as discussed in the last chapter of the book, “Spells for Money and Wealth,” to bring prosperity into your life. Eat, drink and live prosperity

Summary of How to Make Your Money Spells Work

1. Examine your personal situation closely. You know it better than anyone else.

2. Look not only at symptoms, but the root causes of your financial problems.

3. Do work on yourself, your house and place of business to clear out whatever might be working against you, which could thwart your spell casting efforts.

4. Choose the right spell. If you really need money, don’t concentrate so much on wealth just yet. Get the things you need, first.

5. Don’t stop working on your spells on the basis of either success or failure. Whether your spells succeed or fail, keep on working them to reset old, unwanted energetic patterns.

Related article: How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 1: Going Beyond Procedure

Also, if you need something beyond prosperity spells, Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection deals with situations involving fraud and other criminal behavior.

Click here to get Spells for Money and Wealth.

Discover how to:

Clear out old energy patterns that are keeping you from success
Destroy obstacles
Lay the foundation for financial success
Transform yourself so you can take on any challenge
Attract powerful and influential friends
Have the red carpet rolled out for you

Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to in your business or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.

With all the money you want, what would you buy?

A big house
A new car?
An exotic vacation?
A life of happiness?

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth today!

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How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 1: Going Beyond Procedure

Posted in occult, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 17, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Drawing_of_MidasMost spell books assume the reader has a certain level of knowledge or ability in spell casting and provide little information beyond basic instructions, required tools and astrological timing.  But following a set of instructions is not enough to consistently cast successful spells.

Spells for Money and Wealth was written with both beginners and more advanced practitioners in mind, which is why it goes beyond the mere discussion of procedure and timing. It devotes a few chapters to how to make your spells work. It discusses why some spells fail and how to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of success.

For spells to be successful, it requires a lot of energy and a lot of practiced mental focus to properly direct it at the target. Everyone has a certain amount of innate ability, some more and some less, but the power of a witch is something that has to be constantly developed and honed.

It is important that the spell caster develop his or her own power:

  • Increase mental focus
  • Attain the ability to quickly adjust your state of consciousness
  • Increase the level of your own personal power
  • Find energetic resonance
  • Focus your will to manipulate the  energy
  • Effectively release the energy
  • Employ the aide of spirits in some cases
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth includes old traditional spells and new ones and it explores the different ways that people bring prosperity into their lives. It distinguishes, too, between the acquisition of the money as a medium of exchanged and the accumulation of real wealth, such as real property, other assets and other aspects of success.

Sometimes your own efforts are not enough, which is why this book, also, explores the employment of spirits to assist you in your endeavors.

Not only does  Spells for Money and Wealth show you how to cast successful prosperity spells, it helps you to become a better spell caster and a more powerful witch!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth.