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Traditional Witchcraft and the Occult: Television and the Layering of Black Magic Spells to Cause Confusion and Trauma

Posted in Black Magic, ESP, occult, self-defense, spell casting, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 11, 2013 by littleredridinghood

by Sophia diGregorio

The Purpose of this Article

Practical Black Magic

The purpose of this article is to consider aspects of black magic as practiced by everyday witches and show how these methods are being used to enthrall the television-watching population.

Methods of Black Magic

In practical black magic, a succession of spells is often used against an enemy to weaken, prepare and “soften” him or her for a final purpose, for example, to obtain obedience or the destruction of the target. In such an instance, the first spell forms a foundation for the second and the third attacks, and so on, against an enemy to slowly weaken or poison that person at a distance, to destroy every aspect of their lives and eventually drive them out of their minds or cause their deaths due to accident or some self-destructive act.

Highly effective black magic often has a psychological component, as well. The more you know about your enemy– his location, personal details, psychological make-up, associates, and so on–the better you can tailor your efforts toward effecting his subjugation or destruction.

 Black Magic and Secrecy

Practical Black Magic: How to Curse and Hex Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

Practical Black Magic: How to Curse and Hex Your Enemies

Black magic spells and methods thereof are not discussed openly for a number of reasons. A major reason is that many people find it offensive. Of course, this attitude is one that only further serves to render a potential target more susceptible. Many people scoff at the idea of black magic or believe that if they deny the existence of it, they cannot be affected by it. This is not true, however, black magicians typically do not discourage those who do not believe in witchcraft because it creates a position of strength for themselves.

Another reason it is not discussed is that revealing too much about it, especially a particular operation, can weaken or even nullify its effect. If people know about it, they are able to do something about it. And, this is why I’m discussing methods of black magic here in relation to that which is currently being practiced by elements within government and, by extension, the major media. If people are aware of the manipulative techniques they use, they have the ability to recognize and resist them. The purpose of this discussion is so that readers can recognize that black magic is being used on them very directly, especially if they have an object of influence, such as a television, in their home.

Powerful witches and black magicians have long had a place in the warfare of nations. Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, and Sybil Leek are all examples of witches who worked with some aspect of the government. Usually this is covert and the general public only finds out about it decades later, if ever.

Learn methods of black magic with the book, “Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies.”


One of the most talented and public figures to apply the esoteric science of witchcraft to government warfare operations was Lt. Col. Michael Aquino. He is commonly regarded as the father of American PsyOps or Psychological Operations and the founder of the the Temple of Set.

Aquino’s writings on black magic and psychological warfare describe the basic aspects of black magic technique, which is to place an enemy into a suggestible state by whatever means, including the appearance of a friendly and familiar face on the television screen. By this means other methods of black magic can be implemented, including psychological trauma, emotional trauma and confusion. This is means of weakening an enemy and obtaining compliance, which is equivalent to the domination and confusion spells used in practical, everyday witchcraft.

 Television and the Perils of Accepting Gifts from Black Magicians

In practical black magic, we place an object of influence in the home of our enemy. Sometimes it is placed covertly or it is given to the person as a gift. Once this object is inside the person’s home, we project energy waves, much like a broadcast signal, into this object, thus creating an influence on the person and everyone in their home.

Remember the government “gift” of those high definition television broadcast boxes a few years ago? They wanted Americans to have access to television broadcasts badly enough to give two vouchers to every citizen! These boxes broadcast very vivid images using a different frequency bandwidth than the old analog did. Furthermore, the box itself emanates dangerously high levels of electromagnetic frequencies that cause physical weakness, which you can feel if you are sensitive to such things. It feels like a strong field of static electricity and it can be headache-inducing to electromagnetically-sensitive people.

Television and PsyOps

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

While broadcasts can be used to psychologically weaken targets in other ways, for example, by the relay of false information to an enemy to cause them to take certain actions according to the black magician’s will, they can, also, be used to induce emotionally traumatized states and deepen the suggestibility level further. In hypnosis, this is simply called “deepening.” It is done on a mass scale by means of broadcasting emotionally traumatic evens, such as the Sandy Hook “Massacre,” 9/11, and most other constantly “breaking news.” When these are sent through television sets to already emotionally bombarded or “softened” targets, who are in a lower-brainwave state, it renders them deeply, deeply suggestible. They will believe almost anything and even process commands.

The television, by means of its flicker rate, causes hypnotic induction to occur in a matter of a few minutes. When you stare at the screen, you become entranced and this trance deepens as you continue to stare. Then, because of its ability to broadcast very realistic images combined with this brain wave-lowering flicker rate, is the perfect medium for broadcasting telepathic suggestions to the subconscious mind’s of millions of people at a time. The subconscious mind has no power of reasoning or analysis and willingly accepts whatever suggestions, images or other ideas it is given without question.

The use of trauma to induce compliance in PsyOps is the reason for mass casualty events being broadcast in a highly emotional way on the television. The black magicians on the television will “suggest” to the viewers what to feel and think. Once the trauma has sufficiently taken hold, the magician assumes the target is now “soft” for any further telepathic suggestions. The black magician, in this case, ananchor or television journalist, will give such hypnotic suggestions as, “There is fear all across America,” “Americans are shocked!” “Americans are in grief over this event,” “Americans demand tougher security measures,” “Americans demand more gun control,”* and so on. This is the second layering of a black magic spell by means of telepathic suggestion. The people under hypnotic induction receive these images at a subconscious level and accept them as their own.

If you don’t watch television or keep abreast of popular culture, you may have noticed that people who do are difficult to have a discussion with about real world events because their minds have been heavily programmed by the sounds and images they have received in a semi-conscious, highly suggestible state. The television has been broadcasting an unreal version of life, especially Americans life, to American and people around the world for decades. The people subjected to it are literally under a spell and seem to live as if they are in a different version of reality because of all the messages that have been broadcast to their subconscious minds while in a highly suggestible state.

Learn methods of black magic with the book, “Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies.”

How to Break the Spell

Anytime you suspect you are under the influence of black magic, the first thing to do is to get rid of the object of influence in your home, by means of which the black magician is transmitting his or her influence. In the case of mass media PsyOps, this is your television and to a lesser extent other forms of mainstream media communications like certain radio broadcasts and newspapers.

The television itself is not an object of witchcraft, but the signals that are being transmitted into your home by means of it are. So, you don’t have to give away or destroy your television to destroy this influence, simply cut the broadcast, cancel your subscription or get rid of your “box.”

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies

The next step to break the spell is through the acquisition of forbidden knowledge or “illumination.” Learn more about the methods used by black magicians in the media.

Witchcraft is power. It is neither good nor evil anymore than the electricity coming into your house is good or evil. The good or evil comes from the way it is used by the witch. So, don’t be afraid of learning more about the occult and try to get your information from insiders.

Learn methods of black magic with the book, “Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies.”


The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

The Devil's Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

The Devil’s Grimoire: A System of Psychic Attack

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The End

How to Make Your Money Spells Work, Part 1: Going Beyond Procedure

Posted in occult, spell books, spell casting, Spells for Money and Wealth, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 17, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Drawing_of_MidasMost spell books assume the reader has a certain level of knowledge or ability in spell casting and provide little information beyond basic instructions, required tools and astrological timing.  But following a set of instructions is not enough to consistently cast successful spells.

Spells for Money and Wealth was written with both beginners and more advanced practitioners in mind, which is why it goes beyond the mere discussion of procedure and timing. It devotes a few chapters to how to make your spells work. It discusses why some spells fail and how to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of success.

For spells to be successful, it requires a lot of energy and a lot of practiced mental focus to properly direct it at the target. Everyone has a certain amount of innate ability, some more and some less, but the power of a witch is something that has to be constantly developed and honed.

It is important that the spell caster develop his or her own power:

  • Increase mental focus
  • Attain the ability to quickly adjust your state of consciousness
  • Increase the level of your own personal power
  • Find energetic resonance
  • Focus your will to manipulate the  energy
  • Effectively release the energy
  • Employ the aide of spirits in some cases
Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth

Spells for Money and Wealth includes old traditional spells and new ones and it explores the different ways that people bring prosperity into their lives. It distinguishes, too, between the acquisition of the money as a medium of exchanged and the accumulation of real wealth, such as real property, other assets and other aspects of success.

Sometimes your own efforts are not enough, which is why this book, also, explores the employment of spirits to assist you in your endeavors.

Not only does  Spells for Money and Wealth show you how to cast successful prosperity spells, it helps you to become a better spell caster and a more powerful witch!

Get Spells for Money and Wealth.