Archive for born a witch

How to Know if You are a Natural Witch: Examples of Witchcraft Powers

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Magical Healing, Mediumship, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 21, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The Witch

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To be a witch is to possess an innate power or natural ability to do things that most people don’t think are possible. Some people have a large supply of natural talent for witchcraft, which go beyond the ordinary. They are more than just psychics or mediums, but they are naturally endowed with other abilities, which they usually discover early in life.

While these abilities like these usually manifest early in the life of a witch, they may increase, especially later in life. Also, such latent abilities can first manifest after a person is exposed to a severe or prolonged trauma, as discussed in Black Magic for Dark Times by A. Kaelin, which is a spell book written especially for crime survivors.

The Difference Between a Witch and a Psychic

Witches may know what’s going to happen before it happens, they may have the ability to see what others do not, such as manifestations of spirits, they may be able to hear other people’s thoughts and they may have very strong emotional sensitivities. But, true witchcraft power goes beyond just having highly developed psychic abilities, although this is an important part of it. Apart from having psychic abilities, natural witches are able to do things outside the ordinary. This ability is what sets witches apart from people who are merely psychic.

Another way to state the difference between psychics and witches is to say that a psychic can foretell the future, while a witch has the ability to consciously alter it.

Examples of Witchcraft Powers or Abilities

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection

The following are examples, some are personal experiences of the author and some are the experiences of others, which illustrate the first inkling natural witches have that they may possess other than ordinary abilities. Although these examples are partially from my personal experience and from other people’s real life experiences, third-person and fictitious names are used here for both anonymity and ease of discussion:

Julie is a powerful natural healer who has a memory of being five-years old and flying in a circle around her mother’s living room. At some point she lost this ability, but her memory of it is vivid.

Toni was 12-years old when she first spotted a new boy who was visiting family from out of state. She was struck by his exotic good looks. She was scheduled to attend a dance and although she didn’t expect him to be there, right before it was time to go, she fell into a deep reverie in which she imagined the boy was there and asked her to dance. When she arrived at the dance she sat with some other girls for a little while and when the music started, exactly as she had pictured it in her mind, the boy of her dreams strode across the floor and asked her to dance with him, which she did. This is one of her earliest memories in which she believed she was able to cause events to happen by focusing on her desires intently. She later began a study of witchcraft and was able to deconstruct and exercise this ability more consciously.

When Adriana was 16-years old, she was an avid bibliophile who could often be found sitting quietly in a corner absorbed in a book. Her brother often made fun of her for this. On one occasion when he was mocking her as he so often did, she became very angry and spontaneously directed the force of her rage at him, sending him tumbling down the stairs. It was then that she first knew she had extraordinary abilities.


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Diana was 15-years old and interested in a boy at school. Her parents had forbidden her to talk to him, but she disobeyed them and was caught talking to him on the telephone. Her parents became very angry and sent her to her room. In her sadness and anger, she stared out the window at a single cloud in the sky. In a matter of seconds, a wind swept through, the sky turned dark and threatening, then suddenly the rain began to pour. Diana soon discovered that she was able to cause storms at will and thus began her interest in the study of witchcraft.

Sandy was 18-years old and making her first cross-country trip alone. As she was driving down the highway, two men pulled up next to her and began harassing her and driving very dangerously. She became very angry and directed her rage at the car beside her. Immediately, smoke began rolling out of the hood and the drivers were forced to the side of the road. Sandy, who was frequently the target of such harassment when alone, was able to repeat this experiment a few times. This is how she knew she had an unusual ability and sought an explanation and a way to control it.

Are You a Natural Witch?

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work

If you have ever had any experiences like these, then you are probably a natural witch who already knows the truth for yourself.

The only people who do not believe in witchcraft powers are those who do not possess them. Once people make the discovery that they have these abilities, they often want to develop them, hone their skills and increase their natural power. You can do this by studying the world-wide practice of traditional witchcraft (not the religion Wicca) and applying and experimenting with what you find.

There are techniques you can use to develop your skills whether you have had these experiences or not, but it comes easier to people who already know witchcraft is real and have some natural ability. It’s harder for those who have to take a leap of faith (belief in something they have not personally experienced) to approach the study witchcraft and its underlying esoteric science.

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

And, as wonderful as a lot of witchcraft fiction is, it can really obscure the truth about witchcraft, so people have to sort out for themselves what is “real” — what is possible and what isn’t. In fact, the term “natural witch” may very well be borrowed from the 1993 movie, “The Craft,” in which the bookstore owner tells Sarah she has natural powers inherited from her mother. But, witchcraft is not necessarily a genetic trait anymore than any other kind of natural talent. This is not to say that it can’t run in families, but more often it seems to be something that is in the individual or not, regardless of lineage.

If you have had personal experiences similar to those mentioned in this article, then you may very well be a natural witch. It’s up to you to study traditional witchcraft and other aspects of the occult and further develop your abilities.

Learn more about developing your witchcraft abilities with the following Winter Tempest Books:

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work by Sophia diGregorio

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others  by Angela Kaelin

Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection by Angela Kaelin, the only spell book especially written for crime survivors.

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