Archive for medicine

Traditional Witchcraft is Medical Heresy: The Western Medical Establishment Versus Witches as Healers

Posted in Alternative Health, Healing, Magical Healing, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 17, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Healing and harming were both crimes, if done by women

Witches and healers are heretics.

It is a fact that witchcraft, in whatever form, is a heresy against the establishment religion, however, traditional witchcraft is, also, a heresy against the official science and Western medicine.* Moreover, this is still probably the most dangerous and controversial heresy because there is still a secular persecution of witches and healers.**

I often say the old witch hunters are still with us, that we have not changed and they have not changed. This is especially true regarding medicine.

Modern Western Medicine: A De Facto Priesthood of the Old Catholic Church

If we trace the history of the witchcraft persecutions and the history of allopathic medicine in Western Europe we find that allopathy is a de facto priesthood of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, which was formed in the 13th century by men and for only men. The men of this early medical establishment could only do their work through the power of the priesthood, by permission of the Church, with a priest by his side to assure that the doctors healing powers only came from God.  Of course, no women were allowed access to this lay priesthood of doctors, their schools, or guilds, just as they were not allowed any position of power in the Church. Furthermore, it was strongly suspected by the church that the healing powers of women came from the devil since, generally, women were regarded as being “in league with the devil.”

In the century following the establishment of this lay priesthood of medical doctors, the first persecutions of women as witches were ginned up and the victims were mostly women, often midwives. It seems likely that these persecutions were, at least, partially a way for the men doctors to eliminate their competition.

It is women who are able to bring forth new life, which is a power outside the authority of God and his Church or the state. The church wanted to exercise complete control over this power, and the only way to do this is to completely dominate women through medicine. Because women’s reproductive power is outside their authority, women were–and many women and witches say still are–regarded by the authorities of church and state as evil and in need of controlling. Of course, Western medicine is only one system they have spent centuries instituting to accomplish this.

Women who healed without a "license" from the patriarchal establishment were tried and executed.

Doctors tortured witches by conducting sexualized “examinations.”

In the beginning, only men were allowed to practice medicine. Only men were accompanied by priests to perform such medicine. And once the doctors became a professional class, only men were allowed into their schools. In the United States up until fairly recently women were not allowed into medical schools or to earn medial degrees. The first such degree being earned by a woman in the mid-19th century. In a more subtle way, their legacy of persecuting women doctors continues.***

The Western medical establishment dominates now only because of its willingness to use violence against its competition. With the advent of socialized medicine in Western Europe and attempts to force allopathy on every single person in the U.S., it has almost entirely triumphed. It has done so on the sea of blood and the mountains of broken bones of centuries of witches and healers.

The primary impetus for terrorizing, torturing and murdering women in Western Europe for centuries was to rout out and destroy the last vestige of true healing, to destroy their knowledge base.

The Difficulty of Talking about Witchcraft as Medicine

Bloodletting: An early, dangerous and unnecessary allopathic practice.

Bloodletting: A dangerous early Western medical practice.

Most Western medicine is unnecessary, or would be, if not for their own practices and domination of medicine. It almost always does more harm than good, but it is a difficult subject to broach with most people, even the most educated. This is because the medical establishment, which has influence outside the system of medicine, has exercised complete domination of popular culture for well over two centuries in the U.S.

In the U.S., a country where freedom of speech is held above nearly all else, it is difficult to even write about alternative health practices without worrying about the consequences. You could churn out pornography all day and not have a care because, as a pornographer, your freedom of speech is protected. But if you talk about alternative medicine, you must include all kinds of disclaimers. Before you even begin writing a book or article about alternative medicine, you must pay homage to the reincarnated orders of that old de facto Catholic priesthood, which are now called the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the AMA (American Medical Association).

Still with us are the members of that privileged class who are sanctioned by the Church’s own medical establishment from the Dark Ages. They are the spiritual descendants of the same men who persecuted and murdered our ancestors for so centuries. That enemy is never far from the door, although, now he wears a white coat  and a stethoscope or a suit and tie.

The medical establishment, nourished by the blood of witches and healers for centuries, continues its crimes to this day. Now they hide behind lawyers and legislation very often written by the members of their own secular priesthood. It is a money-making machine whose members have a license to kill, as long as they do it in their professional capacity.

Today, as in centuries past, witches who heal are still persecuted, although, in new ways. It is not possible to legally heal others without going through the allopathic program, which is 8 years of training. This training is often inaccurately described as “education,” but it is no such thing. It is training in how to follow procedures handed down by medical authorities at the top of the pyramid. In order to even start down such a path, you would have to be a “true believer” in the secular religion of allopathy. You would have to be a worshiper at the altar of this old de facto priesthood, in which its white-clad priests bear their emblems and ritual instruments, the stethoscope and the hypodermic needle.  This is not an inviting path for the traditional witch or healer and few venture down it.

The reason the men of medicine have persecuted and destroyed witches for centuries is because they simply cannot compete on a fair playing field. They can only succeed by terrorizing, torturing, and murdering their competition. This is something that the traditional witch cannot forget, especially those who have great power and knowledge of healing, because we live with a similar persecution every day. We are still forced into the shadows by the descendants of these established authorities. Their threats ring in our ears.

Training in Western medicine is not a path upon which most traditional witches or occultists are likely to tread because, according to our own knowledge base, it makes no sense to study the dead if your goal is to heal the living.

The Occult Science Underlying Witchcraft Allows for Healing that Appears Miraculous to Western Medicine

The bloodletter: Ancestor of the modern patrairchal form of medicine.

The Bloodletter: Ancestor of the modern allopath.

Moreover, the entire science upon which their medicine is based is fallacious. By contrast, the occult science underlying witchcraft explains most of the things the doctors call “miracles,” “the placebo effect,” and “spontaneous healing.”

Most doctors probably don’t believe in witches or witchcraft, yet it is here that the essence of medicine may be found. It is found among witches and healers who know the healing properties of herbs and other agents and how to effectively apply them. Paracelsus and other Men of God wrote such things down and published them, but this knowledge was not their own. It came from witches and healers.

The basis for many modern pharmaceuticals and all modern alternative healing, including homeopathy, is rooted in this knowledge. Homeopathy works the same way as witchcraft works because it is based on the same occult science, which is described in the book, How to Write Your Own Spells for Any Purpose and Make Them Work. It is not mysterious or spooky. It’s just not acknowledged by the medical establishment, who want to go on exercising their authority and raking in exorbitant profits.

The Harms of Western Medicine

When the human body receives proper nutrition, the energetic pattern encoded into each and every cell manifests itself as a whole and healthy organism. A healthy body is impervious to disease. This is why the allopathic priesthood tells so many lies about nutrition. They have gone so far as to cause the average person to be terrified of certain nutrients, thus causing a widespread health crises in the form of cancers, endochrine disorders, reproductive disorders, and eventually a miserable death. These lies allow them to better push their expensive drugs.

Victorian doctor with his hands on a women - this was ONCE considered improper

Victorian doctor performing an “examination.”

The white-clad priests believe the human body to be comprised merely of physical matter. They believe that disease is something that they must “fight” or “combat.” They say they are “at war” with disease. They “fight” disease with such weapons as knives and radiation. In the not-to-distant past, they fought the body with acid, leaches and a chisel. If they don’t know what to do about a diseased organ, their first impulse is to destroy it! They push pills at the patient without informing them of the side effects, which are often addiction or death. It never occurs to them to work with the body’s own nature, nature herself being an anathema to the God of their old religious order, which is their origins.

The Western medical establishment has driven its modern competitors underground. It suppresses information about healing.  It is a cartel. Its doctors and drug makers are profiteers. They are not healers. They never cure disease.

Furthermore, they have performed the most sadistic “medicine” on vulnerable members of society, mostly on women, children, the poor, and prisoners. They work with law enforcement agencies and public schools.  This is the modernization of their former role as medical “examiners” of witches. They are legalized child molesters, rapists and killers, yet most of the public believes this barbarism is somehow necessary. If you object to it, you are likely to be branded a crackpot.

Real healing does not require eight years of medical training. It does not require the extraction of bankrupting fees from patients. It does require some research and an open mind. As healers, our methods are simple, we use our knowledge and our senses. If it works, we do it. If it doesn’t, we discard it and try, again, until we succeed.

Real healing is devoid of perversion and financial fraud. That should go without saying, but because of the behavior of the allopaths, it requires stating. Alternative healers don’t require you to take your clothes off. They do not insert either objects or parts of their own bodies into your body. Nor do they charge bankrupting fees.

Real medicine works with the reality of nature

Real medicine works with nature, not against it.

Traditional Witchcraft is Alternative Healing

Alternative health works on the same occult scientific principles that make the other practices in witchcraft possible. For example, distance harming, which is considered black magic, is related to distance healing. It is a function of the will and energy over energy,  not mind over matter. All healing takes place at an energetic level, not a physical or material one.

By applying the occult science underlying witchcraft, neuropathy is relieved in minutes, diseased teeth and gums are healed, grey hair returns to its normal color, healthy hair grows where hair has been lost, traumatic injuries are healed overnight, scars are healed and new, healthy skin grows in its place. The body’s youthful energy is revived and maintained.

Using forbidden technology, based on the esoteric science underlying witchcraft, kidney stones are dissolved overnight at home using a practice is absolutely forbidden in the U.S. Diseases “incurable” to the allopaths are cured. Virtually every virus is rendered powerless and the flu is conquered in fifteen minutes.****

Once you have this knowledge and ability yourself, it is impossible not to become a medical heretic and a scientific heretic, as well. This is especially as you learn more about the occult science that renders “medical miracles” perfectly logical and explainable.

Also, you will likely become frustrated by all the misery that could be very easily and cheaply relieved, if only people had a real education about medicine. Many healers feel angry when they hear about people being needlessly tortured and killed by this white-clad secular priesthood.

How the Persecution of Witches as Healers Continues

Traditional Witches' History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination

How I want to tell you all I know! But, I cannot easily do so.  The scope of such learning is large and requires a lot of un-learning of disinformation. Discussions of alternative medicine must be undertaken with special care. It is especially difficult to discuss the use of forbidden science and technology. This is the same witchcraft that has so long been subject to suppression. But our persecutors have more power than ever now because they have taken every aspect of modern life under their control. Not the least of which is the financial system.

Now, instead of outright murdering us as they did in past centuries, they mostly they kill us with silence and whenever that fails, with lies and mockery. The latest trend is for the bankers to deny financial services to witches, pagans, and healers, especially anyone who sells “occult materials” or nutritional supplements. Because of this modern persecution, few healers dare to practice, although I have known a few knowledgeable women who served people in secrecy out of their homes. I know one who has been arrested and jailed. For everyone else, the threat of this modern Inquisition looms constantly. So, practicing healing is not something anyone who values their freedom would dare to undertake.

The result has been a sick and fearful population. Most people are malnourished and poisoned. Their minds are poisoned, too, so brainwashed by movies, television, magazines, and medical propaganda that masquerades as news, that despite all the harm the doctors do to them, they never dream of trying to find another way.  Education alone is usually not enough to free them from the cult of Western medicine.

Fortunately, there is a remedy for this condition. It lies in an understanding and application of the occult science of traditional witchcraft. This remedy is a combination of education and personal experimentation, which allows every person to become his or her own healer.

This remedy allows the individual to leave the faith-based religion of allopathy and  enter the outcome-based practice of alternative medicine, which relies on results instead of slavish adherence to allegedly “scientific” theories.

The knowledge of real healing releases all fear of disease and it makes the individual highly self-reliant. It releases the fear and hysteria generated by the Western medical system.

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts

This remedy cannot be procured in a day or likely even a year, but it is very much attainable. The study of real healing and its underlying occult science is a lifelong learning process.

Neophytes cam begin by choosing to take responsibility for their health. They begin by looking for common sense alternative health solutions first before leaping straight toward the knife, the needle, and the pills.

There is hardly a medical problem that isn’t more safely, cheaply and efficiently solved by the application of the occult science of witchcraft.**

Some Winter Tempest Books relevant to this discussion are:

All Natural Dental Remedies: Herbs and Home Remedies to Heal Your Teeth & Naturally Restore Tooth Enamel by A. Kaelin

Natural Remedies for Reversing Gray Hair: Nutrition and Herbs for Anti-aging and Optimum Health by Thomas W. Xander

Magical Healing: How to Use Your Mind to Heal Yourself and Others by A. Kaelin

Traditional Witches’ History of the Occult Banking System: How Witches and Occultists Can Use Bitcoin and Altcoins for Privacy and Anti-Discrimination by Sophia diGregorio

Article Notes:

*Western medicine is, also, called “allopathy” and its doctors as “allopaths.”

**While there are alternative healers who do not consider themselves witches, as far as the medical establishment is concerned, it is all superstitious hocus pocus, delusion and fantasy. Healing outside the bounds of the established medical authority is essentially witchcraft, whether the word is used or not.

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts...

Witches are Healers T-Shirts and Gifts…

***Poorman, Elizabeth, “Why does America still have so few female doctors?” The Guardian, Januaary 14, 2018. (Accessed January 9, 2018.) This article tells the reasons for the lack of women doctors and in positions of authority in the Western medical establishment.

****The author of this article has not experienced cold, flu or other viral infections in the past 20-plus years because she uses methods deemed quackery and rightly called witchcraft by the establishment authorities and skeptics.

Originally published on November 11, 2018, this article was updated by the author on January 9, 2019.

Witchcraft and Love Magic in the Ozark Mountains Old-fashioned Love Spells

Posted in Black Magic, Clairvoyance, love spells, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 10, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by A. Giovanni

(This article is reprinted here with the permission of the author, A. Giovanni.)

Granny and Jedd Calmpett (Irene Ryan and Buddy Ebsen) from the televion series, The Beverly HIllbillies

Granny and Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies. (Public domain image.)

Most people who have seen the old television comedy “The Beverly Hillbillies” have no idea about some of the little grains of truth in the show. The show’s creator, Paul Henning, was a native Missourian who was clearly very familiar with the area and the people of the Ozark Mountain region. On the show, the Clampetts make visits to such locations as Silver Dollar City, Springfield and Joplin, Missouri.

What most people who have watched the show never guess is that Granny was more than just Elly May’s grandmother. Granny, who once says she comes from Taney County, which is the southwestern Missouri county where Branson is located, is a “granny woman,” which is an old Ozark term for conjure woman. The word, “medicine,” is another word for potion among old-timers.

“Hillbilly” is perceived by some a pejorative term and probably to others it seems like a joke. The rest of the world probably can’t imagine what the area is still like–even today. It’s probably especially hard for city-folk to imagine that there are such people as those who live in the hills outside of beautiful, modern Branson, Missouri. They’ve have always been secretive and distrusting of outsiders and for years nobody knew much at all about them until a folk researcher named Vance Randolph married an Ozarker and spent decades trying to ingratiate himself into their culture, which is really impossible for anyone who wasn’t born among them.

In the 1940s he published several books, but arguably the best one is “Ozark Mountain Magic and Folklore.” The ancestors of the original Ozark Mountain settlers came from England and Scotland by way of Appalachia. And, as is alluded to in a two-part episode where the hillbillies go back to England to find their noble ancestors, their ancestors were probably among the earliest American arrivals and were made of a rough, tough stock of people who could survive even the worst adversity.

The Ozark Mountains is still very rough terrain, but 100 years ago, it was only a special breed of people with strong survival skills who were able to live there. The winters are hard and the people live in relative isolation from each other in the hills and “hollers.” Before recent modernization of the highways and literally cutting through the rocks of mountains made travel easier, they were isolated from the outside world and often from each other. They had to rely on what they knew about the environment, animals, insects, plants and herbs and the practice of witchcraft, which grew and thrived among them.

They had magic for all the important aspects of life, but love and courtships was very important, especially for young women although young men, also, practiced love magic. Girls conducted a variety of spells to see their future husbands or to know his name. They used charms and potions to induce love and lust and to dominate their boyfriends and husband.

The following are just a few love spells collected by Randolph in the Missouri Ozarks:

Beltane, the 1st day of May, is a very important day for those who want to know the identity of their future husbands.

Mirror scrying

Mirror scrying

If you would like to see your future husband, you must go to a well at noon on May Day and hold a mirror in such a way that it reflects the daylight into the darkness. Then, look into the water and you should see the face of your future mate. But, if you happen to see yourself lying in a coffin, you will die before the next May Day. If you see nothing, you’ll probably be an old maid.

A variation on this procedure requires you to have a glass of water, a gold ring and a mirror. Place the glass in front of the mirror and gaze fixedly at the reflection of the ring in the water.

If you want to see the face of your future husband, rise very early on May 1st and go to the well carrying a guinea egg and a glass. Once at the well, break the egg into the cup and gaze into the water. There you should see the initials of your husband to be reflected in the water of the well.

Similarly, if you wake early on May 1st and look into the reflection of a mirror, you should see the reflection of your future husband’s face or his initials

If you would like to dream about your future mate, look at the new moon over your right shoulder at night and repeat the following incantation:

“New moon, new moon, do tell me

Who my own true lover will be,

The color of his hair, the clothes that he will wear

And the happy day he will wed me.”

Love Attraction and Lover Return Spells

Wear a yellow garter to attract a man and keep him faithful.

Carry a wasps nest to attract men. If you attach it to the aforementioned garter, so much the better.

The following love charm will probably only be practical if you work in a morgue or have legal access to dead bodies. You must obtain a needle that has been stuck into a dead body. Cover it with dirt in which a corpse has been laid. Then wrap the whole thing in a piece of cloth cut from the shroud that has covered a dead body. Keep this charm with you to make any woman fall in love with you.

If you take the needle from the above charm and stick into the footprint in your own yard where your lover has stepped, he will have to stay with you whether he wants to or not. If he leaves you, he will get sick and if he stays away very long he will die.

Use the following spell if your lover has been away from you for a while and you want to see him. This spell is said to work regardless of circumstances and is most effective on married men or those otherwise engaged or involved.

Arrange your shoes in a “T” shape. As you do so recite the following incantation:

“When my true love I want to see, I place my shoes in the shape of a ‘T’.”

If you have quarreled with your true love and want to make up, prick the middle finger of your left hand with a needle. Write your initials on an ironwood chip and bury it. He’ll be back within three days.

If you want to inspire desire and lust in your lover, keep dried turkey bones in the room or car where the two of you will meet. This will put him or her in an amorous mood.

The dried tongue of a turtle dove, likewise concealed, will render a girl unable to resist your advances.

There are many more spells and customs among the people of the Ozarks, but it’s difficult to know how many people still practicing such things. The area, especially around Branson and the Lakes has become the new home for a lot of fundamentalist Christians who believe that theirs is the only history. And, they are very fearful of anything that seems to them to be witchcraft. So, witches in the area are very much in the closet.

Copyright © 2012 A. Giovanni. All rights reserved.

Traditional Witches’ Book of Love Spells

Traditional Witches' Book of Love SpellsCast your own powerful love spells.

Includes formulas for necessary inks, potions and magical oils.

No moralizing, no judgments, no fluff.

Spells to Find an Unknown Love
Spells to Attract a Particular Person
Spells to Bind a Lover to You
Commanding Spells
Spells to Reunite Lovers
Spells to Banish Unwanted Persons