Archive for magick spells

Traditional Witchcraft and the Occult: Can Witchcraft Really Help You to Achieve Wealth and Success?

Posted in abundance, prosperity, prosperity spells, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, wealth with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 3, 2014 by littleredridinghood
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Many people – probably most people – doubt that witchcraft can be used for prosperity or success.

Those who do believe are often inclined to see witchcraft only as a self-help tool, something that can be used to clear out old thought patterns, leading to more positive thoughts and success in financial and career endeavors.

While witchcraft undoubtedly has an effect on the person performing it and it may well be used to reprogram the brain for success the ways the positive thinking cult gurus claim, however, this is not the main purpose of witchcraft.

Witchcraft is primarily used to affect the outside environment, to destroy negative forces around us, to clear the path to success of all obstacles, to destroy those who would oppose our success and to arrange affairs in the world in our favor.

Thinking positive is simply not enough. While there are powerful mental forces in the the universe, mere thoughts are not powerful enough to have an effect on the outer environment. There must be great force behind the thoughts – or the will. Successfully using that power consistently comes from an understanding of the occult sciences.

A lot of people who were skeptics before trying a spell in to get money in an emergency situation are amazed at how effective it can be. Maybe they have a sudden expense come up and they need a particular sum. After working a spell, they get that exact amount of money to the penny. This is a common story, but all too often people stop there.

But, in order to get the best results out of prosperity spells, they should be worked very regularly. Moreover, it is important to develop a plan of action involving witchcraft for creating a more financially stable life beginning by clearing out any hexes that may have been placed upon you, clearing out obstacles, meeting your immediate obligations, then finally accumulating wealth so you can live the life you always dreamed of.

The book, Spells for Money and Wealth, shows you how to do this.

Although a lot of people are suffering right now because of the current economy, not everyone is at the same place financially.

If you are in debt, you will need to do a little more work than someone who is not. First of all, you must destroy any hexes or other adversarial energy, which may be intelligences or thought forms, that may be working against you. Once you’ve done that, you must destroy obstacles in your outer environment.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Then, you must get a steady flow of money coming through your door. While Spells for Money and Wealth contains spells for emergency situations, it is ideal to get far enough ahead that emergencies are either rare or non-existent. The regular practice of witchcraft for prosperity helps to bring a steady flow of money into your bank account. After this, you can begin to accrue wealth.

While you can accomplish a great deal under your own occult power, it is important to have powerful spiritual allies who can arrange circumstances in the physical world in your favor. Alliances with the dead, the saints, the deities of the ancient world and other powerful spirits can help you accomplish specific goals.

This and more is discussed in Spells for Money and Wealth.

Learn How to Cast a Magic Spell for Prosperity and Financial Success

Are you unhappy with your present financial situation?
Would you like more money?
Would you like a better job, a raise or a promotion?
Are there things you would like to buy, but you need more money?
Do you want to be surrounded by other successful and wealth people?
Would you like to never have to worry about having enough money, again?

Here’s the opportunity to end your money problems forever…

This is the original book of Spells for Money and Wealth by author, researcher and occultist, Angela Kaelin.

Maybe you have already asked yourself why some people seem to enjoy a life of luxury and have the knack of making money easily.

A few of these successful people are famous or run famous companies, but most are just ordinary men and women – just like you or me who somehow seem to have the mysterious power to attract money, good fortune, riches and success.

It is a fact that many people are still using witchcraft today.

Now, this genuine powerful occult knowledge is offered at a price you can afford!

While more people are becoming interested in witchcraft and the occult, many are quickly disappointed because they try a magic spell and it doesn’t work or they buy a useless lucky charm and soon realize that they have wasted their money.

Now you can prove to yourself once and for all that occult forces do exist.

How to get what you want by means of occult knowledge and power…

Spells for Money and Wealth reveals the mystical and occult formulas used by successful occultists throughout history to keep a steady flow of money coming through their doors and includes wealth-drawing you can use to bring riches into your own life and ultimately get whatever it is you want out of your success.

Discover how to:

Clear out old energy patterns that are keeping you from success
Destroy obstacles
Lay the foundation for financial success
Transform yourself so you can take on any challenge
Attract powerful and influential friends
Have the red carpet rolled out for you

Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to in your business or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.

With all the money you want, what would you buy?

A big house
A new car?
An exotic vacation?
A life of happiness?

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth today!

Copyright 2013-2019 © Winter Tempest Books.
All rights reserved.

Witchcraft and Love Magic in the Ozark Mountains Old-fashioned Love Spells

Posted in Black Magic, Clairvoyance, love spells, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 10, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by A. Giovanni

(This article is reprinted here with the permission of the author, A. Giovanni.)

Granny and Jedd Calmpett (Irene Ryan and Buddy Ebsen) from the televion series, The Beverly HIllbillies

Granny and Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies. (Public domain image.)

Most people who have seen the old television comedy “The Beverly Hillbillies” have no idea about some of the little grains of truth in the show. The show’s creator, Paul Henning, was a native Missourian who was clearly very familiar with the area and the people of the Ozark Mountain region. On the show, the Clampetts make visits to such locations as Silver Dollar City, Springfield and Joplin, Missouri.

What most people who have watched the show never guess is that Granny was more than just Elly May’s grandmother. Granny, who once says she comes from Taney County, which is the southwestern Missouri county where Branson is located, is a “granny woman,” which is an old Ozark term for conjure woman. The word, “medicine,” is another word for potion among old-timers.

“Hillbilly” is perceived by some a pejorative term and probably to others it seems like a joke. The rest of the world probably can’t imagine what the area is still like–even today. It’s probably especially hard for city-folk to imagine that there are such people as those who live in the hills outside of beautiful, modern Branson, Missouri. They’ve have always been secretive and distrusting of outsiders and for years nobody knew much at all about them until a folk researcher named Vance Randolph married an Ozarker and spent decades trying to ingratiate himself into their culture, which is really impossible for anyone who wasn’t born among them.

In the 1940s he published several books, but arguably the best one is “Ozark Mountain Magic and Folklore.” The ancestors of the original Ozark Mountain settlers came from England and Scotland by way of Appalachia. And, as is alluded to in a two-part episode where the hillbillies go back to England to find their noble ancestors, their ancestors were probably among the earliest American arrivals and were made of a rough, tough stock of people who could survive even the worst adversity.

The Ozark Mountains is still very rough terrain, but 100 years ago, it was only a special breed of people with strong survival skills who were able to live there. The winters are hard and the people live in relative isolation from each other in the hills and “hollers.” Before recent modernization of the highways and literally cutting through the rocks of mountains made travel easier, they were isolated from the outside world and often from each other. They had to rely on what they knew about the environment, animals, insects, plants and herbs and the practice of witchcraft, which grew and thrived among them.

They had magic for all the important aspects of life, but love and courtships was very important, especially for young women although young men, also, practiced love magic. Girls conducted a variety of spells to see their future husbands or to know his name. They used charms and potions to induce love and lust and to dominate their boyfriends and husband.

The following are just a few love spells collected by Randolph in the Missouri Ozarks:

Beltane, the 1st day of May, is a very important day for those who want to know the identity of their future husbands.

Mirror scrying

Mirror scrying

If you would like to see your future husband, you must go to a well at noon on May Day and hold a mirror in such a way that it reflects the daylight into the darkness. Then, look into the water and you should see the face of your future mate. But, if you happen to see yourself lying in a coffin, you will die before the next May Day. If you see nothing, you’ll probably be an old maid.

A variation on this procedure requires you to have a glass of water, a gold ring and a mirror. Place the glass in front of the mirror and gaze fixedly at the reflection of the ring in the water.

If you want to see the face of your future husband, rise very early on May 1st and go to the well carrying a guinea egg and a glass. Once at the well, break the egg into the cup and gaze into the water. There you should see the initials of your husband to be reflected in the water of the well.

Similarly, if you wake early on May 1st and look into the reflection of a mirror, you should see the reflection of your future husband’s face or his initials

If you would like to dream about your future mate, look at the new moon over your right shoulder at night and repeat the following incantation:

“New moon, new moon, do tell me

Who my own true lover will be,

The color of his hair, the clothes that he will wear

And the happy day he will wed me.”

Love Attraction and Lover Return Spells

Wear a yellow garter to attract a man and keep him faithful.

Carry a wasps nest to attract men. If you attach it to the aforementioned garter, so much the better.

The following love charm will probably only be practical if you work in a morgue or have legal access to dead bodies. You must obtain a needle that has been stuck into a dead body. Cover it with dirt in which a corpse has been laid. Then wrap the whole thing in a piece of cloth cut from the shroud that has covered a dead body. Keep this charm with you to make any woman fall in love with you.

If you take the needle from the above charm and stick into the footprint in your own yard where your lover has stepped, he will have to stay with you whether he wants to or not. If he leaves you, he will get sick and if he stays away very long he will die.

Use the following spell if your lover has been away from you for a while and you want to see him. This spell is said to work regardless of circumstances and is most effective on married men or those otherwise engaged or involved.

Arrange your shoes in a “T” shape. As you do so recite the following incantation:

“When my true love I want to see, I place my shoes in the shape of a ‘T’.”

If you have quarreled with your true love and want to make up, prick the middle finger of your left hand with a needle. Write your initials on an ironwood chip and bury it. He’ll be back within three days.

If you want to inspire desire and lust in your lover, keep dried turkey bones in the room or car where the two of you will meet. This will put him or her in an amorous mood.

The dried tongue of a turtle dove, likewise concealed, will render a girl unable to resist your advances.

There are many more spells and customs among the people of the Ozarks, but it’s difficult to know how many people still practicing such things. The area, especially around Branson and the Lakes has become the new home for a lot of fundamentalist Christians who believe that theirs is the only history. And, they are very fearful of anything that seems to them to be witchcraft. So, witches in the area are very much in the closet.

Copyright © 2012 A. Giovanni. All rights reserved.

Traditional Witches’ Book of Love Spells

Traditional Witches' Book of Love SpellsCast your own powerful love spells.

Includes formulas for necessary inks, potions and magical oils.

No moralizing, no judgments, no fluff.

Spells to Find an Unknown Love
Spells to Attract a Particular Person
Spells to Bind a Lover to You
Commanding Spells
Spells to Reunite Lovers
Spells to Banish Unwanted Persons



How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 2: Why Prosperity Spells Sometimes Fail and How to Succeed

Posted in Black Magic, occult, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2013 by littleredridinghood

A. Kaelin

Lais_of_Corinth,_by_Hans_Holbein_the_YoungerIf you have you have put your best effort into a money spell and it didn’t work, then you may ask, “Why did my money spell fail?”

Successfully working spells for money is slightly different from working other types of spells. The causes of financial difficulties are often diverse and complex. So, the entire problem and not just its symptoms must be taken into consideration to achieve long term success.

Furthermore, poverty or the threat of poverty is very difficult to deal with emotionally. It’s frightening and depressing. This fact, itself, can present an obstacle.

This is because lacking money means lacking the most basic things we need to survive, which can be a very frightening situation. For this reason, the best time to work on prosperity spells is when a little money is already flowing in and you are not feeling too desperate.

Furthermore, try to avoid working spells for money when you are extremely frustrated. Feelings of frustration can block your attempts at succeeding at any magical working. If you are feeling this way, at least, during the duration of a working, you must lose your frustration and regain your calm focus.

Persistence in casting money spells is more important than ever at this time because there are so many adversarial forces working against most of us in the financial department. This is another way to say that unemployment, inflation and taxes are very high right now.  While these are physical forces, they have a metaphysical counterpart. Therefore, it is necessary to work very hard on any kind of prosperity spells, this means maintaining calm focus, devising a strategy and continuing to work persistently to combat the forces working against you.

If you want to succeed at casting spells for money, prosperity and wealth, consider the following suggestions.

Click here to get Spells for Money and Wealth.

Why Prosperity Spells Sometimes Fail and How to Succeed

Of course, there are many reasons why any spell could fail, but if you have followed instructions, heeded beneficial timing and really put a lot of energy into your money spell and it still failed, here are some things to consider.

It’s the wrong spell. Sometimes people choose the wrong spell for their particular situation. Choose the right kind of spell for your particular needs. For example, don’t use a wealth spell when you need money.

Money and wealth are not the same thing. These words represent two different, although closely related, ideas. Wealth is the state of having all the things you need, including money, but, also, assets and financial security. If your main concern is paying your bills, then it is usually better to concentrate on getting a steady flow of money through your door before you graduate to wealth spells.

Other forces are working against you. Even if you have done work to break hexes and curses on yourself, your house and your business, you may have to do it, again. Once is not enough, especially in serious cases or in cases where there is a constant force working against you. Cleanse yourself, your house and your place of business of adversarial influences frequently. Also, do work to destroy obstacles that might be preventing you from succeeding. Don’t just do it once, but keep doing it.

So, if you are not succeeding with your money spells, clear out any hexes that may have been placed on you, eliminated crossed conditions and free obstacles from your path. Then, continue on with your money spells.

You did not remedy the root cause of your problem. You treated a symptom, but the root cause of financial difficulties remains.

Analyze your personal situation and consider the root cause of your lacking, then try to work on that first.

Try to avoid working only on symptoms. When symptoms manifest, for example, if you need emergency funds for a bill, then you must. But, once this emergency has passed, don’t stop there but keep working on your spells.

Continue to clear out adverse influences from yourself, your home and your life, opening the road to success up by clearing out obstacles and continue to work spells that go to the core of your problem.

You quit too soon. If your spell failed, don’t give up, but try another approach to your problem.

Conversely, if your first spell worked, don’t rest there and imagine that your financial problems are solved. Do some more work.

Once you are in a situation where you are regularly getting what you need, continue to work for your own prosperity. Conduct spells to encourage money to come through your door and for more and better opportunities for making money to come your way.

Energetically, what you are doing when you keep working and keep working on your money spells is that you are undoing an old energetic pattern of poverty and creating a new energetic pattern of prosperity. If you have lacked the things you need for a long time, then re-setting that pattern is not going to occur over night. You have to keep hammering away at it.

Your money spell was successful, but it was only temporary.

Money can slip through your fingers, so do spells to maintain what you acquire, to hold onto it and to make wise decisions. Also, of course, try to do wise things with your money when you acquire it and have your eye on acquiring wealth with it.

Build on a foundation of spell casting, beginning with cleansing and clearing out adversity, destroying obstacles in your path, and continually building on your money spell work without regressing.

Continue to work to keep, yourself, your home and your workplace free from adversarial influences and destroy obstacles. Continue working your spells to acquire money, maintain it and protect it.

Every day do magical workings, even small ones as discussed in the last chapter of the book, “Spells for Money and Wealth,” to bring prosperity into your life. Eat, drink and live prosperity

Summary of How to Make Your Money Spells Work

1. Examine your personal situation closely. You know it better than anyone else.

2. Look not only at symptoms, but the root causes of your financial problems.

3. Do work on yourself, your house and place of business to clear out whatever might be working against you, which could thwart your spell casting efforts.

4. Choose the right spell. If you really need money, don’t concentrate so much on wealth just yet. Get the things you need, first.

5. Don’t stop working on your spells on the basis of either success or failure. Whether your spells succeed or fail, keep on working them to reset old, unwanted energetic patterns.

Related article: How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 1: Going Beyond Procedure

Also, if you need something beyond prosperity spells, Black Magic for Dark Times: Spells of Revenge and Protection deals with situations involving fraud and other criminal behavior.

Click here to get Spells for Money and Wealth.

Discover how to:

Clear out old energy patterns that are keeping you from success
Destroy obstacles
Lay the foundation for financial success
Transform yourself so you can take on any challenge
Attract powerful and influential friends
Have the red carpet rolled out for you

Ultimately, achieve whatever you want to in your business or career. Imagine yourself never having to worry about money, again – having all the wealth you will ever need and enjoying the fruits of your successful endeavors.

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Looking for a job promotion?
A pay raise?
A business of you own?
Maybe you would like a lifetime of leisure and relaxation – knowing that you need never work, again.

With all the money you want, what would you buy?

A big house
A new car?
An exotic vacation?
A life of happiness?

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth today!

Copyright 2013-2019 © Winter Tempest Books.
All rights reserved.



How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 1: Going Beyond Procedure

Posted in occult, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 17, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Drawing_of_MidasMost spell books assume the reader has a certain level of knowledge or ability in spell casting and provide little information beyond basic instructions, required tools and astrological timing.  But following a set of instructions is not enough to consistently cast successful spells.

Spells for Money and Wealth was written with both beginners and more advanced practitioners in mind, which is why it goes beyond the mere discussion of procedure and timing. It devotes a few chapters to how to make your spells work. It discusses why some spells fail and how to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of success.

For spells to be successful, it requires a lot of energy and a lot of practiced mental focus to properly direct it at the target. Everyone has a certain amount of innate ability, some more and some less, but the power of a witch is something that has to be constantly developed and honed.

It is important that the spell caster develop his or her own power:

  • Increase mental focus
  • Attain the ability to quickly adjust your state of consciousness
  • Increase the level of your own personal power
  • Find energetic resonance
  • Focus your will to manipulate the  energy
  • Effectively release the energy
  • Employ the aide of spirits in some cases
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth includes old traditional spells and new ones and it explores the different ways that people bring prosperity into their lives. It distinguishes, too, between the acquisition of the money as a medium of exchanged and the accumulation of real wealth, such as real property, other assets and other aspects of success.

Sometimes your own efforts are not enough, which is why this book, also, explores the employment of spirits to assist you in your endeavors.

Not only does  Spells for Money and Wealth show you how to cast successful prosperity spells, it helps you to become a better spell caster and a more powerful witch!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth.