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Traditional Witchcraft: What are Enemies?

Posted in Black Magic, Healing, occult, protection spells, self-defense, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 6, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

Traditional Witchcraft: What are enemies?

In black magic spell books, we often talk about our enemies. But, what exactly are enemies? How do we identify them? How do we acquire them? What is the danger of ignoring them?

Some people believe they do not really have any enemies. There is a prevailing cultural belief that if we go about our lives being kind to others, minding our own business and trying to do the right thing, no one should want to hurt us. But, of course, this is a naive outlook on life.

Our enemies are those who, little by little, tear our happiness to shreds and disturb our peace of mind. Some of these people are authoritarians and bullies in our our homes, our schools, our work places and even among those we count as friends. They are, also, those who have no qualms about committing crimes against us, simply for their own personal gratification. Ranging from the seemingly less insidious to the deeply wicked, they are all enemies when they stand in the way of our personal goals.

Everyone Has Enemies

The unsettling fact is the world is full of truly evil people. Regardless of how good we are, there are those who see us as enemies or as prey. Therefore, even the most innocent among us have enemies.

Some of these enemies may be mentally disordered. Psychologists have a variety of classifications for such people who lack humanity or conscience. They call them psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and the like and they make up a remarkably high percentage of the population. Moreover, they are often attracted to positions of authority and influence in which they can acquire power and the admiration of others and thus obtain access to a pool of victims.

Some medical research studied that these people’s brains are structured differently from that of a normal person. Although, some of them may be members of our own families and we may have nothing in common with them. Many of them are bosses or people in positions of authority in society. Many of them know what they are – that they have other than normal human emotions and thoughts. They see normal human emotions and ability to empathize with others as a weakness to be exploited.

Psychopaths and sociopaths can both be very charming, clever and difficult discover. Even psychologists cannot always tell and many people are married to such people for years before they are able to see through their masks. Different experts place their numbers at between 1 and 3% of the population for psychopaths and as many as 30% for sociopaths. The number of such people varies from place to place, as well.

Such people commit evil acts because they enjoy doing so. They often have an exaggerated sense of their own self-importance and self-worth. They do it for their own gratification and personal satisfaction – not because they have been hurt in some way, which is a claim such people sometimes try to make. They do not know love or conscience. They, also, become very angry once they are discovered by their victims and it is then they are often at their most dangerous.

Not all such people are criminals – some are simply too clever to be caught – but undoubtedly they are responsible for a large percentage of crimes. There are psychopaths who thrive on controlling and dominating anyone they come in contact with. There is no logical answer to the question, “Why?” as in “Why do these people do what they do?” They are simply manifestations of evil in the flesh.

So, you can see that you do not have to do anything wrong to acquire such an enemy. You should never blame yourself for having such an enemy, nor should you tolerate anyone blaming you for it. Such irredeemably evil people exist simply because evil exists.

Once you understand evil exists and people do evil things simply for their own pleasure, then you can be better prepared to deal with such enemies whenever you run across one.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

How Do We Acquire Enemies?


The power of a glance – the evil eye.

Most often, we acquire enemies very unexpectedly and through no fault of our own. We acquire them simply in the course of living our own lives and trying to mind our own business.

To put it simply, the world is full of mentally unstable people and predators of one kind or another. So, you can acquire an enemy simply by existing. People who aren’t “team players,” who are individualists or independent thinkers often acquire enemies. You can attract enemies by being a nice person, being attractive, well-dressed or even a little bit successful. People who are especially individualistic and unique or who stand out in any way often attract enemies. But, even the most average and conformist people have enemies, too.

Some enemies are people with personal problems, for instance, they may act against us out of envy because we are smarter or more attractive. Some are narcissists who literally believe the entire world revolves around them and the people in it are there simply to benefit them in some way.

Lots of these people end up being school administrators, managers, salesmen, businessmen, law enforcement agents and judges. Simply having the misfortune of running across them at work, school or in the course of living your own life means you have acquired an enemy.

Sometimes your worst enemies are members of your own family into which you were born entirely by chance. Sometimes we unknowingly marry them or we marry the children of such people. We often run across them when we are most vulnerable, for example, they exploit our need to earn a living. They prey upon us at our work place, on your way to and from our work place or take advantage of our need to earn money in some way or other. They take advantage of us when we most need help, for example, when we try to report a crime or to escape the clutches of a violent person.

Enemies are often the people who work within various established systems, whether it be law enforcement, the school or university system, the corporate system, etc. Such people thrive in hierarchies – in situations of unequal power dynamics in which they can get the upper hand.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

What Exactly Are Enemies?

Edward_Burne-Jones_Sidonia_von_BorkEnemies are people who threaten our existence in some way. They are those who threaten our privacy and disturb our peace of mind. They are people who are in some kind of position to make your life miserable or even completely unbearable. Moreover, they are people you have no option of simply avoiding.

Sometimes our worst enemies are members of our own families – often they are interfering in-laws. In the worst cases, they are our most trusted confidants (spouses), who harbor a secret and sometimes violent agenda against us. These are often the most difficult enemies to deal with.

Very often we find our worst enemies at our workplace. It’s our bosses or co-workers who seem intent on destroying our peace and happiness.

Sometimes our enemies are criminals of one kind or another. Some are harassers, stalker and violent criminals. Some are thieves and worse. Others are scammers of one stripe or another.

A criminal enemy is one who has no fear of committing crimes against other people and often you will find that you have little or no help from law enforcement agencies. Sometimes you find that in the course of defending yourself, you run the danger of breaking laws – a fact the criminals are counting on and one which keeps them safe. They typically have no conscience and no ordinary human fear of the consequences of breaking the law. If they choose victims who are good, upstanding citizens, then they feel safer because such a person is less likely to commit a crime in their own self-defense.

Con artists are named such because they are artful at fostering “confidence” in others. Psychopaths and sociopaths are especially good at this kind of social deception, they tailor their behavior to their victims and can keep up appearances for years. This accounts for many people’s experiences in marriage, when the con artist’s mask unravels, when he can no longer keep up the facade and they learn the truth about the person they are married to. This is a dangerous situation, but a common and every day one. Now, you have a very dangerous enemy – one who has been close to you, who has had access to your financial documents or to other sensitive information. This is an example of a very dangerous enemy because he or she often knows far too much about us and may have access to personal material or information that could seriously harm us.

Another type of dangerous enemy is the white collar criminal, who lies, cheats and steals using fraud and hiding behind what appear to be legitimate fronts – often financial institutions or other companies that appear to be reputable. These people steal by moving around numbers, shuffling paper work or by directly stealing private information, which they use for the furtherance of their own selfish ends.

Another enemy is one who comes into your neighborhood, who is a a nuisance, a drug dealer or otherwise threaten the peace of your home and your privacy. Enemies who threaten our privacy or our homes -whether these are stalkers or white collar criminals – present a very real threat to our survival. These are especially dangerous enemies.

Sometimes you find out way after the fact that your enemy set out from the beginning to harm you, often posing as friends. Although, in these cases, you may not recognize that a person you thought was a friend is an enemy until they do something to you.

Get: The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Why It’s Important Not to Ignore Our Enemies

Avoidance whenever possible is the best way to deal with enemies. If enemies become too numerous, you can become overwhelmed. So, once you recognize our own vulnerabilities and the opportunities our enemies take against us, we must try to take steps wherever possible to insulate yourself. Of course, this is not 100% effective. Therefore, it is only a partial remedy.

Dangerous enemies should not be directly confronted. If you must engage them, do so anonymously. Never make threats or say anything that could be construed as such.

Enemies of all classes are a particular danger to witches and occultists because they can disrupt our peace of mind – this is perhaps the greatest harm they do when it is analyzed at the most basic level. Interference from enemies can disrupt our ability to focus and achieve our personal goals. In the long term, they can become a threat to our happiness, our health and our very lives.

It is not necessary to hate your enemies – that’s just a waste of your time and energy, but it is wise to have a healthy fear of them. It is, also, necessary to the fruition of your own plans and the attainment of your own goals that wherever you cannot avoid them, you must eliminate them.

The necessity of putting your enemies out of the way before you are able to make your other dreams come true. A major foundational step to creating a more satisfying life is to put your enemies out of your way so you can achieve your personal life goals without obstacles.

If you are plagued by enemies or other misfortunes, it is important to clean up this aspect of your life before you can really make you can reach your other goals, for example, success in love, money or other personal pursuits.

Nonetheless, when we come to recognize that human enemies exist and take steps to aggressively and proactively defend ourselves against them, we strengthen our level of protection. This higher level of protection, which is a feature of the practice of black magic, functions to eliminate a broad swath of unfortunate circumstances and paves a smooth road for success in all of your other endeavors.

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

Have you ever felt powerless against someone who was in a position to make your life miserable?

Have you ever wished you could relieve your misery through entirely secret and legal means without ever leaving the comfort of your own home?

Inside this book is a powerful system of psychic attack designed to help you do this.

To gain and maintain control over your life, dominate your enemies, get revenge, restore your peace of mind and prove the power of witchcraft to yourself, put the little devils in “The Devil’s Grimoire” to work for you.

The Devil’s Grimoire is available in paperback and digital formats at Amazon and other online retailers.

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