How to Know if You are a Natural Witch: Examples of Witchcraft Powers

by Sophia diGregorio

The Witch

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To be a witch is to possess an innate power or natural ability to do things that most people don’t think are possible. Some people have a large supply of natural talent for witchcraft, which go beyond the ordinary. They are more than just psychics or mediums, but they are naturally endowed with other abilities, which they usually discover early in life.

While these abilities like these usually manifest early in the life of a witch, they may increase, especially later in life. Also, such latent abilities can first manifest after a person is exposed to a severe or prolonged trauma, as discussed in Black Magic for Dark Times by A. Kaelin, which is a spell book written especially for crime survivors.

The Difference Between a Witch and a Psychic

Witches may know what’s going to happen before it happens, they may have the ability to see what others do not, such as manifestations of spirits, they may be able to hear other people’s thoughts and they may have very strong emotional sensitivities. But, true witchcraft power goes beyond just having highly developed psychic abilities, although this is an important part of it. Apart from having psychic abilities, natural witches are able to do things outside the ordinary. This ability is what sets witches apart from people who are merely psychic.

Another way to state the difference between psychics and witches is to say that a psychic can foretell the future, while a witch has the ability to consciously alter it.

Examples of Witchcraft Powers or Abilities

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

The following are examples, some are personal experiences of the author and some are the experiences of others, which illustrate the first inkling natural witches have that they may possess other than ordinary abilities. Although these examples are partially from my personal experience and from other people’s real life experiences, third-person and fictitious names are used here for both anonymity and ease of discussion:

Julie is a powerful natural healer who has a memory of being five-years old and flying in a circle around her mother’s living room. At some point she lost this ability, but her memory of it is vivid.

Toni was 12-years old when she first spotted a new boy who was visiting family from out of state. She was struck by his exotic good looks. She was scheduled to attend a dance and although she didn’t expect him to be there, right before it was time to go, she fell into a deep reverie in which she imagined the boy was there and asked her to dance. When she arrived at the dance she sat with some other girls for a little while and when the music started, exactly as she had pictured it in her mind, the boy of her dreams strode across the floor and asked her to dance with him, which she did. This is one of her earliest memories in which she believed she was able to cause events to happen by focusing on her desires intently. She later began a study of witchcraft and was able to deconstruct and exercise this ability more consciously.

When Adriana was 16-years old, she was an avid bibliophile who could often be found sitting quietly in a corner absorbed in a book. Her brother often made fun of her for this. On one occasion when he was mocking her as he so often did, she became very angry and spontaneously directed the force of her rage at him, sending him tumbling down the stairs. It was then that she first knew she had extraordinary abilities.


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Diana was 15-years old and interested in a boy at school. Her parents had forbidden her to talk to him, but she disobeyed them and was caught talking to him on the telephone. Her parents became very angry and sent her to her room. In her sadness and anger, she stared out the window at a single cloud in the sky. In a matter of seconds, a wind swept through, the sky turned dark and threatening, then suddenly the rain began to pour. Diana soon discovered that she was able to cause storms at will and thus began her interest in the study of witchcraft.

Sandy was 18-years old and making her first cross-country trip alone. As she was driving down the highway, two men pulled up next to her and began harassing her and driving very dangerously. She became very angry and directed her rage at the car beside her. Immediately, smoke began rolling out of the hood and the drivers were forced to the side of the road. Sandy, who was frequently the target of such harassment when alone, was able to repeat this experiment a few times. This is how she knew she had an unusual ability and sought an explanation and a way to control it.

Are You a Natural Witch?

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

If you have ever had any experiences like these, then you are probably a natural witch who already knows the truth for yourself.

The only people who do not believe in witchcraft powers are those who do not possess them. Once people make the discovery that they have these abilities, they often want to develop them, hone their skills and increase their natural power. You can do this by studying the world-wide practice of traditional witchcraft (not the religion Wicca) and applying and experimenting with what you find.

There are techniques you can use to develop your skills whether you have had these experiences or not, but it comes easier to people who already know witchcraft is real and have some natural ability. It’s harder for those who have to take a leap of faith (belief in something they have not personally experienced) to approach the study witchcraft and its underlying esoteric science.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

And, as wonderful as a lot of witchcraft fiction is, it can really obscure the truth about witchcraft, so people have to sort out for themselves what is “real” — what is possible and what isn’t. In fact, the term “natural witch” may very well be borrowed from the 1993 movie, “The Craft,” in which the bookstore owner tells Sarah she has natural powers inherited from her mother. But, witchcraft is not necessarily a genetic trait anymore than any other kind of natural talent. This is not to say that it can’t run in families, but more often it seems to be something that is in the individual or not, regardless of lineage.

If you have had personal experiences similar to those mentioned in this article, then you may very well be a natural witch. It’s up to you to study traditional witchcraft and other aspects of the occult and further develop your abilities.

Learn more about developing your witchcraft abilities with the following Winter Tempest Books:

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work by Sophia diGregorio

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others  by Angela Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection by Angela Kaelin, the only spell book especially written for crime survivors.

Regarding comments: Your comments and questions are appreciated and they are read by our staff, but we may not have time to respond.

241 Responses to “How to Know if You are a Natural Witch: Examples of Witchcraft Powers”

  1. Naomi Arena Says:

    My coworker and I were having a very emotional in depth conversation last Friday. Towards the end of it right before I went home we mentioned end something about pur boss who is a very dark empty person and what would ever even bother him karma wise and how he deserves to have everything taken from him for all the pain and hurt he causes.. We decided it would be a lack of money which isn’t his problem so we thought. I received a text on my way home that his assistant received a phone call from him wanting to know why his account was overdrawn. My coworker and I are true believers in the powers that be and are so in tune with our surroundings,people’s intentions,people in general. What would this be? If we togwther have power to make things happen but only together? Thank you 🙂

  2. hi so I have always wanted to be a witch or like a vampire. I know its silly and ‘im defintetly a fan-girl of the vampire diaries. There is something though interesting that happened to me. I have had lots of dreams and then they have happened. Like I had a dream where my brothers hamster died then it did a week later it did. another example is I get deja vu a lot. Then I remember the “Deja vu” was actually my dream maybe the night before or sometimes even a week ago. When I was little at my great grandmothers funeral “we were very close) I remember talking to her and her talking to me. We hugged, and we both were crying. At the end I remember she touched my face and said goodbye. My mom say’s at her funeral I was next to her open casket and I was whispering to her. I have always wondered if I had actually seen her. I don’t know if I have any power, but I was just wondering for any advice.

    • also I forgot sometimes when I close my eyes and imagine something simple to happen, like today I closed my eyes and focused on birds chirping and I twisted my fingers and they did. It could just be a coincidence but still leave advice. 🙂

      • sorry sorry one last thing. I just asked my mom about the great grandmother thing and she said that I said that I had talked to my great-grandma and also she had seen me talking next to the casket. And last I was thinking about it and then I thought that my grand-mother had told me something important. I was about to say something like what it might be but then a bee landed on my arm, I started getting itchy everyone and I felt like something was biting me all over my body. My mom said there was nothing though? Maybe I shuld keep the important thing to my-self if I remember it? Also when I was saying this b4 the page randomly went bck. Hmm.. idk i’m not going to tell anyone the important thing if I remember it though. 🙂 just plz advice!

  3. Hi i am 16 years old and i think i might be a witch .there are some strange things happening to me but i’m not sure if those things mean that i’m a witch.please if someone could tell me.When i was young(about 10 years old)i began being scared of darkness ,i couldn’t go out at night because i feared that someone would come and get me.I thought that someone traced me.This year while i was getting into sleep i saw a shadow of a men in my window he was walking for three times and than he was gone.I also am affraid of snakes and i don’t know why.I must tell that in my house this year three snakes came and they tend to come around this area.I love cats and i have three cats one of them black.Cats really love me especially my black day i spent all my money in school and when i got back home my mum asked me if i had any money left.I was sure that i had not but then i wished i had and i a kind of prayed and then i saw that in my jacket pocket there were some money left.One other thing that happened to me was that one day i had to study a lot for a school exam but i didn’t quiet rehearse all the lessons and i was nerveous.the next day our teacher came and she told us that we wasan’t going to do the test.(that has happened to me twice).I am always affraid of shadows and i feel i can not sleep alone in a room.Antil 7 i believed i had magical power.I haven’t tried to change the weather or the wind or something like that.please tell me if someone has something like that .And if that is related to witches

    • 3 months after i was born i got a cold and i had temperature 40 degrees,my parents took me to a lot of hospitals and the doctors said that would die from the temperature.My grandmother took me to a woman and she did something like magical thing and i got recovered.does this relate to me being a witch or not?I can also realise people’s feelings.

  4. Hello..This is my first time reaching out to anyone about this. I’ve always felt different since I was a child and have been reading about witchcraft for a very long time now but I’m not sure how to tell…I’ve had a lot of dreams about random events that eventually happen in the future..Also, I was in a very bad crash in a truck where my sister almost died, my aunt got hurt, but somehow, sitting next to my pregnant mother in the front, her and i escaped with NO cuts or injury at all. I’ve never quite been able to tell if it had something to do with me or just pure luck..If you or someone else on here has the time I would love to talk through e-mail or something. There are so many things in my life I cant explain and haven’t been able to reach out to anyone for fear of being called weird.. and I would finally like to receive some answers..Thanks for your awesome page.

  5. ever since i was a little girl around age 3 (12 now) i would fall asleep/daydream and i would have a vision… then the exact vision would happen in 2 minutes 2 hours 1 day 2 days 4 weeks or 1 year. i have never told anyone not even my parents.I cant control when i get them and i haven’t had one since June. Am i a natural witch? or am i normal?????????? PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  6. It started at 7, I was in bed with my lamp on waiting to fall asleep and looked up and a spirit was standing in my doorway. I covered my head in fear and he waited to leave until I looked up and saw him and his white robes turn and walk away. Then at 18, I fell asleep on my moms couch and I woke up and my face was smashed against the ceiling..Scared, I put my hands against the ceiling and pushed and I went back down to the couch. A year later, driving to work alone, I was about to cross over a bridge and wasn’t paying attention when someone screamed my name. Startled, I looked up just in time to swerve and not go over the bridge. I have a strange intuition sometimes that turns out right. Never even considered being a witch until today and still not sure if that’s what all this is. I know I’m searching for my purpose cause I haven’t found it yet and I’m 41. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

  7. i feel like i can sense spirits in ppl, like i can know if the are good or bad. i can hear spirits walking in my room when i sleep. i keep dreaming things and sometimes , like a two weeks or some days after that dream, it actually happens, and am like……..i knew this would happen!!!!! i see spirits sometimes too.

  8. Hi,
    I have a lot of questions. First and foremost I don’t think I have any powers or anything like that. But I get déjà vu so much. And it’s not like normal déjà vu. It’s to the point that when something happens or I see something happen I can very vividly see a dream I had in the past. It happens often but not frequently. Also, I’ve always been drawn to supernatural, or whatever this stuff is. Every now and then I can lay down in bed and sense there is a ghost or a spirit by me. I don’t think this is connected to witchcraft. But I also don’t think it’s normal. Can you shed a little light on this comment? O

  9. It has been a while but I feel like I need to ask someone this: I have a feeling of impending (lack of better words) doom from certain things. I can feel as if something dangerous is going to happen. Example being I felt as if something really bad was going to happen on Friday and I went through a thousand things in my head: such as names, time, and how bad. I felt it was someone I didn’t know, that is was going to be Saturday around midnight, and it was terrible. I felt the pain in my chest and the feeling of not being able to breathe. Monday, I discovered a boy at my school died on Saturday around eleven at night (around the time of the bad feeling in my chest and breathing problems went away). I’m wondering if there’s a better way to enhance this skill. I feel like I can do it, but I wish there was a way I didn’t have to go through myself for hours before really understanding this feeling and what’s going to happen.

    My friend’s parent actually has the skill to see auras so I do believe this feeling is more than intuition and I want to make my ability stronger so maybe in the future I could use the skill to help (I don’t know) help, I guess.

    Thanks. 🙂

  10. Hello, this whole thing about witches are all new to me. Let me just deduce my experiences so you could help me understand if or not I am a Witch;
    1)When I’m sad and when I cry, it either starts raining or the sky turns grey.
    2)Some of my dreams come true giving me the chance of rectifying a mistake.
    3)when i was in school during the days i would draw potraits…I would draw people whom are dead and these people are people whom i have never seen before.
    4) When i am truly angry/frustrated/furious at someone and wish for them to be harmed or die – unfortunately it does happen.
    Does this mean something? Am i a witch?

  11. I don’t know if any of these things pertain to me, and I’m not even sure if what I am going through makes any sense. But, I don’t feel right. I feel like I have abilities and power. I feel everyones emotions, I see into people. My senses are so sensitive. And I have this aching in my body sometimes, an aching that makes me feel as if I can manipulate objects around me. But the reason as to why I am skeptical of my own abilities is because nothing as ever happened. But I feel it, in my bones. I want to learn more about this, I need to know. For a while now, I’ve been having extremely vivid dreams. A variety of things happen in the dreams but in almost every dream, I have telekinesis. I don’t know. It’s all just a bunch of puzzle pieces that I’m trying to put together. But I know that I have power inside me somewhere.

    However, the internet is a hard place to find truthful and authentic information. I don’t believe half the things I read on here, except for this website. Is there a different way to contact you? Other than here?

  12. I’m not sure whether it’s me doing this or not, but ever since I was about 5 years old I have spoken to witches for unfathomable amounts of time. I was never into witchcraft as a child although I did know of it. I never initiated the conversations, I just always have witches/warlocks/sharmans telling me that they are. That’s fine however, long (impossibly long) conversations always follow in regards to the future and during these conversations I sometimes have the feeling of anger because I don’t necessarily want to know my future (in vivid detail). It’s almost as though I am in another world (definitely on another plain). I can also chip in on a few details during these conversations in regards to the future but unless I’m extremely angry or upset I can’t see things without being prompted.

    The conversations generally revolve around detailed events in my life that will happen and for the most part have now happened. One very memorable witch told me a whole lot of things that would happen to me and after every event she followed up with “and then you’re going to die”. For the next two or three months I could remember her telling me what would happen followed up with “and then you’re going to die”. I knew she was telling me actual events during the conversation because I’d seen and heard some of them before. She was my best friend at the time but we didn’t talk much after this conversation, it wasn’t to pleasant as you can probably imagine. Anyway that should give you a fair idea of what happens with me.

    I was going to write a book about it but haven’t gotten around to it. Most of this stuff seems to revolve around the first conversation of this manner I ever had which was when I was about 5 years old. I’m 31 now and it’s probably been about 6 or 7 years since a witch, warlock or Sharman has spoken to me. I thought I’d find people with similar experiences on the internet but most of the stuff I find is either ridiculing the idea of witches or is of a different nature to my experiences.

  13. hi my name is matthew pannell I have abilities that I want to understand more about and what I have read on this website helped a little but I want to know more about and how to understand it. my cousin Dillon has the same stuff he can dream things for hisself and they come true but he don’t have the abilities that I have. I can see the future a little, have strength, power, see the dead, and hear voices. my cousin has the abilities to see the future when hes asleep, talks in his sleep, and talks to the dead during the day.

  14. Hi, can someone please help me I don’t know if I’m going crazy.

    When I was about 7 years old I made it rain by casting spells that I wrote myself. I was hanging out with my cousins I thought I was just playing but turned out that it worked, every time I cast a spell it worked.

    When I was about 12 my friends and I had a sleep over and they were playing with a Ouiji board. I felt a hand on my right shoulder, it was such an evil feeling I jumped back against the wall. My friends were all so scared they ran out of the room.

    When I was 14 my dreams started coming true. I also started hearing my name being called, having feelings of other people in my bedroom when no one was there. I used to yell at them to go away and they did.

    My dreams still come true and I’m almost 25 years old. I also experience major dejavu all the time.

    Over the past year, sometimes I wake up feeling groggy, a weird angry feeling, then it starts to storm with lightning and heavy rain.

    Over the past few months, when someone treats me badly something bad happens to them.

    I’ve always been drawn to this stuff including using healing crystals, have been reading tarots for the last 2 years (always comes true) and was a very good palm reader from 15 years old.

    I just want to know if any of this really does mean anything. Because I’m doubting my sanity more and more as more things happen.

    Thank you for your answers.

  15. So glad I found your page! Your blog is terrific and is full amazing information and links. I am a born Empath and Witch, of the Unwiccan variety 😉

  16. Danielle Brundidge Says:

    I can make things happen if I really focus on it. For example a friend of mine asked if I could come to a meeting with her and I said yes. The later it got the more annoyed I became because I wanted to leave and mentally I kept saying over and over I wish this was over with I want to leave and I kept focusing all my energy on that and I swear to god about 5 mins later we were dismissed from the meeting. Does this mean I’m a natural witch….this is the third time its happened to me.

  17. stephanie Says:

    Scared, dont jniw what has been going on with me. My entire ljfe I have had dreams or visions of me doing something, and then Ill find myself doing exactly that. My mother told me stories of my grandma doing some crazy things with a key, she says i am a witch but I dont have any other powers. …..I think……
    please help me

  18. Ok, can someone help me figure myself out, my mother and grandmother and so fourth have…..spiritual talents (clarevoyants) is what I would say, I’m am quite different from them and last night I meet a complete stranger that called me a witch. I’ve never thought of that, I didn’t even know we had witches but my friend agrees that I am as well. So please help me figure out what I am……I dream things, sometimes the future or a message etc, I can see where people are in my head if I concentrate, I steal peoples energy if I’m really tired, however if my friends are exhausted I will give them my energy, I can take peoples aches and pains off them and onto me but dont know how to release them, I find some people think to loud and it feels like they’re yelling in my head, I can see/sense spirits but this scares me, I can calm things, when I meet new people I know somehow know everything bout them, plus heaps of other little things…… could I be a witch??

  19. I have the tendency to foresee a lot of events. I can sense bad energies amongst people which leaves me alone a lot. I already know they are bad before I even get to know them. It’s scary and my trust issues are out the door. I seem to be an animal whisperer as well. What I mean by that is that animals that are stray or not mine seem to come to me with ease and no persuasion. I also have had a few experiences where I was lying in bed and I thought about the next day, blinked my eyes and it was…”the next day”

  20. I always knew I was different because I do things others can’t. I see and feel things others don’t. It never occurred to me that I could be a natural witch. I know I was born this way…so much makes sense. Now I just need to learn to control it instead of being afraid of it.

  21. Lauren LeFevre Says:

    I have been told that my great grandma was a witch. My sister can see and talk to ghosts, but my mom (she can sense bad things that are going to happen) will not tell me anything about my history and she chooses to believe that I don’t need to learn how to control my powers and I should just suppress them. I can’t control what I do to people when I get mad/annoyed it’s like I can hurt them by thinking of what I want to happen, I really need to know what I can do so I can control it.

  22. Lorraine winfree Says:

    Hi! my name is Lorrie, I’ve always known I was a witch for it has been in my family a very long time I cant even tell you all I’ve been threw in my Life time, I was in a very bad accident in 1997 I’ve lost all my everything I don’t Dream I don’t have any of my so- called powers anymore thoughts ,wishes, anything, I’M trying to help myself to get some of my power back, my thoughts are still there but something is standing in my way is it over for me.

  23. Hello every one, I am 38 women and since a small child i have dreams of crashes mainly planes sometimes trains and on the odd occasion boat sinking, my visions always come true in a proximity of time between 2-3 weeks my visions are in color I normally get the color of the craft in question and sometimes partial letters and numbers more recently in the last 12 months my visions have had me directly on the doomed craft and i get snippets of people. My Grandmother had the foresight visions hers was mainly trains and tubes my mother has other types of gifts. and has practiced witch craft since i was a baby. I also get a really high pitch sound the same as when im on a plane in altitude when a spirit has entered my space and always know if its a good spirit passing or a bad one. I also see spirits when they want me to in shadow form. As a young women these things use to scare me as i was raised in a strict christian setting and at first believed i was cursed however i know fully embrace it now as i know i have thees for a reason, Im not able to help stop the disasters as its never direct like place, time, date . I am also an em-path which comes in perfectly especially at work as i work with the elderly as a Scheme manager Im able to adjust instantly to how they are feeling without them saying a word or me even seeing them and im able to help them. they always say i have a nack and its spooky how im so in-tuned but i just laugh it off and tell them it was just a feeling i had that something was’nt quite right with them and im about 94% correct . My advice to every one with these same or similar gifts do not be scared embrace them as you was made this way for a reason. Tamzy

  24. I see no one has commented in a while. That was some great information. I have recently started witchcraft. I have tried to go in my ancestry to find witches or even my Native American heritage. I hit a road block with my grandma’s father. He is unknown. I think I should accept I am NA without a tribal membership and that I am a witch. At 5 or so I often looked at the night sky and would ask my parents stuff like what makes me , me? Why is this my body. The older i got things happened. I think in the 1990s I should have realized this because I had two incidents that era. First I worked shift work so I was in a deep sleep daytime and woke to someone calling my name over and over. Shortly after my mother called to say my grandfather died just then. The other incident was I worked shift work driving dump trucks. It was mostly guys there but a handful of us women. The guys were always teasing and flirting over the radio. It was a lot of fun. Suddenly the new, prettier girl started flirting. I am normally very sweet, but don’t piss me off I lose control. I got so angry I just kept fussing over it, Suddenly the radio was a buzz, her dump truck caught on fire. I have had so many things go on. I hear things, see things and so much more. I always tried to explain away. Time to accept and love myself.

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