Archive for the Healing Category

Traditional Witchcraft is Medical Heresy: The Western Medical Establishment Versus Witches as Healers

Posted in Alternative Health, Healing, Magical Healing, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 17, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Healing and harming were both crimes, if done by women

Witches and healers are heretics.

It is a fact that witchcraft, in whatever form, is a heresy against the establishment religion, however, traditional witchcraft is, also, a heresy against the official science and Western medicine.* Moreover, this is still probably the most dangerous and controversial heresy because there is still a secular persecution of witches and healers.**

I often say the old witch hunters are still with us, that we have not changed and they have not changed. This is especially true regarding medicine.

Modern Western Medicine: A De Facto Priesthood of the Old Catholic Church

If we trace the history of the witchcraft persecutions and the history of allopathic medicine in Western Europe we find that allopathy is a de facto priesthood of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, which was formed in the 13th century by men and for only men. The men of this early medical establishment could only do their work through the power of the priesthood, by permission of the Church, with a priest by his side to assure that the doctors healing powers only came from God.  Of course, no women were allowed access to this lay priesthood of doctors, their schools, or guilds, just as they were not allowed any position of power in the Church. Furthermore, it was strongly suspected by the church that the healing powers of women came from the devil since, generally, women were regarded as being “in league with the devil.”

In the century following the establishment of this lay priesthood of medical doctors, the first persecutions of women as witches were ginned up and the victims were mostly women, often midwives. It seems likely that these persecutions were, at least, partially a way for the men doctors to eliminate their competition.

It is women who are able to bring forth new life, which is a power outside the authority of God and his Church or the state. The church wanted to exercise complete control over this power, and the only way to do this is to completely dominate women through medicine. Because women’s reproductive power is outside their authority, women were–and many women and witches say still are–regarded by the authorities of church and state as evil and in need of controlling. Of course, Western medicine is only one system they have spent centuries instituting to accomplish this.

Women who healed without a "license" from the patriarchal establishment were tried and executed.

Doctors tortured witches by conducting sexualized “examinations.”

In the beginning, only men were allowed to practice medicine. Only men were accompanied by priests to perform such medicine. And once the doctors became a professional class, only men were allowed into their schools. In the United States up until fairly recently women were not allowed into medical schools or to earn medial degrees. The first such degree being earned by a woman in the mid-19th century. In a more subtle way, their legacy of persecuting women doctors continues.***

The Western medical establishment dominates now only because of its willingness to use violence against its competition. With the advent of socialized medicine in Western Europe and attempts to force allopathy on every single person in the U.S., it has almost entirely triumphed. It has done so on the sea of blood and the mountains of broken bones of centuries of witches and healers.

The primary impetus for terrorizing, torturing and murdering women in Western Europe for centuries was to rout out and destroy the last vestige of true healing, to destroy their knowledge base.

The Difficulty of Talking about Witchcraft as Medicine

Bloodletting: An early, dangerous and unnecessary allopathic practice.

Bloodletting: A dangerous early Western medical practice.

Most Western medicine is unnecessary, or would be, if not for their own practices and domination of medicine. It almost always does more harm than good, but it is a difficult subject to broach with most people, even the most educated. This is because the medical establishment, which has influence outside the system of medicine, has exercised complete domination of popular culture for well over two centuries in the U.S.

In the U.S., a country where freedom of speech is held above nearly all else, it is difficult to even write about alternative health practices without worrying about the consequences. You could churn out pornography all day and not have a care because, as a pornographer, your freedom of speech is protected. But if you talk about alternative medicine, you must include all kinds of disclaimers. Before you even begin writing a book or article about alternative medicine, you must pay homage to the reincarnated orders of that old de facto Catholic priesthood, which are now called the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the AMA (American Medical Association).

Still with us are the members of that privileged class who are sanctioned by the Church’s own medical establishment from the Dark Ages. They are the spiritual descendants of the same men who persecuted and murdered our ancestors for so centuries. That enemy is never far from the door, although, now he wears a white coat  and a stethoscope or a suit and tie.

The medical establishment, nourished by the blood of witches and healers for centuries, continues its crimes to this day. Now they hide behind lawyers and legislation very often written by the members of their own secular priesthood. It is a money-making machine whose members have a license to kill, as long as they do it in their professional capacity.

Today, as in centuries past, witches who heal are still persecuted, although, in new ways. It is not possible to legally heal others without going through the allopathic program, which is 8 years of training. This training is often inaccurately described as “education,” but it is no such thing. It is training in how to follow procedures handed down by medical authorities at the top of the pyramid. In order to even start down such a path, you would have to be a “true believer” in the secular religion of allopathy. You would have to be a worshiper at the altar of this old de facto priesthood, in which its white-clad priests bear their emblems and ritual instruments, the stethoscope and the hypodermic needle.  This is not an inviting path for the traditional witch or healer and few venture down it.

The reason the men of medicine have persecuted and destroyed witches for centuries is because they simply cannot compete on a fair playing field. They can only succeed by terrorizing, torturing, and murdering their competition. This is something that the traditional witch cannot forget, especially those who have great power and knowledge of healing, because we live with a similar persecution every day. We are still forced into the shadows by the descendants of these established authorities. Their threats ring in our ears.

Training in Western medicine is not a path upon which most traditional witches or occultists are likely to tread because, according to our own knowledge base, it makes no sense to study the dead if your goal is to heal the living.

The Occult Science Underlying Witchcraft Allows for Healing that Appears Miraculous to Western Medicine

The bloodletter: Ancestor of the modern patrairchal form of medicine.

The Bloodletter: Ancestor of the modern allopath.

Moreover, the entire science upon which their medicine is based is fallacious. By contrast, the occult science underlying witchcraft explains most of the things the doctors call “miracles,” “the placebo effect,” and “spontaneous healing.”

Most doctors probably don’t believe in witches or witchcraft, yet it is here that the essence of medicine may be found. It is found among witches and healers who know the healing properties of herbs and other agents and how to effectively apply them. Paracelsus and other Men of God wrote such things down and published them, but this knowledge was not their own. It came from witches and healers.

The basis for many modern pharmaceuticals and all modern alternative healing, including homeopathy, is rooted in this knowledge. Homeopathy works the same way as witchcraft works because it is based on the same occult science, which is described in the book, How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work. It is not mysterious or spooky. It’s just not acknowledged by the medical establishment, who want to go on exercising their authority and raking in exorbitant profits.

The Harms of Western Medicine

When the human body receives proper nutrition, the energetic pattern encoded into each and every cell manifests itself as a whole and healthy organism. A healthy body is impervious to disease. This is why the allopathic priesthood tells so many lies about nutrition. They have gone so far as to cause the average person to be terrified of certain nutrients, thus causing a widespread health crises in the form of cancers, endochrine disorders, reproductive disorders, and eventually a miserable death. These lies allow them to better push their expensive drugs.

Victorian doctor with his hands on a women - this was ONCE considered improper

Victorian doctor performing an “examination.”

The white-clad priests believe the human body to be comprised merely of physical matter. They believe that disease is something that they must “fight” or “combat.” They say they are “at war” with disease. They “fight” disease with such weapons as knives and radiation. In the not-to-distant past, they fought the body with acid, leaches and a chisel. If they don’t know what to do about a diseased organ, their first impulse is to destroy it! They push pills at the patient without informing them of the side effects, which are often addiction or death. It never occurs to them to work with the body’s own nature, nature herself being an anathema to the God of their old religious order, which is their origins.

The Western medical establishment has driven its modern competitors underground. It suppresses information about healing.  It is a cartel. Its doctors and drug makers are profiteers. They are not healers. They never cure disease.

Furthermore, they have performed the most sadistic “medicine” on vulnerable members of society, mostly on women, children, the poor, and prisoners. They work with law enforcement agencies and public schools.  This is the modernization of their former role as medical “examiners” of witches. They are legalized child molesters, rapists and killers, yet most of the public believes this barbarism is somehow necessary. If you object to it, you are likely to be branded a crackpot.

Real healing does not require eight years of medical training. It does not require the extraction of bankrupting fees from patients. It does require some research and an open mind. As healers, our methods are simple, we use our knowledge and our senses. If it works, we do it. If it doesn’t, we discard it and try, again, until we succeed.

Real healing is devoid of perversion and financial fraud. That should go without saying, but because of the behavior of the allopaths, it requires stating. Alternative healers don’t require you to take your clothes off. They do not insert either objects or parts of their own bodies into your body. Nor do they charge bankrupting fees.

Real medicine works with the reality of nature

Real medicine works with nature, not against it.

Traditional Witchcraft is Alternative Healing

Alternative health works on the same occult scientific principles that make the other practices in witchcraft possible. For example, distance harming, which is considered black magic, is related to distance healing. It is a function of the will and energy over energy,  not mind over matter. All healing takes place at an energetic level, not a physical or material one.

By applying the occult science underlying witchcraft, neuropathy is relieved in minutes, diseased teeth and gums are healed, grey hair returns to its normal color, healthy hair grows where hair has been lost, traumatic injuries are healed overnight, scars are healed and new, healthy skin grows in its place. The body’s youthful energy is revived and maintained.

Using forbidden technology, based on the esoteric science underlying witchcraft, kidney stones are dissolved overnight at home using a practice is absolutely forbidden in the U.S. Diseases “incurable” to the allopaths are cured. Virtually every virus is rendered powerless and the flu is conquered in fifteen minutes.****

Once you have this knowledge and ability yourself, it is impossible not to become a medical heretic and a scientific heretic, as well. This is especially as you learn more about the occult science that renders “medical miracles” perfectly logical and explainable.

Also, you will likely become frustrated by all the misery that could be very easily and cheaply relieved, if only people had a real education about medicine. Many healers feel angry when they hear about people being needlessly tortured and killed by this white-clad secular priesthood.

How the Persecution of Witches as Healers Continues

Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

How I want to tell you all I know! But, I cannot easily do so.  The scope of such learning is large and requires a lot of un-learning of disinformation. Discussions of alternative medicine must be undertaken with special care. It is especially difficult to discuss the use of forbidden science and technology. This is the same witchcraft that has so long been subject to suppression. But our persecutors have more power than ever now because they have taken every aspect of modern life under their control. Not the least of which is the financial system.

Now, instead of outright murdering us as they did in past centuries, they mostly they kill us with silence and whenever that fails, with lies and mockery. The latest trend is for the bankers to deny financial services to witches, pagans, and healers, especially anyone who sells “occult materials” or nutritional supplements. Because of this modern persecution, few healers dare to practice, although I have known a few knowledgeable women who served people in secrecy out of their homes. I know one who has been arrested and jailed. For everyone else, the threat of this modern Inquisition looms constantly. So, practicing healing is not something anyone who values their freedom would dare to undertake.

The result has been a sick and fearful population. Most people are malnourished and poisoned. Their minds are poisoned, too, so brainwashed by movies, television, magazines, and medical propaganda that masquerades as news, that despite all the harm the doctors do to them, they never dream of trying to find another way.  Education alone is usually not enough to free them from the cult of Western medicine.

Fortunately, there is a remedy for this condition. It lies in an understanding and application of the occult science of traditional witchcraft. This remedy is a combination of education and personal experimentation, which allows every person to become his or her own healer.

This remedy allows the individual to leave the faith-based religion of allopathy and  enter the outcome-based practice of alternative medicine, which relies on results instead of slavish adherence to allegedly “scientific” theories.

The knowledge of real healing releases all fear of disease and it makes the individual highly self-reliant. It releases the fear and hysteria generated by the Western medical system.

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts

This remedy cannot be procured in a day or likely even a year, but it is very much attainable. The study of real healing and its underlying occult science is a lifelong learning process.

Neophytes cam begin by choosing to take responsibility for their health. They begin by looking for common sense alternative health solutions first before leaping straight toward the knife, the needle, and the pills.

There is hardly a medical problem that isn’t more safely, cheaply and efficiently solved by the application of the occult science of witchcraft.**

Some Winter Tempest Books relevant to this discussion are:

All Natural Dental Remedies: Herbs and Home Remedies to Heal Your Teeth & Naturally Restore Tooth Enamel by A. Kaelin

Natural Remedies for Reversing Gray Hair: Nutrition and Herbs for Anti-aging and Optimum Health by Thomas W. Xander

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others by A. Kaelin

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination by Sophia diGregorio

Article Notes:

*Western medicine is, also, called “allopathy” and its doctors as “allopaths.”

**While there are alternative healers who do not consider themselves witches, as far as the medical establishment is concerned, it is all superstitious hocus pocus, delusion and fantasy. Healing outside the bounds of the established medical authority is essentially witchcraft, whether the word is used or not.

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts...

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts…

***Poorman, Elizabeth, “Why does America still have so few female doctors?” The Guardian, Januaary 14, 2018. (Accessed January 9, 2018.) This article tells the reasons for the lack of women doctors and in positions of authority in the Western medical establishment.

****The author of this article has not experienced cold, flu or other viral infections in the past 20-plus years because she uses methods deemed quackery and rightly called witchcraft by the establishment authorities and skeptics.

Originally published on November 11, 2018, this article was updated by the author on January 9, 2019.

Traditional Witchcraft: What are Enemies?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

In black magic spell books, we often talk about our enemies. But, what exactly are enemies? How do we identify them? How do we acquire them? What is the danger of ignoring them?

Some people believe they do not really have any enemies. There is a prevailing cultural belief that if we go about our lives being kind to others, minding our own business and trying to do the right thing, no one should want to hurt us. But, of course, this is a naive outlook on life.

Our enemies are those who, little by little, tear our happiness to shreds and disturb our peace of mind. Some of these people are authoritarians and bullies in our our homes, our schools, our work places and even among those we count as friends. They are, also, those who have no qualms about committing crimes against us, simply for their own personal gratification. Ranging from the seemingly less insidious to the deeply wicked, they are all enemies when they stand in the way of our personal goals.

Everyone Has Enemies

The unsettling fact is the world is full of truly evil people. Regardless of how good we are, there are those who see us as enemies or as prey. Therefore, even the most innocent among us have enemies.

Some of these enemies may be mentally disordered. Psychologists have a variety of classifications for such people who lack humanity or conscience. They call them psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and the like and they make up a remarkably high percentage of the population. Moreover, they are often attracted to positions of authority and influence in which they can acquire power and the admiration of others and thus obtain access to a pool of victims.

Some medical research studied that these people’s brains are structured differently from that of a normal person. Although, some of them may be members of our own families and we may have nothing in common with them. Many of them are bosses or people in positions of authority in society. Many of them know what they are – that they have other than normal human emotions and thoughts. They see normal human emotions and ability to empathize with others as a weakness to be exploited.

Psychopaths and sociopaths can both be very charming, clever and difficult discover. Even psychologists cannot always tell and many people are married to such people for years before they are able to see through their masks. Different experts place their numbers at between 1 and 3% of the population for psychopaths and as many as 30% for sociopaths. The number of such people varies from place to place, as well.

Such people commit evil acts because they enjoy doing so. They often have an exaggerated sense of their own self-importance and self-worth. They do it for their own gratification and personal satisfaction – not because they have been hurt in some way, which is a claim such people sometimes try to make. They do not know love or conscience. They, also, become very angry once they are discovered by their victims and it is then they are often at their most dangerous.

Not all such people are criminals – some are simply too clever to be caught – but undoubtedly they are responsible for a large percentage of crimes. There are psychopaths who thrive on controlling and dominating anyone they come in contact with. There is no logical answer to the question, “Why?” as in “Why do these people do what they do?” They are simply manifestations of evil in the flesh.

So, you can see that you do not have to do anything wrong to acquire such an enemy. You should never blame yourself for having such an enemy, nor should you tolerate anyone blaming you for it. Such irredeemably evil people exist simply because evil exists.

Once you understand evil exists and people do evil things simply for their own pleasure, then you can be better prepared to deal with such enemies whenever you run across one.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

How Do We Acquire Enemies?


The power of a glance – the evil eye.

Most often, we acquire enemies very unexpectedly and through no fault of our own. We acquire them simply in the course of living our own lives and trying to mind our own business.

To put it simply, the world is full of mentally unstable people and predators of one kind or another. So, you can acquire an enemy simply by existing. People who aren’t “team players,” who are individualists or independent thinkers often acquire enemies. You can attract enemies by being a nice person, being attractive, well-dressed or even a little bit successful. People who are especially individualistic and unique or who stand out in any way often attract enemies. But, even the most average and conformist people have enemies, too.

Some enemies are people with personal problems, for instance, they may act against us out of envy because we are smarter or more attractive. Some are narcissists who literally believe the entire world revolves around them and the people in it are there simply to benefit them in some way.

Lots of these people end up being school administrators, managers, salesmen, businessmen, law enforcement agents and judges. Simply having the misfortune of running across them at work, school or in the course of living your own life means you have acquired an enemy.

Sometimes your worst enemies are members of your own family into which you were born entirely by chance. Sometimes we unknowingly marry them or we marry the children of such people. We often run across them when we are most vulnerable, for example, they exploit our need to earn a living. They prey upon us at our work place, on your way to and from our work place or take advantage of our need to earn money in some way or other. They take advantage of us when we most need help, for example, when we try to report a crime or to escape the clutches of a violent person.

Enemies are often the people who work within various established systems, whether it be law enforcement, the school or university system, the corporate system, etc. Such people thrive in hierarchies – in situations of unequal power dynamics in which they can get the upper hand.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

What Exactly Are Enemies?

Edward_Burne-Jones_Sidonia_von_BorkEnemies are people who threaten our existence in some way. They are those who threaten our privacy and disturb our peace of mind. They are people who are in some kind of position to make your life miserable or even completely unbearable. Moreover, they are people you have no option of simply avoiding.

Sometimes our worst enemies are members of our own families – often they are interfering in-laws. In the worst cases, they are our most trusted confidants (spouses), who harbor a secret and sometimes violent agenda against us. These are often the most difficult enemies to deal with.

Very often we find our worst enemies at our workplace. It’s our bosses or co-workers who seem intent on destroying our peace and happiness.

Sometimes our enemies are criminals of one kind or another. Some are harassers, stalker and violent criminals. Some are thieves and worse. Others are scammers of one stripe or another.

A criminal enemy is one who has no fear of committing crimes against other people and often you will find that you have little or no help from law enforcement agencies. Sometimes you find that in the course of defending yourself, you run the danger of breaking laws – a fact the criminals are counting on and one which keeps them safe. They typically have no conscience and no ordinary human fear of the consequences of breaking the law. If they choose victims who are good, upstanding citizens, then they feel safer because such a person is less likely to commit a crime in their own self-defense.

Con artists are named such because they are artful at fostering “confidence” in others. Psychopaths and sociopaths are especially good at this kind of social deception, they tailor their behavior to their victims and can keep up appearances for years. This accounts for many people’s experiences in marriage, when the con artist’s mask unravels, when he can no longer keep up the facade and they learn the truth about the person they are married to. This is a dangerous situation, but a common and every day one. Now, you have a very dangerous enemy – one who has been close to you, who has had access to your financial documents or to other sensitive information. This is an example of a very dangerous enemy because he or she often knows far too much about us and may have access to personal material or information that could seriously harm us.

Another type of dangerous enemy is the white collar criminal, who lies, cheats and steals using fraud and hiding behind what appear to be legitimate fronts – often financial institutions or other companies that appear to be reputable. These people steal by moving around numbers, shuffling paper work or by directly stealing private information, which they use for the furtherance of their own selfish ends.

Another enemy is one who comes into your neighborhood, who is a a nuisance, a drug dealer or otherwise threaten the peace of your home and your privacy. Enemies who threaten our privacy or our homes -whether these are stalkers or white collar criminals – present a very real threat to our survival. These are especially dangerous enemies.

Sometimes you find out way after the fact that your enemy set out from the beginning to harm you, often posing as friends. Although, in these cases, you may not recognize that a person you thought was a friend is an enemy until they do something to you.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Why It’s Important Not to Ignore Our Enemies

Avoidance whenever possible is the best way to deal with enemies. If enemies become too numerous, you can become overwhelmed. So, once you recognize our own vulnerabilities and the opportunities our enemies take against us, we must try to take steps wherever possible to insulate yourself. Of course, this is not 100% effective. Therefore, it is only a partial remedy.

Dangerous enemies should not be directly confronted. If you must engage them, do so anonymously. Never make threats or say anything that could be construed as such.

Enemies of all classes are a particular danger to witches and occultists because they can disrupt our peace of mind – this is perhaps the greatest harm they do when it is analyzed at the most basic level. Interference from enemies can disrupt our ability to focus and achieve our personal goals. In the long term, they can become a threat to our happiness, our health and our very lives.

It is not necessary to hate your enemies – that’s just a waste of your time and energy, but it is wise to have a healthy fear of them. It is, also, necessary to the fruition of your own plans and the attainment of your own goals that wherever you cannot avoid them, you must eliminate them.

The necessity of putting your enemies out of the way before you are able to make your other dreams come true. A major foundational step to creating a more satisfying life is to put your enemies out of your way so you can achieve your personal life goals without obstacles.

If you are plagued by enemies or other misfortunes, it is important to clean up this aspect of your life before you can really make you can reach your other goals, for example, success in love, money or other personal pursuits.

Nonetheless, when we come to recognize that human enemies exist and take steps to aggressively and proactively defend ourselves against them, we strengthen our level of protection. This higher level of protection, which is a feature of the practice of black magic, functions to eliminate a broad swath of unfortunate circumstances and paves a smooth road for success in all of your other endeavors.

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Have you ever felt powerless against someone who was in a position to make your life miserable?

Have you ever wished you could relieve your misery through entirely secret and legal means without ever leaving the comfort of your own home?

Inside this book is a powerful system of psychic attack designed to help you do this.

To gain and maintain control over your life, dominate your enemies, get revenge, restore your peace of mind and prove the power of witchcraft to yourself, put the little devils in “The Devil’s Grimoire” to work for you.

The Devil’s Grimoire is available in paperback and digital formats at Amazon and other online retailers.

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Find more Winter Tempest Books at Psychic Powers & Magic Spells.

The End

The End

Types of Clairvoyance and How This Ability May Be Applied

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2013 by littleredridinghood

The_Absinthe_Drinker_by_Viktor_OlivaClairvoyance is a type of mediumship and psychic ability, which involves an extension of the normal range of visual perception. (For a list of other types of mediumship, please see the article, “Types of Psychic Mediums and How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities.”

Clairvoyance is a generic term, employed to express various degrees and modes of visual perception, whereby a person is able to know facts and obtain certain knowledge by means other than the ordinary five sense ability range.

Clairvoyance manifests itself differently from person to person and in varying degrees of ability and wide range of experience. The character, quality and manifestation of clairvoyance depends upon a peculiar condition of the psychic’s nerves and brain.

Horla-ApparitionAn example of the range of ways in which clairvoyance can manifest can be illustrated by the psychometrist who, in touching certain objects or being present in certain places, can obtain all kinds of information. For example, he or she may receive visions of the past or of the future, which may be more or less clear. These visions may come in brief flashes, they may appear photographic and depict an instant in time or they may seem to unreel a series of past events in succession.

As another example, in experiments involving crystal ball gazing, people’s abilities may be characterized by flashes, sparks, clouds of different colors, symbols or the vision may be partly or entirely clear and lucid.

People with the ability to clairvoyantly detect the presence of spirits may experience this perception in a variety of different ways, sometimes transparent or shadowy and others very distinct and apparently physical. The experience of clairvoyance may or many not be accompanied by clairaudience or clairsentience, which means the psychic may not only see the spirits, but hear and feel them.

No two persons’ clairvoyance is precisely alike, moreover, each one has a personal idiosyncrasy that invariably determines his or her specialty, and, whatever that specialty may chance to be, should be encouraged, for in that he or she will excel and in no other.

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Ways clairvoyance may be applied:

  • To see the past, present and future
  • Finding lost property and people
  • Mind reading
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Spirit detection
  • Spirit communication
  • Medical diagnosis, prescription of remedies and other treatments
  • Exorcism, to control spirits
  • Scientific exploration, invention and innovation
  • Exploration of this world and others
  • The development of art, music and literature

While certain applications of clairvoyant abilities are more familiar to us from popular culture, such as the detection of spirits, exorcism, the ability to know events in the lives of the people around us, to know their character and to see events that are likely to occur. There are other applications that are less known.

Less often considered is the the medical application of clairvoyance to determine the nature and cause of disease and to prescribe remedies or aid in the application of treatments. Through clairvoyance we can attain a clearer understanding of the natural world through the exploration of science. This exploration leads us to new inventions and innovations. Clairvoyance can help writers, artists and composers to reach beyond their own inherent abilities.

If you are interested in developing your own clairvoyance, choose a method of application that interests and steadily pursue its perfection. Carefully consider your own interests, your needs and desires, to determine exactly what kind of clairvoyant you want to become, then bend all your energies toward this end.

spirit-communicationHow to Communicate with Spirits Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Get: How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

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Traditional Witchcraft: Should I Worry About Bad Karma If I Use Black Magic?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Dürer_-_HexensabbatSome people regard black magic as a misuse of spiritual energy. Some define it as any act that interferes with another person’s free will and believe that no witchcraft, even healing, should be conducted without the permission of the subject. Some modern ceremonial magicians call it “the left hand path.” Some warn that it is karmically dangerous to the spell caster.

But, none of this is really relevant in traditional witchcraft. In fact, the purpose of most of traditional witchcraft is to affect the outer environment and those around us and what is commonly called black magic is only an integral part of witchcraft, itself.

The definition of “black magic” used by Winter Tempest Books authors is that it is simply malefic witchcraft, meaning it is witchcraft used for the purpose of causing harm or injury to another. Moral judgments and ethical considerations are withheld and reserved for the individual, who is the only person fit to judge his or her own particular situation. Moreover, we always advocate that, for your protection, such witchcraft should be done secretly and without violating the laws of whatever state, country or other legal jurisdiction you live in.

Some members of modern witchcraft religion state that no “real witch” would use black magic. But, if this were true, why is that that most of the documentation of witchcraft in Western Europe, New England and around the world is full to the brim with instances of curses and demonic visitations? Obviously, this assertion doesn’t hold water.

The dominant class of popular, modern religious witches often warn against the use of black magic because of a fear of it “recoiling” on the one who cast the spell. They have various names for this, such as the “Law of Returns,” and the “Three-fold Law,” and it appears that this modern dogma evolved from the Hindu concept of Karma.

The Doctrine of Karma

The ancient Hindu religious principle of Karma is similar to, but, also, differs from the modern New Age concept, which is described below. In Hinduism, which includes a belief in reincarnation, karma occurs after death and it determines the soul’s path in its next incarnation. Both this life and the next incarnation could be affected by your past deeds. At the core of the doctrine is the concept of cause and effect, the idea that your actions in this life and past ones have have effect on the present and the future. Suffering is seen as a “spiritual gift” by which a person learns and becomes stronger, so disease and other adversity is seen as part of life’s lesson.

This doctrine of karma has been recycled and revamped by Western New Agers and Christianized. Then, it was adapted by Wiccans. (Read more about the Christianization of Wicca in the U.S. in a previous article, “Differences Between Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca: How Wicca Became Mainstream Modern Witchcraft.”)

By contrast, in traditional witchcraft, suffering is not regarded as a spiritual gift. People do not need to learn cosmic lessons by disease, injury, violence, etc. There is no God or system that judges and rewards or punishes.

A danger of this kind of thinking is that it engenders the false belief other people want or deserve to suffer or that we, ourselves, deserve to suffer because of some imagined transgression in this or a past life. Crime survivors might internalize the abuses that have been perpetrated against them by others and imagine that they are somehow deserving because of some imagined bad behavior. For instance, an abused wife may be convinced that she deserves to be abused because she abused her husband in a past life – this is the kind insanity that can flourish when this notion of karma is taken to an extreme.

Karma is a religious doctrine that has no place in traditional witchcraft, which is not a religion, at all. Such thinking prevents people from looking for solutions to health issues, excuses criminal behavior and allows evil-doers to prevail.

Then, there is the negative psychological aspect of accepting this religious belief.

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Wiccan Guilt

Morganlfay-smallerWiccans believe that witchcraft and, indeed, all of life is governed by their version of the law of karma. They are constantly warning people about the dangers of bad karma and bad intent.

Among Wiccans there is a common belief that the things you do now can affect completely unrelated events down the road, either for good or evil, based on the nature of the action you have taken.

Wiccan belief is that if you send out negativity, this causes more negativity in the world, which will inevitably boomerang its way back to you. But, if you send out positive energy, positive energy will come back to you. (To that I say, if you’re a woman, try walking down a street in New York City beaming positive energy at everyone you encounter and see how much positive energy comes back to you. A word of warning: Don’t try this without years of martial arts training.)

This concept of karma within Wicca can become absurd, leading to Wiccan guilt, which is a lot like Christian guilt. Neither are mentally healthy. The New Age belief in past lives affecting the present one is similar to the the Christian doctrine of Original Sin. The Wiccan belief of being cosmically punished if you step out of line is similar to the Christian doctrine of Judgment.

Many Wiccans and New Agers swear this Westernized karmic dogma is true. This is because religious people often have a confirmation bias – if they believe a doctrine, they will look for proof of it where none exists.

For example, a Wiccan who gives a sum of money to charity, then experiences some kindness from a stranger in the next day or two might attribute the kind behavior of the stranger to having made a charitable contribution, when in fact, it was just an encounter with a kindly stranger and nothing more. If the same Wiccan had knocked down an old lady and stolen her grocery money the day before instead, he or she would still have experienced an encounter with a kindly stranger the next day. There is no cause and effect in this situation because there is no cosmic overseer judging and punishing your every move. This is simply a religious belief similar to those held by Hindus and Christians.

To further illustrate, if you think a bad thought about someone and then trip over a piece of loose carpeting and stub your toe, this injury is not a result of your “transgression.” Or, if you fail to adequately tip a waiter and a month later your house is foreclosed on, it is not reasonable to say this is because of a karmic law.

Wiccan guilt comes in when you do good, but good does not return to you – then, you may feel you have not been good enough. If some accident befalls you, a loved one dies or you become the victim of a violent crime, you may be encouraged to believe that this was because of some wrong action or thought vibration on your part. Karma-based beliefs engender a remarkable degree of self-blaming, victim-blaming and criminal enabling.

Letting Go of Harmful Beliefs

The doctrine of karma is simply a religious belief, the key word being “belief.” Such cultural and religious conditioning is a form of mind control.

Holding onto such unfounded beliefs is ultimately destructive. It leads to a state of being in which the person constantly fears they are doing something wrong. To let go of this programming, you only have to allow your rational mind to overcome this irrational and unfounded religious belief.

If you have had the misfortune of being subjected to either Christian or Wiccan indoctrination and consequently fear stepping out of line because of imagined cosmic repercussions, you may have to do some deprogramming before you feel comfortable using black magic.

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The Power of Black Magic

Fortunately, black magic can help break the chains of religious conditioning. Traditionally, black magic rituals involving such things as the recitation of the “Our Father” prayer backwards or meeting a spirit in a cemetery or a crossroad at midnight mark a witch’s passage into the world of witchcraft.

Former Wiccans who want to make a break from their religion might perform a short ritual by writing the “Rede,” “The Law of Returns” or whatever other dogmatic belief on a sheet of paper and burning it in a little ceremony to break the psychological tie to this religious philosophy.

Of course, none of this is really necessary. Simply performing acts of black magic is enough to make the break.

witchyThe use of black magic is often a matter of survival. Sometimes violent crime survivors discover their ability to use it very spontaneously.

Sometimes using black magic is the right thing to do in a situation to prevent harm to yourself or someone else. Black magic can be a means of restoring justice and peace – and maintaining it.

Black magic can provide the ultimate form of protection. Once you begin practicing black magic, you will naturally require more protection, but the acquisition of this protection is part of the process of learning more about witchcraft, especially communicating with and employing spirits.

Black magic thinking has the power to release people from a sense of being victimized. It helps crime survivors regain control over their lives. If you have been through a terrible ordeal at the hands of some malefactor, black magic helps you heal, restore balance and re-establish more control over your own life.

Above all, black magic is a mindset. It is a strong self-defense mentality. It helps to undo some of the damage done to us by living in a victim-blaming society in which we are blamed for the failures and evil actions of other people. It helps to restore power and autonomy to the individual.

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Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

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Interview with the author of “Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection”

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, Magical Healing, neo-paganism, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , on July 25, 2013 by littleredridinghood

The following interview was conducted on July 17th, 2013 with A. Kaelin, author of Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Winter Tempest Books: So, tell us about the book, Black Magic for Dark Times. What’s it about?

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

A. Kaelin: It’s a unique spell book for crime survivors and people who have gone through some kind of trauma. I don’t think there’s anything else quite like it. I partly wrote it for my own catharsis and it contains some of the techniques I’ve personally used to deal with criminals and to cope with the aftermath of surviving crimes. I’ve personally dealt with most of the situations in the book or I’ve known other people who have. I, also, rail against the acceptance of the culture of crime, victim-blaming and the expectation that victims should exercise Christian precepts of turning the other cheek. It’s really harmful for victims. It’s great for criminals, of course, but it’s really hard on the victims.

Black Magic for Dark Times, also, discusses the inherent witchcraft powers of people who have been deeply wronged. This is a very old belief and there’s a reason why. I talk about that.

Winter Tempest Books: Isn’t black magic evil?

A. Kaelin: Witchcraft can be used for nefarious purposes or beneficial ones. Black magic usually involves some ideas that society as a whole, especially Christian-influence society, might object to. But, Black Magic for Dark Times is about making justice in a world where criminals more often than not act with impunity. There can be no peace for crime survivors if they never receive justice. If things aren’t made right, they can heal properly. Just the message in this books seems to help some people because they’re being told they shouldn’t be angry about what has happened to them. Also, they’re facing invalidation from people who should be supporting them. Things go on in this world that are outside the conditioned norms and a lot of them are really frightening, so often people close to the victim go into denial and this is really harmful to survivors. If you’ve ever had something bad happen to you and you go to tell your family or a close friend and they just refuse to believe you – this is something a lot of people deal with and they have to do it alone. Sometimes the reaction from people you once trusted is almost as bad or worse than the crime, itself. Black Magic for Dark Times can be a real comfort to people in these situations and that’s exactly why I wrote it.

Winter Tempest Books: So, would you say that both of your books, Magical Healing and Black Magic for Dark Times are actually both about healing?

A. Kaelin: Yes. That’s correct. In fact, Magical Healing really complements Black Magic for Dark Times because the same techniques shown there and the exercises can be used either to heal a person or to harm them. But, it’s all witchcraft, so it’s not accepted – either by the allopathic medical establishment or by law enforcement authorities. You can use the techniques to help yourself, to help others or to harm your enemies when you don’t have any other recourse.

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection  A. Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection A. Kaelin

Winter Tempest Books: How were you first introduced to the ideas you write about in these books?

A. Kaelin: I suppose it was over 25 years ago that I first recognized the cause and effect that was going on. It doesn’t work in every circumstance – if for example, you are in the throes of a violent physical attack, you have to do whatever you must to survive and witchcraft isn’t necessarily the thing that’s going to help you. But, if you are in a situation where, for example, you are being harassed by someone, it is possible to sabotage those people before they have the chance to harm you. It’s a matter of focusing your very strong, nearly physical, energy at the perpetrators and causing something to happen that disrupts their activity. Conversely, you can remove energy from the perpetrators to get them to stop doing something. The first few times I did it, it just happened. When I began seeing a pattern of cause and effect developing, I began to analyze why it was happening and mastering the skill of making it happen intentionally.

I got into the healing aspects after a health crisis. I think that’s a pretty common experience. Healing is really at the core of all occult practices, in my opinion. It is really the key discipline that will help you to master all of the others. If you can heal, then you can do all kinds of other things, including harming people who want to harm you. By mastering the concepts in Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others, you are proving the reality of witchcraft to your conscious mind.

Witchcraft to me is not a matter of faith. It’s not a religion. It is really a science, a hidden set of working scientific theories. It’s how the world really works.

Winter Tempest Books: What about the question about ethics with regard to black magic and healing. There are those who say black magic is evil and healing should never be done without someone’s permission. How do you respond to those concerns.

A. Kaelin: Well, first of all, black magic can be used for truly evil purposes. There are some things–things that are beyond the imagination of decent people–which I do not discuss because they are so exceedingly wicked and depraved.

But, it is precisely because such people and practices exist that knowledge of black magic is needed and it’s why people shouldn’t be afraid to use it against their enemies. Self-defense is your right and it is not wicked or evil. It’s my personal belief that you should protect yourself and all other innocent people from harm whenever possible.

There are some Christian and New Age moralists who disagree with me, but any position that denies innocent people the right to protect themselves or denies them justice when they have been grievously wronged is obviously immoral. I don’t argue with such people because there’s nothing to argue about. Furthermore, I don’t let such people around me because they’re dangerous people – they are victim-blamers and criminal enablers.

When people tell you they hold such values as “forgive and forget” and “turn the other cheek,” this means they allow the abuse of other people and expect them to shut up and take it – if someone you know is telling you something like that, you should probably listen carefully.

As far as having to have someone’s permission to heal them goes–No. I don’t believe suffering teaches people a lesson. This is a Christian belief that has crept into some New Age philosophies. It’s very wrong. Pain and suffering are not normal or natural conditions and if you see someone in pain, someone suffering and you can help them, then you should do everything you can to help them. You don’t need the person’s permission. That’s ridiculous.

Some of these New Age Christian types feel the same way about crime and they won’t intervene if they see a crime taking place because they think this is part of the victim’s life journey, part of their life’s lesson. That’s sociopathic. It’s evil to see evil going on and not intervene to help the victim, if you can. Their non-intervention philosophy is an excuse for not doing the right thing.

No one needs to experience crime, pain or suffering as part of a life lesson. I have run into a lot of people with this philosophy, especially among the Unity Church members, the positive thinking cult members who believe they can control their environment and other people with their thoughts, those who are into the Secret or the Law of Attraction and some of what we jokingly call the “White Lighters.”

People who are part of the “you attract what you’re thinking” philosophy are very dangerous because they make excuses for all kinds of evil and they will not intervene to help anyone in any way. It’s a dangerous philosophy. If they commit a crime against someone, they blame the victim for attracting the experience by their wrong thoughts. It’s insane. The philosophy of the Left Hand path is extremely generous and kind by comparison.


Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection A. Kaelin

Winter Tempest Books: So, what is your moral philosophy?

A. Kaelin: I don’t really have a moral philosophy. I know myself and I trust myself and that’s all I need to know. There’s no rule book. But, I know evil when I see it, as a crime survivor, I have come face to face with it and with death. Once that happens to you, you cannot deny its existence.

Winter Tempest Books: So, do you have to have a belief in god or gods and goddesses to successful perform black magic?

A. Kaelin: No. It really has no relationship to that. You don’t have to believe in anything, really. You just have to have an open mind and a curious nature.

There are people who say that atheists have no psychic abilities or that they can do certain things like dowse, but that’s absolutely not true. If anything, religion tends to be a hindrance to genuine, open-minded inquiry.

Winter Tempest Books: What if I am not a crime survivor, can I still use the things in Black Magic for Dark Times?

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

A. Kaelin: Yes, you can. But, crime survivors and anyone who has experienced any amount of prolonged trauma, whether because of an accident, a death in the family or about with fraud and official corruption, which is now rampant, can more easily use them than someone who has not experienced such a trauma. The wronged party in such a case has a natural power, which I discuss in the book, and they really don’t have to go to as much effort to make witchcraft work for them – it’s an inherent form of self-defense.

I wrote Black Magic for Dark Times especially to help people who really have no other help. Witches don’t often have churches, pastors, counselors or even close family members who have any capacity to understand what they are going through if they have been the target of criminals. Furthermore, we all live in a society that punishes victims and rewards and encourages criminal behavior. So, there are some aspects to this book that will be irrelevant to those who are not crime survivors. But, it is still usable by other people and might be of interest to them.

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Winter Tempest Books: Well, that’s all the questions we have for now. Thank you!

A. Kaelin: Thank you.

Learn more about developing your witchcraft abilities with the following Winter Tempest Books:

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others  by Angela Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection by Angela Kaelin, the only spell book especially written for crime survivors.


How to Know if You are a Natural Witch: Examples of Witchcraft Powers

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Magical Healing, Mediumship, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The Witch

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To be a witch is to possess an innate power or natural ability to do things that most people don’t think are possible. Some people have a large supply of natural talent for witchcraft, which go beyond the ordinary. They are more than just psychics or mediums, but they are naturally endowed with other abilities, which they usually discover early in life.

While these abilities like these usually manifest early in the life of a witch, they may increase, especially later in life. Also, such latent abilities can first manifest after a person is exposed to a severe or prolonged trauma, as discussed in Black Magic for Dark Times by A. Kaelin, which is a spell book written especially for crime survivors.

The Difference Between a Witch and a Psychic

Witches may know what’s going to happen before it happens, they may have the ability to see what others do not, such as manifestations of spirits, they may be able to hear other people’s thoughts and they may have very strong emotional sensitivities. But, true witchcraft power goes beyond just having highly developed psychic abilities, although this is an important part of it. Apart from having psychic abilities, natural witches are able to do things outside the ordinary. This ability is what sets witches apart from people who are merely psychic.

Another way to state the difference between psychics and witches is to say that a psychic can foretell the future, while a witch has the ability to consciously alter it.

Examples of Witchcraft Powers or Abilities

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

The following are examples, some are personal experiences of the author and some are the experiences of others, which illustrate the first inkling natural witches have that they may possess other than ordinary abilities. Although these examples are partially from my personal experience and from other people’s real life experiences, third-person and fictitious names are used here for both anonymity and ease of discussion:

Julie is a powerful natural healer who has a memory of being five-years old and flying in a circle around her mother’s living room. At some point she lost this ability, but her memory of it is vivid.

Toni was 12-years old when she first spotted a new boy who was visiting family from out of state. She was struck by his exotic good looks. She was scheduled to attend a dance and although she didn’t expect him to be there, right before it was time to go, she fell into a deep reverie in which she imagined the boy was there and asked her to dance. When she arrived at the dance she sat with some other girls for a little while and when the music started, exactly as she had pictured it in her mind, the boy of her dreams strode across the floor and asked her to dance with him, which she did. This is one of her earliest memories in which she believed she was able to cause events to happen by focusing on her desires intently. She later began a study of witchcraft and was able to deconstruct and exercise this ability more consciously.

When Adriana was 16-years old, she was an avid bibliophile who could often be found sitting quietly in a corner absorbed in a book. Her brother often made fun of her for this. On one occasion when he was mocking her as he so often did, she became very angry and spontaneously directed the force of her rage at him, sending him tumbling down the stairs. It was then that she first knew she had extraordinary abilities.


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Diana was 15-years old and interested in a boy at school. Her parents had forbidden her to talk to him, but she disobeyed them and was caught talking to him on the telephone. Her parents became very angry and sent her to her room. In her sadness and anger, she stared out the window at a single cloud in the sky. In a matter of seconds, a wind swept through, the sky turned dark and threatening, then suddenly the rain began to pour. Diana soon discovered that she was able to cause storms at will and thus began her interest in the study of witchcraft.

Sandy was 18-years old and making her first cross-country trip alone. As she was driving down the highway, two men pulled up next to her and began harassing her and driving very dangerously. She became very angry and directed her rage at the car beside her. Immediately, smoke began rolling out of the hood and the drivers were forced to the side of the road. Sandy, who was frequently the target of such harassment when alone, was able to repeat this experiment a few times. This is how she knew she had an unusual ability and sought an explanation and a way to control it.

Are You a Natural Witch?

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

If you have ever had any experiences like these, then you are probably a natural witch who already knows the truth for yourself.

The only people who do not believe in witchcraft powers are those who do not possess them. Once people make the discovery that they have these abilities, they often want to develop them, hone their skills and increase their natural power. You can do this by studying the world-wide practice of traditional witchcraft (not the religion Wicca) and applying and experimenting with what you find.

There are techniques you can use to develop your skills whether you have had these experiences or not, but it comes easier to people who already know witchcraft is real and have some natural ability. It’s harder for those who have to take a leap of faith (belief in something they have not personally experienced) to approach the study witchcraft and its underlying esoteric science.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

And, as wonderful as a lot of witchcraft fiction is, it can really obscure the truth about witchcraft, so people have to sort out for themselves what is “real” — what is possible and what isn’t. In fact, the term “natural witch” may very well be borrowed from the 1993 movie, “The Craft,” in which the bookstore owner tells Sarah she has natural powers inherited from her mother. But, witchcraft is not necessarily a genetic trait anymore than any other kind of natural talent. This is not to say that it can’t run in families, but more often it seems to be something that is in the individual or not, regardless of lineage.

If you have had personal experiences similar to those mentioned in this article, then you may very well be a natural witch. It’s up to you to study traditional witchcraft and other aspects of the occult and further develop your abilities.

Learn more about developing your witchcraft abilities with the following Winter Tempest Books:

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work by Sophia diGregorio

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others  by Angela Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection by Angela Kaelin, the only spell book especially written for crime survivors.

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Interview with the Author of “Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others”

Posted in Alternative Health, Healing, Magical Healing, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 18, 2013 by littleredridinghood

The following is an interview conducted on July 17, 2013 with A. Kaelin, author the book, Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others, published by Winter Tempest Books.

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Winter Tempest Books: How did you get involved with alternative healing?

A. Kaelin: That’s a story that some people wouldn’t believe, so I’m hesitant to talk about it. It’s unbelievable to some people because they think chem-trails are a conspiracy theory. But, I was near one of the areas where this was being experimented with in the 1990s and I was chemically poisoned. When I tell this story some people try to come up with their own alternative  explanations, but the fact is I was cured of chemtrail related-illness by an alternative healer, one who has a very good reputation, who used a specific protocol for what I had been poisoned with.  She did it using what, at the time, I thought were homeopathic remedies, which antidoted the specific chemicals and organisms that were in the poisonous cocktail. But, I later found out that they were not homeopathic remedies, but a similar type of remedy generated by a radionics machine.

I had been a skeptic about radionics, also, called psionics, until this happened to me. But afterward, I began helping myself with radionics and colloidal silver. I’ve done a lot freelance work for people who sell silver generators, also.  It is easy for me to write about it because I”m a very big believer in the power of colloidal silver since it was this that ultimately helped me to get well and stay well. I’ve been involved with studying, researching, making and using colloidal silver ever since I realized what a valuable a healing agent it is.

In the course of studying radionics, I ran into a lot of alternative science theories – what I constantly refer to as esoteric science or occult science, which is the foundation for radionics. To me Hermeticism, witchcraft, the occult, divination and alternative health are all related because they have the same relation to these theories, which come largely from the Hebrew Kabballah and the Second Wave Theosophists. This is why I often refer to witchcraft as a science. When you look at the esoteric science behind it, it appears to be the remnant of something very old, very advanced, universal and mostly forgotten or hidden to the majority of people.

What I began to realize was that by using my mind or, more precisely, my mental energetic field, I could manipulate the subtle or sub-physical fields of other people’s bodies and my own in much the same way that the radionics machine manipulates the field using a magnetoelectric wave emanation.

The entire process of using my mind to heal was solidified for me when I read, Psychic Healing, by Yogi Ramacharacka. That’s where the idea of actually communicating with the intelligent energy of particular organs or systems of the body comes from. I have saved my own life with one of the techniques in my book. More commonly, I use the techniques to stop pain, my own and other people’s. Once you have a grasp of how it works and the basics of what you can do, you can use it in different ways. In fact, I’m working on a Magical Healing Part II to discuss this because I’ve found more ways to apply it since I wrote the first book.

Magical Healing is wonderful for anyone to use because there’s nothing anybody can do about it. It’s not like massage therapy, reflexology or acupuncture where you have to touch people and you might be required to have a special license in order not to run afoul of the law. With Magical Healing, you never have to touch anyone. You can stand across the room from them and it’s fun and interesting when someone is complaining about having a pain here or there and you remove it with the wave of your hand in just a few seconds. It amazes people and it really never ceases to amaze me, either. I think the hardest thing for me is remembering to do it – once you figure out how to do it, you have to remember that you can do it because it is easy to fall back into old materialistic patterns of thought.

After you learn to make the hand motions while making the mental connection with the body, you don’t really need to make the motions, anymore. I still use motions when I’m demonstrating it to someone, but it’s not really necessary except when you are first learning. The more you do Magical Healing, the more second nature it becomes to you.

Winter Tempest Books: Why did you write this book, “Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others“?

A. Kaelin: Well, I’m a writer, so this is what I do and it’s the way I like to communicate with people. That’s the first reason I wrote it. I suppose I could give classes or seminars or if I were really brave, I would open up some kind of clinic and treat people. But, I think a book has the power to reach more people. Besides, as amazing and important as the information in Magical Healing is, it is really one aspect of a much broader subject involving healing and occult science.

The information in this book allows people to become greater masters of their own minds and bodies. If you practice the exercises – which takes a little faith, at first – but, if you do it, it will open up your mind to greater possibilities. You will see first hand that the world is not the way we have been led to believe it is by the scientific orthodoxy. Official science is very materialistic, but when you use Magical Healing, you see that there are subtle fields that are causal to the physical ones. This ceases to be a just a theory for you. When you perform your own experiments with it and have the same results over and over, then you know it is real.

Furthermore, for people who are interested in other aspects of the occult and witchcraft, you can begin to see greater applications for your abilities. Both Magical Healing and How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development have more to them than meets the eye. Neither of them are books that you just read, then put aside. If you do what is suggested – if you do the work – you will have the foundation for a true initiation into witchcraft and the occult.

With Magical Healing, you have to start with a really basic understanding of how the subtle bodies are related to the systems and organs of the body, which is discussed in the first few chapters. Then, you just begin with the Exercises in Chapter 4 and do them. When you first begin, you’re just getting used to it, you’re going through the motions and trying not to feel self-conscious about standing around waving your hands over someone. But, what very soon happens is you begin to naturally make a connection between your mental field and the area of the body you are waving your hands and pointing at. Once that happens, you can do amazing things.

Another major reason I wrote the book is that there is a lot of pain in this world and there aren’t enough healers to go around. This is why we all have to be our own healers as much as possible. We, also, have to be healers to our own family and friends. Magical Healing can help free people from the allopathic medical establishment and free people’s minds from old, wrong programming about the nature of the world.

Winter Tempest Books: How have you personally used Magical Healing?

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

A. Kaelin: Well, most recently, I used it to heal an injury I sustained in a fall. I had some kind of mass beneath the toes on my left foot that seemed to be moving around and was causing neuropathy (loss of sensation) in two of my toes. Whenever I stepped down barefoot on a hard surface, I could feel this mass beneath my toes and it was throwing of my balance a little bit. When the injury first occurred, I thought it would get better on its own, but the condition continued to worsen. Of course, I’m not a doctor and I really don’t know what this mass was that seemed to be pressing on a nerve or interfering with its normal functioning. But, as a healer, this an academic question and not really a practical one. From a practical standpoint, you don’t really need to know what it is, you just have to be able to remove it.

It was probably two months after the original injury that I injured my right foot, as well. I drove a tiny nail about 3/4″ or more through the ball of my foot. So, I was really hobbling around. Now, I had two injured feet. At that point, I had to do something. So, I applied a bandage with neem oil and used Magical Healing on the newer injury on the right foot to remove the possibility of infection and speed the healing process. The pain stopped almost immediately. This injury occurred at night and by morning, the pain was gone. I was busy, so I didn’t check the bandage until about 36 hours after the original injury and I could not find the point of the object’s entry. It was completely healed over.

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

So, I set to work on the left foot and began removing whatever was blocking the nerves there. I was, also, having some pain with this foot at night. But, all of this ended after about three short treatments applied right before falling asleep over the course of three days and I regained the feeling in my toes. I had some pain in my ankle that is, also, gone as a result of this treatment. And, I did it all a little a bit at a time while falling asleep. This is a really good time to apply Magical Healing to yourself or others because the body does a lot of natural healing during your sleep time.

That is my most recent personal healing story, however, I use these same techniques on people I know when they are sick, also. It can be done at long distances and you can get feedback from the person on the phone. When they tell you they have a pain, a rash and injury or whatever, you simply do this work for them. Usually, especially with an acute case (a new condition, rather than a long-standing one) relief comes to the person very quickly, often in a matter of seconds or minutes after you effectively make the mental connection. The most recent treatment was for a rash, which the person thought might be poison ivy. The condition was removed in about half an hour at distance of 600 miles. Distance is not a factor, at all, with Magical Healing. If you know the person you want to treat, you can heal them entirely through a mental technique.

Although, when you first begin, you really have to practice on people who are close at hand. After you become confident in your abilities, you can begin applying Magical Healing at a distance.

Winter Tempest Books: What do you say to people who are skeptical about Magical Healing?

A. Kaelin: Well, I try not to talk to skeptics too much. They are the “true disbelievers” who are the opposite-appearing counterparts of the “true believers.” They tend to be unwilling to look open-mindedly at any evidence that doesn’t conform to their biases. In the case of so-called scientifically-based skeptics, these true disbelievers have a confirmation bias in favor of mainstream science. If something conflicts with the scientific or medical orthodoxy, they will refute by saying it cannot be so because it conflicts with these theories. The skeptics’ mindset is similar to that of Christian true believers who will look at the evidence and, if they find it conflicts with something in the Bible, will say that it cannot be true on this basis.

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

The only way to know the truth about any aspect of esoteric science is not by simply reading about it and speculating, but by experimenting with it. You have to make your own personal experiments without biases while casting aside, at least temporarily, your preconceived ideas about the nature of the world.

The only way to know if Magical Healing works is to read about it and actually try it on yourself and those close to you.

Winter Tempest Books: Those are all the questions we have for right now. Thank you!

A. Kaelin: It’s my pleasure. Thank you.

Find other books by Angela Kaelin at Smashwords and Amazon.