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Traditional Witchcraft: What are Enemies?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

In black magic spell books, we often talk about our enemies. But, what exactly are enemies? How do we identify them? How do we acquire them? What is the danger of ignoring them?

Some people believe they do not really have any enemies. There is a prevailing cultural belief that if we go about our lives being kind to others, minding our own business and trying to do the right thing, no one should want to hurt us. But, of course, this is a naive outlook on life.

Our enemies are those who, little by little, tear our happiness to shreds and disturb our peace of mind. Some of these people are authoritarians and bullies in our our homes, our schools, our work places and even among those we count as friends. They are, also, those who have no qualms about committing crimes against us, simply for their own personal gratification. Ranging from the seemingly less insidious to the deeply wicked, they are all enemies when they stand in the way of our personal goals.

Everyone Has Enemies

The unsettling fact is the world is full of truly evil people. Regardless of how good we are, there are those who see us as enemies or as prey. Therefore, even the most innocent among us have enemies.

Some of these enemies may be mentally disordered. Psychologists have a variety of classifications for such people who lack humanity or conscience. They call them psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and the like and they make up a remarkably high percentage of the population. Moreover, they are often attracted to positions of authority and influence in which they can acquire power and the admiration of others and thus obtain access to a pool of victims.

Some medical research studied that these people’s brains are structured differently from that of a normal person. Although, some of them may be members of our own families and we may have nothing in common with them. Many of them are bosses or people in positions of authority in society. Many of them know what they are – that they have other than normal human emotions and thoughts. They see normal human emotions and ability to empathize with others as a weakness to be exploited.

Psychopaths and sociopaths can both be very charming, clever and difficult discover. Even psychologists cannot always tell and many people are married to such people for years before they are able to see through their masks. Different experts place their numbers at between 1 and 3% of the population for psychopaths and as many as 30% for sociopaths. The number of such people varies from place to place, as well.

Such people commit evil acts because they enjoy doing so. They often have an exaggerated sense of their own self-importance and self-worth. They do it for their own gratification and personal satisfaction – not because they have been hurt in some way, which is a claim such people sometimes try to make. They do not know love or conscience. They, also, become very angry once they are discovered by their victims and it is then they are often at their most dangerous.

Not all such people are criminals – some are simply too clever to be caught – but undoubtedly they are responsible for a large percentage of crimes. There are psychopaths who thrive on controlling and dominating anyone they come in contact with. There is no logical answer to the question, “Why?” as in “Why do these people do what they do?” They are simply manifestations of evil in the flesh.

So, you can see that you do not have to do anything wrong to acquire such an enemy. You should never blame yourself for having such an enemy, nor should you tolerate anyone blaming you for it. Such irredeemably evil people exist simply because evil exists.

Once you understand evil exists and people do evil things simply for their own pleasure, then you can be better prepared to deal with such enemies whenever you run across one.

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How Do We Acquire Enemies?


The power of a glance – the evil eye.

Most often, we acquire enemies very unexpectedly and through no fault of our own. We acquire them simply in the course of living our own lives and trying to mind our own business.

To put it simply, the world is full of mentally unstable people and predators of one kind or another. So, you can acquire an enemy simply by existing. People who aren’t “team players,” who are individualists or independent thinkers often acquire enemies. You can attract enemies by being a nice person, being attractive, well-dressed or even a little bit successful. People who are especially individualistic and unique or who stand out in any way often attract enemies. But, even the most average and conformist people have enemies, too.

Some enemies are people with personal problems, for instance, they may act against us out of envy because we are smarter or more attractive. Some are narcissists who literally believe the entire world revolves around them and the people in it are there simply to benefit them in some way.

Lots of these people end up being school administrators, managers, salesmen, businessmen, law enforcement agents and judges. Simply having the misfortune of running across them at work, school or in the course of living your own life means you have acquired an enemy.

Sometimes your worst enemies are members of your own family into which you were born entirely by chance. Sometimes we unknowingly marry them or we marry the children of such people. We often run across them when we are most vulnerable, for example, they exploit our need to earn a living. They prey upon us at our work place, on your way to and from our work place or take advantage of our need to earn money in some way or other. They take advantage of us when we most need help, for example, when we try to report a crime or to escape the clutches of a violent person.

Enemies are often the people who work within various established systems, whether it be law enforcement, the school or university system, the corporate system, etc. Such people thrive in hierarchies – in situations of unequal power dynamics in which they can get the upper hand.

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What Exactly Are Enemies?

Edward_Burne-Jones_Sidonia_von_BorkEnemies are people who threaten our existence in some way. They are those who threaten our privacy and disturb our peace of mind. They are people who are in some kind of position to make your life miserable or even completely unbearable. Moreover, they are people you have no option of simply avoiding.

Sometimes our worst enemies are members of our own families – often they are interfering in-laws. In the worst cases, they are our most trusted confidants (spouses), who harbor a secret and sometimes violent agenda against us. These are often the most difficult enemies to deal with.

Very often we find our worst enemies at our workplace. It’s our bosses or co-workers who seem intent on destroying our peace and happiness.

Sometimes our enemies are criminals of one kind or another. Some are harassers, stalker and violent criminals. Some are thieves and worse. Others are scammers of one stripe or another.

A criminal enemy is one who has no fear of committing crimes against other people and often you will find that you have little or no help from law enforcement agencies. Sometimes you find that in the course of defending yourself, you run the danger of breaking laws – a fact the criminals are counting on and one which keeps them safe. They typically have no conscience and no ordinary human fear of the consequences of breaking the law. If they choose victims who are good, upstanding citizens, then they feel safer because such a person is less likely to commit a crime in their own self-defense.

Con artists are named such because they are artful at fostering “confidence” in others. Psychopaths and sociopaths are especially good at this kind of social deception, they tailor their behavior to their victims and can keep up appearances for years. This accounts for many people’s experiences in marriage, when the con artist’s mask unravels, when he can no longer keep up the facade and they learn the truth about the person they are married to. This is a dangerous situation, but a common and every day one. Now, you have a very dangerous enemy – one who has been close to you, who has had access to your financial documents or to other sensitive information. This is an example of a very dangerous enemy because he or she often knows far too much about us and may have access to personal material or information that could seriously harm us.

Another type of dangerous enemy is the white collar criminal, who lies, cheats and steals using fraud and hiding behind what appear to be legitimate fronts – often financial institutions or other companies that appear to be reputable. These people steal by moving around numbers, shuffling paper work or by directly stealing private information, which they use for the furtherance of their own selfish ends.

Another enemy is one who comes into your neighborhood, who is a a nuisance, a drug dealer or otherwise threaten the peace of your home and your privacy. Enemies who threaten our privacy or our homes -whether these are stalkers or white collar criminals – present a very real threat to our survival. These are especially dangerous enemies.

Sometimes you find out way after the fact that your enemy set out from the beginning to harm you, often posing as friends. Although, in these cases, you may not recognize that a person you thought was a friend is an enemy until they do something to you.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Why It’s Important Not to Ignore Our Enemies

Avoidance whenever possible is the best way to deal with enemies. If enemies become too numerous, you can become overwhelmed. So, once you recognize our own vulnerabilities and the opportunities our enemies take against us, we must try to take steps wherever possible to insulate yourself. Of course, this is not 100% effective. Therefore, it is only a partial remedy.

Dangerous enemies should not be directly confronted. If you must engage them, do so anonymously. Never make threats or say anything that could be construed as such.

Enemies of all classes are a particular danger to witches and occultists because they can disrupt our peace of mind – this is perhaps the greatest harm they do when it is analyzed at the most basic level. Interference from enemies can disrupt our ability to focus and achieve our personal goals. In the long term, they can become a threat to our happiness, our health and our very lives.

It is not necessary to hate your enemies – that’s just a waste of your time and energy, but it is wise to have a healthy fear of them. It is, also, necessary to the fruition of your own plans and the attainment of your own goals that wherever you cannot avoid them, you must eliminate them.

The necessity of putting your enemies out of the way before you are able to make your other dreams come true. A major foundational step to creating a more satisfying life is to put your enemies out of your way so you can achieve your personal life goals without obstacles.

If you are plagued by enemies or other misfortunes, it is important to clean up this aspect of your life before you can really make you can reach your other goals, for example, success in love, money or other personal pursuits.

Nonetheless, when we come to recognize that human enemies exist and take steps to aggressively and proactively defend ourselves against them, we strengthen our level of protection. This higher level of protection, which is a feature of the practice of black magic, functions to eliminate a broad swath of unfortunate circumstances and paves a smooth road for success in all of your other endeavors.

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Have you ever felt powerless against someone who was in a position to make your life miserable?

Have you ever wished you could relieve your misery through entirely secret and legal means without ever leaving the comfort of your own home?

Inside this book is a powerful system of psychic attack designed to help you do this.

To gain and maintain control over your life, dominate your enemies, get revenge, restore your peace of mind and prove the power of witchcraft to yourself, put the little devils in “The Devil’s Grimoire” to work for you.

The Devil’s Grimoire is available in paperback and digital formats at Amazon and other online retailers.

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The End

The End

Traditional Witchcraft: Should I Worry About Bad Karma If I Use Black Magic?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 29, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Dürer_-_HexensabbatSome people regard black magic as a misuse of spiritual energy. Some define it as any act that interferes with another person’s free will and believe that no witchcraft, even healing, should be conducted without the permission of the subject. Some modern ceremonial magicians call it “the left hand path.” Some warn that it is karmically dangerous to the spell caster.

But, none of this is really relevant in traditional witchcraft. In fact, the purpose of most of traditional witchcraft is to affect the outer environment and those around us and what is commonly called black magic is only an integral part of witchcraft, itself.

The definition of “black magic” used by Winter Tempest Books authors is that it is simply malefic witchcraft, meaning it is witchcraft used for the purpose of causing harm or injury to another. Moral judgments and ethical considerations are withheld and reserved for the individual, who is the only person fit to judge his or her own particular situation. Moreover, we always advocate that, for your protection, such witchcraft should be done secretly and without violating the laws of whatever state, country or other legal jurisdiction you live in.

Some members of modern witchcraft religion state that no “real witch” would use black magic. But, if this were true, why is that that most of the documentation of witchcraft in Western Europe, New England and around the world is full to the brim with instances of curses and demonic visitations? Obviously, this assertion doesn’t hold water.

The dominant class of popular, modern religious witches often warn against the use of black magic because of a fear of it “recoiling” on the one who cast the spell. They have various names for this, such as the “Law of Returns,” and the “Three-fold Law,” and it appears that this modern dogma evolved from the Hindu concept of Karma.

The Doctrine of Karma

The ancient Hindu religious principle of Karma is similar to, but, also, differs from the modern New Age concept, which is described below. In Hinduism, which includes a belief in reincarnation, karma occurs after death and it determines the soul’s path in its next incarnation. Both this life and the next incarnation could be affected by your past deeds. At the core of the doctrine is the concept of cause and effect, the idea that your actions in this life and past ones have have effect on the present and the future. Suffering is seen as a “spiritual gift” by which a person learns and becomes stronger, so disease and other adversity is seen as part of life’s lesson.

This doctrine of karma has been recycled and revamped by Western New Agers and Christianized. Then, it was adapted by Wiccans. (Read more about the Christianization of Wicca in the U.S. in a previous article, “Differences Between Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca: How Wicca Became Mainstream Modern Witchcraft.”)

By contrast, in traditional witchcraft, suffering is not regarded as a spiritual gift. People do not need to learn cosmic lessons by disease, injury, violence, etc. There is no God or system that judges and rewards or punishes.

A danger of this kind of thinking is that it engenders the false belief other people want or deserve to suffer or that we, ourselves, deserve to suffer because of some imagined transgression in this or a past life. Crime survivors might internalize the abuses that have been perpetrated against them by others and imagine that they are somehow deserving because of some imagined bad behavior. For instance, an abused wife may be convinced that she deserves to be abused because she abused her husband in a past life – this is the kind insanity that can flourish when this notion of karma is taken to an extreme.

Karma is a religious doctrine that has no place in traditional witchcraft, which is not a religion, at all. Such thinking prevents people from looking for solutions to health issues, excuses criminal behavior and allows evil-doers to prevail.

Then, there is the negative psychological aspect of accepting this religious belief.

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Wiccan Guilt

Morganlfay-smallerWiccans believe that witchcraft and, indeed, all of life is governed by their version of the law of karma. They are constantly warning people about the dangers of bad karma and bad intent.

Among Wiccans there is a common belief that the things you do now can affect completely unrelated events down the road, either for good or evil, based on the nature of the action you have taken.

Wiccan belief is that if you send out negativity, this causes more negativity in the world, which will inevitably boomerang its way back to you. But, if you send out positive energy, positive energy will come back to you. (To that I say, if you’re a woman, try walking down a street in New York City beaming positive energy at everyone you encounter and see how much positive energy comes back to you. A word of warning: Don’t try this without years of martial arts training.)

This concept of karma within Wicca can become absurd, leading to Wiccan guilt, which is a lot like Christian guilt. Neither are mentally healthy. The New Age belief in past lives affecting the present one is similar to the the Christian doctrine of Original Sin. The Wiccan belief of being cosmically punished if you step out of line is similar to the Christian doctrine of Judgment.

Many Wiccans and New Agers swear this Westernized karmic dogma is true. This is because religious people often have a confirmation bias – if they believe a doctrine, they will look for proof of it where none exists.

For example, a Wiccan who gives a sum of money to charity, then experiences some kindness from a stranger in the next day or two might attribute the kind behavior of the stranger to having made a charitable contribution, when in fact, it was just an encounter with a kindly stranger and nothing more. If the same Wiccan had knocked down an old lady and stolen her grocery money the day before instead, he or she would still have experienced an encounter with a kindly stranger the next day. There is no cause and effect in this situation because there is no cosmic overseer judging and punishing your every move. This is simply a religious belief similar to those held by Hindus and Christians.

To further illustrate, if you think a bad thought about someone and then trip over a piece of loose carpeting and stub your toe, this injury is not a result of your “transgression.” Or, if you fail to adequately tip a waiter and a month later your house is foreclosed on, it is not reasonable to say this is because of a karmic law.

Wiccan guilt comes in when you do good, but good does not return to you – then, you may feel you have not been good enough. If some accident befalls you, a loved one dies or you become the victim of a violent crime, you may be encouraged to believe that this was because of some wrong action or thought vibration on your part. Karma-based beliefs engender a remarkable degree of self-blaming, victim-blaming and criminal enabling.

Letting Go of Harmful Beliefs

The doctrine of karma is simply a religious belief, the key word being “belief.” Such cultural and religious conditioning is a form of mind control.

Holding onto such unfounded beliefs is ultimately destructive. It leads to a state of being in which the person constantly fears they are doing something wrong. To let go of this programming, you only have to allow your rational mind to overcome this irrational and unfounded religious belief.

If you have had the misfortune of being subjected to either Christian or Wiccan indoctrination and consequently fear stepping out of line because of imagined cosmic repercussions, you may have to do some deprogramming before you feel comfortable using black magic.

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The Power of Black Magic

Fortunately, black magic can help break the chains of religious conditioning. Traditionally, black magic rituals involving such things as the recitation of the “Our Father” prayer backwards or meeting a spirit in a cemetery or a crossroad at midnight mark a witch’s passage into the world of witchcraft.

Former Wiccans who want to make a break from their religion might perform a short ritual by writing the “Rede,” “The Law of Returns” or whatever other dogmatic belief on a sheet of paper and burning it in a little ceremony to break the psychological tie to this religious philosophy.

Of course, none of this is really necessary. Simply performing acts of black magic is enough to make the break.

witchyThe use of black magic is often a matter of survival. Sometimes violent crime survivors discover their ability to use it very spontaneously.

Sometimes using black magic is the right thing to do in a situation to prevent harm to yourself or someone else. Black magic can be a means of restoring justice and peace – and maintaining it.

Black magic can provide the ultimate form of protection. Once you begin practicing black magic, you will naturally require more protection, but the acquisition of this protection is part of the process of learning more about witchcraft, especially communicating with and employing spirits.

Black magic thinking has the power to release people from a sense of being victimized. It helps crime survivors regain control over their lives. If you have been through a terrible ordeal at the hands of some malefactor, black magic helps you heal, restore balance and re-establish more control over your own life.

Above all, black magic is a mindset. It is a strong self-defense mentality. It helps to undo some of the damage done to us by living in a victim-blaming society in which we are blamed for the failures and evil actions of other people. It helps to restore power and autonomy to the individual.

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Differences Between Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca: How Wicca Became Mainstream Modern Witchcraft

Posted in Black Magic, neo-paganism, occult, spell books, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The_Wizard_of_Oz_Margaret_Hamilton_1939_No_1There are many differences between traditional witchcraft and Wicca and while there are numerous articles on this subject – in fact, I’ve written a couple of others on this topic elsewhere – it doesn’t hurt to stress it all the more, especially for newcomers to “the craft.”

The term “traditional witchcraft” is one that has evolved in recent years to try to distinguish more historically-based and folk practices from the modern witchcraft-based religion Wicca, which has become very popular in recent decades. Wicca began in Britain in the 1950s, but was not fully exported to the U.S. until the 1970s. Wicca was first very popular on the west coast, in Colorado, Massachussetts and a few other isolated regions until it became part of mainstream pop culture with the release of the movie, “The Craft,” in 1996.

At this point, Wicca became the loudest and proudest voice among those who practice witchcraft, which has generally remained a secret or, at least, private practice for most people. But, this movie made witchcraft – or, at least, a form of it – popular, especially among high school and college aged people. Since then Wicca has remained relatively popular and it is now very often the first introduction many people have to the occult.

But, there are fundamental differences between this modern form of witchcraft, Wicca, and traditional witchcraft.

Those who wanted to take witchcraft mainstream created a “kinder, gentler” form of witchcraft for mass consumption back in the 1970s.

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How Witchcraft in the Form of Wicca Entered Mainstream Popular Culture

In 1974 there was a meeting of some neo-pagans in Minneapolis, Minnesota at which they attempted to codify the beliefs of witches, but they weren’t really talking about witches as much as Wiccans. These people claimed to speak for all witches, but they were actually a group of Wiccans looking for a way to make witchcraft more palatable to Christians.

The following is the result of their attempt to codify and define the beliefs of witches:

“Principles of Wiccan Beliefs” 1974 Council of American Witches


Wiccan priestess preaching in a temple.
Date: 26 August 2007
Source: The Priestess in the Temple.
Flickr user bluheron / Heron Herodias.
Image Lic.: Creative Commons 2.0

We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarter.

We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.

We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary, it is sometimes called supernatural, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.

We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity — as masculine and feminine — and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive to the other. We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship.

We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconscious, Inner Planes, etc. — and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.

We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.

We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it — a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft — the Wiccan Way.

Calling oneself “Witch” does not make a Witch — but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature.

We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.

Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be “the only way” and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.

As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.

We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as “Satan” or “the Devil”, as defined by the Christian traditions. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.

We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

The Council that came up with this supposedly did so to counteract misinformation and dispel stereotypes, but actually they succeeded in making more of this very thing. Interestingly, this witches’ council was assembled by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, President of Llewellyn Publishing. They have been the primary publishers of books on Wicca and Neo-paganism since, at least, the 1970s. And, it is their books that are common sources of confusion about what witchcraft -at least, traditional witchcraft – is. This is because their Wiccan authors do not usually acknowledge and have even worked to deny the truth about witchcraft.

Not surprisingly, this Council of Witches, which was founded in 1973 ceased to exist by 1975 because of differences among its members.

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Black Magic, Demons and Other Spirits

“Bide the Wiccan Rede, ye must; in perfect love and perfect trust.”

Traditional witches

Mother Goose: A Traditional Witch

A fundamental difference between traditional witches and Wiccans is that traditional witches do not acknowledge or accept the Wiccan Rede or any other moral code. The Wiccan Rede became popular with many non-Gardnerian Wiccans. Gardnerians have never acknowledged it, their “code” is the Charge of the Goddess.

The Wiccan Rede has roots that stretch all the way back to the late 1960s and seems to stem from something said by Doreen Valiente in speech she gave.

On the other hand, traditional witches are entirely self-autonomous and do not acknowledge any code or authority, therefore, they usually have no problem with the practice of black magic. In fact, traditional witchcraft is quite a lot darker than Wicca and the the slick, glittery popular culture conception of modern witchcraft from the movies.

In contrast to traditional witchcraft, Wiccans eschew black magic. Some go a little further and declare that anyone claiming to practice black magic or work with demonic entities is not a real witch. Some, also, claim that Satanists and Luciferians are not real witches. Some Wiccans are very reactionary to this aspect of traditional witchcraft and expend a lot of energy trying to convince people that real witches don’t practice black magic or commune with the devil.

On the other hand, many traditional witches don’t consider Wiccans to be real witches. And, in recent years, some Wiccans do not consider themselves to be witches and do not practice spell casting, rather they just celebrate the earth and its yearly cycles.

As stated in the “Principles” above, Wicca does not recognize evil, ascribing these characteristics to forces of nature. Furthermore, most Wiccans do not believe in the existence of demons or devils. By contrast many traditional witches work with spirits of all kinds and of different natures.

Traditional witches, also, employ familiars, but they are not cats or dogs – they are spirits. By contrasts, many Wiccans translate “familiar spirit” to mean a pet.

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Traditional Witches Look and Act Like Everyone Else

Traditional WitchesMost traditional witches, unless they’re in business as witches, do not dress any differently from other people. They, also, typically do not use telltale phrases like, “Merry Meet” and “Blessed be.” The closer we fit to the witch living alone on the edge of town with a black cat stereo-type, the more circumspect we tend to be with regard to our lives and our activities because people knowing anything about our personal business has not worked out well for us in the past.

By contrast, Wiccans tend to be very social and they dress in certain ways and use certain phrases so they can recognize each other in social settings. They are the vocal majority who are “out of the broom closet.

Wicca and the Self-help Movement

Traditional witchcraft is not a self-help movement. It is not about personal empowerment through positive thinking or affirmations. It about changing the outer world. Traditional witches are very serious about altering circumstances in the outer environment, yes, even manipulating other people. Traditional witches understand that there is a an occult science that makes this possible. Witches have a natural power to cause changes in the outer environment and they spend a lot of time studying the occult and trying to improve upon and perfect their natural abilities.

By contrast, many aspects of Wicca focus on self-help and changing things about one’s self as opposed to changing things in the outer environment. Some even forbid using witchcraft for healing without the subject’s permission.

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Wicca’s Earth-Centeredness


Traditional Witchcraft

Unlike Wicca, traditional witchcraft is not an earth-centered religion or, for that matter, an earth-centered anything else. In fact, it’s not a religion, either. Traditional witches do not worship anyone or anything.

Traditional witches tend to rely more on history, old documents and old practices, whether from old grimoires, the writings of the Hermeticists or from folklore.

On the other hand, Wiccans tend to rely more on their own books on the subject of Wicca, which is really a completely different thing. The Llewellyn Publishing Company is probably the most important publisher to shape present-day thoughts about both Wicca and witchcraft. But, Wicca is in many ways the converse of everything that both traditional witchcraft and historical witchcraft represent.

Read a related article at this blog: What is Traditional Witchcraft? How to Know if You are a Wiccan or a Traditional Witch.

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