Archive for psychic abilities

Types of Clairvoyance and How This Ability May Be Applied

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Healing, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 11, 2013 by littleredridinghood

The_Absinthe_Drinker_by_Viktor_OlivaClairvoyance is a type of mediumship and psychic ability, which involves an extension of the normal range of visual perception. (For a list of other types of mediumship, please see the article, “Types of Psychic Mediums and How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities.”

Clairvoyance is a generic term, employed to express various degrees and modes of visual perception, whereby a person is able to know facts and obtain certain knowledge by means other than the ordinary five sense ability range.

Clairvoyance manifests itself differently from person to person and in varying degrees of ability and wide range of experience. The character, quality and manifestation of clairvoyance depends upon a peculiar condition of the psychic’s nerves and brain.

Horla-ApparitionAn example of the range of ways in which clairvoyance can manifest can be illustrated by the psychometrist who, in touching certain objects or being present in certain places, can obtain all kinds of information. For example, he or she may receive visions of the past or of the future, which may be more or less clear. These visions may come in brief flashes, they may appear photographic and depict an instant in time or they may seem to unreel a series of past events in succession.

As another example, in experiments involving crystal ball gazing, people’s abilities may be characterized by flashes, sparks, clouds of different colors, symbols or the vision may be partly or entirely clear and lucid.

People with the ability to clairvoyantly detect the presence of spirits may experience this perception in a variety of different ways, sometimes transparent or shadowy and others very distinct and apparently physical. The experience of clairvoyance may or many not be accompanied by clairaudience or clairsentience, which means the psychic may not only see the spirits, but hear and feel them.

No two persons’ clairvoyance is precisely alike, moreover, each one has a personal idiosyncrasy that invariably determines his or her specialty, and, whatever that specialty may chance to be, should be encouraged, for in that he or she will excel and in no other.

Get:  How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Ways clairvoyance may be applied:

  • To see the past, present and future
  • Finding lost property and people
  • Mind reading
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Spirit detection
  • Spirit communication
  • Medical diagnosis, prescription of remedies and other treatments
  • Exorcism, to control spirits
  • Scientific exploration, invention and innovation
  • Exploration of this world and others
  • The development of art, music and literature

While certain applications of clairvoyant abilities are more familiar to us from popular culture, such as the detection of spirits, exorcism, the ability to know events in the lives of the people around us, to know their character and to see events that are likely to occur. There are other applications that are less known.

Less often considered is the the medical application of clairvoyance to determine the nature and cause of disease and to prescribe remedies or aid in the application of treatments. Through clairvoyance we can attain a clearer understanding of the natural world through the exploration of science. This exploration leads us to new inventions and innovations. Clairvoyance can help writers, artists and composers to reach beyond their own inherent abilities.

If you are interested in developing your own clairvoyance, choose a method of application that interests and steadily pursue its perfection. Carefully consider your own interests, your needs and desires, to determine exactly what kind of clairvoyant you want to become, then bend all your energies toward this end.

spirit-communicationHow to Communicate with Spirits Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Get: How to Communicate with Spirits: Séances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

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How Learning to Read the Tarot Cards Can Open Up Your Psychic Abilities and Increase Your E.S.P.

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, tarot, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 16, 2013 by littleredridinghood
Prince Francesco Antelminelli Castracani Fibbia (1360-1419) with a deck of Tarot cards

The painting depicts Prince Francesco Antelminelli Castracani Fibbia (1360-1419) with a deck of Tarot cards, tarocchino bolognese. The Queen of Batons can be seen, bearing the Fibbia arms. There is no historical evidence that Tarot had been invented until two decades after the Prince’s death. From Andrea Vitali’s Il Tarocchino di Bologna, Late 1600s, Artist Unknown.

One of the biggest benefits of learning to read the tarot is the increased psychic sensitivity that comes along with the practice. It may be that working with the Kabbalistic and astrological symbolism in the cards stimulates something in the brain that makes us more in tune with our psychic abilities. Or, it may simply be that as we become more accustomed to tapping into the subtle frequencies of the spiritual planes, it becomes easier to do.

Regardless of why you decide to learn to read the tarot, you will find the experience rewarding. And, as you become more adept as a tarot reader, the benefits of being a reader will grow. While you can use the tarot to increase your personal popularity or to make a little extra money – even establish yourself in a new career as a tarot reader – one of the most profoundly rewarding benefits is your connection with something most people only wonder about the existence of. There’s no word for it. But, it is a relationship with something beyond our ordinary, five-sense world.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Which are the Best Tarot Decks?

Your first deck is an important one. My first deck was a Zolar deck, which belonged to my great-grandmother. This deck had the meanings written upon each card. The Quick & Easy Rider-Waite Tarot is a good choice to begin with. After which, the plain Rider-Waite is desirable.

I am a tarot deck collector. I’ve never seen a tarot or oracle deck I didn’t like, at least, a little, but my absolute favorite deck to work with is Aleister Crowley’s Thoth deck. You can use any deck for a reading and get decent results. But, this deck has the most powerful imagery and symbolism in it, which will help you in your reading. Unlike the Rider-Waite deck is Kabbalistically correct.

Do not limit yourself to one deck when you are learning. Different decks illuminate and focus on different aspects of a card’s meaning. It helps to use multiple decks, at least, at some early intermediate stage in your study. Besides, tarot deck collecting is wonderfully fulfilling hobby!

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Learn to Read the Tarot

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

You can go a long way learning the tarot on your own. The more dedicated you are, the faster you will progress in your study, which in the beginning is an exercise of memorization. If you have difficulty, check with a local metaphysical store to see if anyone is giving lessons on the tarot. For many people, learning in a workshop or group environment helps them learn faster and impresses the meanings of the cards on their minds more deeply than working entirely solo. Of course, you’ll still want to set aside plenty of time for self-study. Overall, learning the tarot is a solitary process.

You may find it helpful to keep a journal of meanings of the cards as you understand them individually. Also, record the meanings of cards in relation to other cards in readings. These can be mock readings in the beginning. Record any other impressions or sensations you experience during a reading, as well. Your journal can be fancy or plain. The best thing to start with is a simple spiral notebook.

You may choose to read the cards reversed or not. It may be in the beginning, that it is easier for you to read without considering the reversed position. You can always change your practice later.

Use the tarot manual that comes with your deck when you first begin to learn. But, do not rely too heavily on tarot manuals or you will never get past the rudimentary aspects of reading. Truly being able to read the tarot requires a thorough study of the Kaballah, astrology and numerology combined with your own gnosis or inner knowing.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Reading the Tarot Expands Your Psychic Abilities

Even in the beginning stages of reading, you will get some very satisfactory readings. As you become more skilled and more confident, your accuracy will grow. You will begin to amaze other people. And, then you will begin to amaze yourself!

And that, of all the rewards of becoming a psychic tarot reader, is the most highly beneficial outcome. It gives you a “knowing”. It is an amazing thing to simply know something that could not be known by any conventional means.

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

Furthermore, what you will know for yourself, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is that there is something beyond the world of the five senses. You will know that you are more than a human being or, as many people claim, a human animal – you are part of the divine and you have a divine mind. You will know this in a way which is beyond the power of ordinary words to express.

Get: How to Read the Tarot for Fun, Profit and Psychic Development for Beginners and Advanced Readers

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Visit: Psychic Powers and Magic Spells

Types of Psychic Mediums and How to Develop Your Mediumship Abilities

Posted in Clairvoyance, ESP, Mediumship, Mediumship Development, occult, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2013 by littleredridinghood

Wolkengespenster – “Ghosts in the clouds”
Richard Riemerschmid

Mediumship is a natural human ability and anyone who is influenced by spirits is to some degree a medium. Therefore, mediumship is not the privilege of an elite few – in fact, there are relatively few people who are completely devoid of any mediumistic ability. Nonetheless, the term, “medium,” is generally reserved for those in whom this ability is well-developed.

Mediumistic abilities do not manifest themselves the same way in all cases an each individual has varying aptitudes for particular methods and means of communication.

The main types of of mediumship are as follows:

Sensitives are those who are able to recognize the presence of spirits by means of vague impressions, such as chills, goose bumps, or the sensation of the hair standing on end. The medium may, also, be able to determine the general nature of the spirit, for example, if it is benevolent or malefic. This is a fairly common variety of mediumship.

Clariaudients are those who hear spirits, usually by means of an inner voice, although sometimes by means of an external one. Such mediums are sometimes able to enter into a two-way conversation with spirits. Other such mediums are only able to relay the information they receive; these are channelers or speaking mediums.

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

Channelers or speaking mediums are those whose bodies become instruments through which the spirits directly speak to the living. This form of mediumship is closely related to automatic writing, in which the hand of the medium becomes the vessel for spirit communication. In both of these methods, the medium can receive transmissions and convey them without being consciously aware of what is transpiring. The medium is merely a passive instrument.

Automatic writing mediums are those who receive spirit communications through writing. Such messages may, also, be received by modern mediums by placing their fingers on the keyboard to receive messages. This faculty is closely related to the use of spirit boards or Ouijas.

Clairvoyants are those who have the ability to see spirits. Some can do this while in a waking state, others must be in either a light trance or a state more closely bordering sleep. Some mediums only see spirits while in a dream state.

Healing mediums are those who use techniques such as those described in the book, Magical Healing: How to Heal Yourself and Others. Such mediums are able to heal themselves and others at a distance using techniques similar to mesmerism and, also, with the assistance of intelligent spirits.

Physical mediums are those who produce physical phenomena, including ectoplasm. They can move inert objects and produce noises form the ether. Table rapping and table tipping are common examples of this ability.

How to Develop Advanced Psychic Abilities: Obtain Information about the Past, Present and Future Through Clairvoyance

How Do People Become Psychic Mediums?

Most people discover their mediumistic abilities by accident. Whenever you discover the spark of these abilities in yourself, consider how you can develop the ability so you have more control over it.

Choose a place where you can be alone and free of distractions so you can practice your mediumship. Make a habit of relaxing yourself and calming your own internal chatter. Learn to be receptive to the signals coming from outside yourself. Be open to the things you experience

Do not edit or filter the messages you receive. If you are able to bridge two-way communication with a spirit, ask for their names, ages and what messages they have for you or other people.

How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning

You can go a long way in your development on your own. Read all you can on the subject and practice what you learn. If you have the opportunity, join a mediumship development group.

A good psychic mediumship development group consists of supportive, like-minded people who have the same goal. These should be people you feel comfortable with who allow you to take turns acting as a medium and open themselves up to share the flow of their energy with you to support you in your efforts.

How to communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

How to communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin. Click here to purchase your own copy.

Desire and patience are the most important qualities you need to develop your mediumistic abilities. Even with highly gifted psychics it sometimes takes weeks or months of consistent effort to achieve clear spirit communication.

With focused effort, your initial spark of abilities will soon grow into well-developed psychic mediumship.

Learn more about mediumship with How to Communicate with Spirits: Seances, Ouija Boards and Summoning by Angela Kaelin

Also, available at Barnes & Noble, and other retailers.










Beyond the Ordinary: Advanced Psychic Abilities

Posted in Black Magic, Traditional Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 13, 2012 by littleredridinghood
How to Develop Advanced Psychic Abilities: Obtain Information about the Past, Present and Future Through Clairvoyance

How to Develop Advanced Psychic Abilities: Obtain Information about the Past, Present and Future Through Clairvoyance

Psychic abilities are fairly common and all but the  most hardened skeptics will admit to having some uncanny experience that cannot be explained by every day logic.  Some people have psychic “coincidences” so frequently that they begin to wonder if there is something else at work.

Some people seem to be endowed with more than average psychic abilities, although they may not have established complete control over them.  These abilities go beyond mere feelings or hunches, but involve very specific information usually in the form of clairvoyance, clairaudience or clairsentience, meaning they hear, see and inexplicably seem to know things that seem otherwise impossible.

Through meditation and the development of certain skills, such as divination, the psychic can further develop these abilities and bring them under a greater level of control.

How to Develop Advanced Psychic Abilities defines and discusses the benefits of advanced psychic abilities and how they have been applied by others to effect change in the real world. It looks at catalysts for spontaneous development of this faculty, as well as methods of stimulating your abilities through diet and detoxification. It discusses meditation, tools and methods for rapidly advancing psychic abilities and gives practical advice for living in the day-to-day world with these abilities.

Read a sample at Amazon.